Search Results - "Ferreira, Francisco H.G"
Lives and livelihoods: Estimates of the global mortality and poverty effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
Published in World development (01-10-2021)“…•Years of life provide a theoretically-grounded and intuitive welfare metric for the evaluation of policies generating a “lives vs livelihoods” trade-off.•As…”
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Local inequality and project choice: Theory and evidence from Ecuador
Published in Journal of public economics (01-06-2008)“…This paper provides evidence consistent with elite capture of Social Fund investment projects in Ecuador. Exploiting a unique combination of data sets on…”
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Multidimensional Poverty Analysis: Looking for a Middle Ground
Published in The World Bank research observer (01-08-2013)“…Widespread agreement that poverty is a multifaceted phenomenon encompassing deprivations in multiple dimensions clashes with the vociferous disagreement about…”
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Is There a Metropolitan Bias? The relationship between poverty and city size in a selection of developing countries
Published in The World Bank economic review (01-01-2012)“…This paper provides evidence from eight developing countries of an inverse relationship between poverty and city size. Poverty is both more widespread and…”
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Aggregate economic shocks, child schooling, and child health
Published in The World Bank research observer (01-08-2009)“…Do aggregate income shocks, such as those caused by macroeconomic crises or droughts, reduce child human capital? The answer to this question has important…”
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Poverty Reduction without Economic Growth? Explaining Brazil's Poverty Dynamics, 1985-2004
Published in Journal of development economics (01-09-2010)“…Brazil's slow pace of poverty reduction between the mid-1980s and the mid-2000s reflects both low growth and a low growth elasticity of poverty reduction…”
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Tony Atkinson and his Legacy
Published in The Review of income and wealth (01-09-2017)“…Tony Atkinson is universally celebrated for his outstanding contributions to the measurement and analysis of inequality, but he never saw the study of…”
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Microeconomics of Income Distribution Dynamics in East Asia and Latin America
Published 2004“…Economists have had much to say about what causes aggregate economic growth, but they have been more reticent about the distributional dimension of that…”
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Beyond Oaxaca–Blinder: Accounting for differences in household income distributions
Published in Journal of economic inequality (01-06-2008)“…This paper develops a method to decompose differences across distributions of household income, based on counterfactual distributions that ‘lie between’ the…”
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Inefficient lobbying, populism and oligarchy
Published in Journal of public economics (01-06-2007)“…This paper analyzes the efficiency consequences of lobbying in a production economy with imperfect commitment. We first show that the Pareto efficiency result…”
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Not all inequalities are alike
Published in Nature (London) (23-06-2022)“…Better data and new statistical techniques could enable researchers to measure the form of inequality that seems most harmful to society — inequality of…”
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The measurement of educational inequality: Achievement and opportunity
Published in The World Bank economic review (01-01-2014)“…Two related measures of educational inequality are proposed: one for educational achievement and another for educational opportunity. The former is the simple…”
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The measurement of inequality of opportunity: Theory and an application to Latin America
Published in The Review of income and wealth (01-12-2011)“…Building on the existing literature, this paper constructs a simple scalar measure of inequality of opportunity and applies it to six Latin American countries…”
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Labor Market Experience and Falling Earnings Inequality in Brazil: 1995–2012
Published in The World Bank economic review (01-02-2022)“…Abstract The Gini coefficient of labor earnings in Brazil fell by nearly a fifth between 1995 and 2012, from 0.50 to 0.41. The decline in other measures of…”
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The Measurement of Educational Inequality
Published in The World Bank economic review (27-05-2014)“…Two related measures of educational inequality are proposed: one for educational achievement and another for educational opportunity. The former is the simple…”
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Inequality of Opportunity and Economic Growth: How Much Can Cross‐Country Regressions Really Tell Us?
Published in The Review of income and wealth (01-12-2018)“…Income differences arise from many sources. While some kinds of inequality, caused by differential rewards to effort, might be associated with faster economic…”
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A global count of the extreme poor in 2012: data issues, methodology and initial results
Published in Journal of economic inequality (01-06-2016)“…The 2014 release of a new set of purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factors (PPPs) for 2011 has prompted a revision of the World Bank’s international…”
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Actual and counterfactual growth incidence and delta Lorenz curves: Estimation and inference
Published in Journal of applied econometrics (Chichester, England) (01-04-2019)“…Summary Different economic growth episodes display very different distributional characteristics, both across countries and over time. Growth is sometimes…”
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Inequality of opportunity in Brazil
Published in The Review of income and wealth (01-12-2007)“…This paper proposes a measure of the contribution of unequal opportunities to earnings inequality. Drawing on the distinction between “circumstance” and…”
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