Search Results - "Fernandes e Oliveira, Hiskell Francine"
Short implants versus longer implants with maxillary sinus lift. A systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in Brazilian oral research (01-01-2018)“…This study compared the survival rate of dental implants, amount of marginal bone loss, and rates of complications (biological and prosthetic) between short…”
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Systematic review and meta-analysis of welding procedures in one-piece cast implant-supported frameworks
Published in Brazilian oral research (01-01-2019)“…The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the effect of welding techniques on implant-supported prostheses and determine…”
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Do dental implants placed in patients with osteoporosis have higher risks of failure and marginal bone loss compared to those in healthy patients? A systematic review with meta-analysis
Published in Clinical oral investigations (01-06-2023)“…Purpose This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to compare the dental implant survival rate and marginal bone loss between patients with and without…”
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Ceramic versus metal-ceramic implant-supported prostheses: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in The Journal of prosthetic dentistry (01-06-2019)“…There is insufficient evidence to recommend the restorative material for implant-supported prostheses. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis…”
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Strontium-containing mineralized phospholipid coatings improve osseointegration in osteoporotic rats
Published in Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A (03-10-2024)“…Surface treatments play an important role in enhancing the osseointegration of Titanium (Ti) and its alloys. This study introduces a method employing…”
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Clinical comparison between crestal and subcrestal dental implants: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in The Journal of prosthetic dentistry (01-03-2022)“…How the performance of dental implants is related to their occlusogingival placement, crestal or subcrestal, is unclear. The purpose of this systematic review…”
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Biomechanical influence of narrow‐diameter implants placed at the crestal and subcrestal level in the maxillary anterior region. A 3D finite element analysis
Published in Journal of prosthodontics (01-02-2024)“…Purpose To evaluate the tendency of movement, stress distribution, and microstrain of single‐unit crowns in simulated cortical and trabecular bone, implants,…”
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Biomechanical analysis of narrow dental implants for maxillary anterior rehabilitation
Published in Revista de Odontologia da UNESP (2023)“…Abstract Introduction Narrow diameter implants biomechanics knowledge indicates safe dimensions for clinical use. Objective Purpose of the present study was…”
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Enhancing osteoblast differentiation and bone repair: The priming effect of photobiomodulation on adipose stromal cells
Published in Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology (01-11-2024)“…Cellular therapy using adipose tissue–derived mesenchymal stromal cells (at-MSCs) has garnered attention for the treatment of bone defects. Therefore,…”
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Are CAD-CAM milled glass fiber posts better than prefabricated or custom glass fiber posts for endodontically treated teeth? A systematic review with meta-analysis
Published in The Journal of prosthetic dentistry (08-05-2024)“…Prefabricated and custom glass fiber posts have been successfully used to reconstruct endodontically treated teeth. However, the performance of computer-aided…”
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Guided Bone Regeneration in the Anterior Maxillary Region for the Installation of Implant Supported Single Restorations
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (26-09-2024)“…The use of methods to promote tissue regeneration has been widely used in implantology in clinical situations where there are bone deficiencies and anatomical…”
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Polymerization Cycle and Occlusal Vertical Dimension of Complete Dentures: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (21-06-2023)“…The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the influence of the polymerization cycle on the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) of…”
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Tratamento de fístula bucosinusal após exodontia com corpo adiposo da bochecha e retalho vestibular em paciente diabético: relato de caso
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (25-08-2020)“…A comunicação bucosinusal trata-se da comunicação não natural da cavidade bucal com o seio maxilar, estando muitas vezes relacionada a extração dos dentes…”
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Interação entre Bisfosfonatos e a Implantodontia: Uma Revisão de Literatura
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (08-06-2023)“…Os bifosfonatos são um grupo de medicamentos usados para prevenir e tratar doenças ósseas, como osteoporose. Embora os bifosfonatos sejam eficazes no…”
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Uso de Pilar Cimentável Friccional Reversível e Tecnologia Digital na Maximização de Resultados Clínicos em Prótese sobre Implante – Relato de Caso
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (31-01-2024)“…Este relato ilustra a execução de um caso clínico de implantodontia com ênfase em utilização de componente protético cimentável friccional que não necessita…”
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Correção de Angulação Inadequada de Implantes de Hexágono Externo por Uso de Tubo Lateral: Garantia de Reversibilidade
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (31-05-2023)“…O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma reabilitação oral sobre implantes ressaltando o uso de elementos adicionais de retenção tipo “tube screw”…”
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