Search Results - "Ferreira, Jéssica de Souza"
Memory retention of appetitive and aversive conditioning in the damselfish Stegastes fuscus
Published in Journal of fish biology (01-09-2019)“…We compared the memory of damselfish Stegastes fuscus in an aversive and appetitive conditioning task. Fish were trained to associate the sides of the tank…”
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Alternative potency tests for quality control of immunobiologicals: a critical review of the validation approach
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (01-02-2020)“…Introduction: In addition to low reproducibility, in vivo potency tests used in the quality control of immunobiological products require too many animals,…”
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Damselfish face climate change: Impact of temperature and habitat structure on agonistic behavior
Published in PloS one (30-06-2020)“…Oceans absorb a huge part of the atmospheric heat, leading to the rise in water temperature. Reefs are among the most affected ecosystems, where the complex…”
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Long-term effects of embryonic exposure to benzophenone-3 on neurotoxicity and behavior of adult zebrafish
Published in The Science of the total environment (15-01-2024)“…Benzophenone-3 (BP-3) is the most widely used ultraviolet filter (UV filter) in industries to avoid UV radiation damage. BP-3 is added to most sunscreens to…”
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Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of iron oxides and niobium in the removal of dyes in Fenton type reactions and photocatalysis
Published in Scientia plena (18-01-2021)“…In this work, catalysts based on niobium oxide modified with iron oxide were developed for the photocatalytic treatment of effluents contaminated with dyes…”
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Alternative potency tests for quality control of immunobiologicals: a critical review of the validation approach
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (01-02-2020)“…Introduction: In addition to low reproducibility, in vivo potency tests used in the quality control of immunobiological products require too many animals,…”
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Alternative potency tests for quality control of immunobiologicals: a critical review of the validation approach
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (01-02-2020)“…Introduction: In addition to low reproducibility, in vivo potency tests used in the quality control of immunobiological products require too many animals,…”
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Alternative potency tests for quality control of immunobiologicals: a critical review of the validation approach
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (01-02-2020)“…Introduction: In addition to low reproducibility, in vivo potency tests used in the quality control of immunobiological products require too many animals,…”
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Ética e direitos humanos no trabalho de assistentes sociais na Saúde | Ethics and human rights in the work of social workers in healthcare
Published in Em pauta (Rio de Janeiro) (16-01-2019)“…O Conselho Federal de Serviço Social (CFESS) vem, nas últimas décadas, construindo iniciativas para fomentar o debate ético-profissional e dos direitos humanos…”
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Caracterização de crianças atendidas no pronto-socorro de um hospital universitário
Published in Revista Gestão & saúde (Brasília) (01-08-2017)“…Estudo exploratório-descritivo, quantitativo, com objetivo de identificar e analisar o perfil de crianças (de zero a cinco anos) atendidas no Pronto-Socorro do…”
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Ethics and human rights in the work of social workers in healthcare/ Etica e direitos humanos no trabalho de assistentes sociais na Saude
Published in Em pauta (Rio de Janeiro) (01-12-2018)“…In the last decades, the Federal Council of Social Work (CFESS) has been implementing initiatives to promote ethical-professional and Human Rights debate on…”
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Ethics and human rights in the work of social workers in healthcare/ Etica e direitos humanos no trabalho de assistentes sociais na Saude
Published in Em pauta (Rio de Janeiro) (01-12-2018)“…In the last decades, the Federal Council of Social Work (CFESS) has been implementing initiatives to promote ethical-professional and Human Rights debate on…”
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Metodologia de Avaliação de Qualidade para Dados Conectados
Published in Informação & Tecnologia (20-10-2018)“…A Web Semântica sugere a utilização de padrões e tecnologias que atribuem estrutura e semântica aos dados, de modo que agentes computacionais possam fazer um…”
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Caracterização de crianças atendidas no pronto-socorro de um hospital universitário
Published in Revista Gestão & saúde (Brasília) (03-10-2012)“…Estudo exploratório-descritivo, quantitativo, com objetivo de identificar e analisar o perfil de crianças (de zero a cinco anos) atendidas no Pronto-Socorro do…”
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