Search Results - "Fernández Molina, Juan Carlos"
Copyright literacy and LIS education: analysis of its inclusion in the curricula of master's degree programs
Published in Heliyon (01-01-2022)“…The close relationship between copyright laws and the development of library activities has become more intense and complex in recent years due to the impact…”
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Comparing Use Terms in Spanish and US Research University E-Journal Licenses: Recent Trends
Published in College & research libraries (01-03-2021)“…This paper describes the results of a study to compare contemporary e-journal licenses from two research universities in the United States and Spain in terms…”
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Creation and Use of Intellectual Works in the Academic Environment: Students' Knowledge About Copyright and Copyleft
Published in The Journal of academic librarianship (01-07-2015)“…Copyright legislation directly affects the habitual work of university students, who are both users and creators of copyrighted works. The development of the…”
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Las revistas científicas en América Latina hacia el camino del acceso abierto: un diagnóstico de políticas y estrategias editoriales
Published in Transinformação (01-08-2016)“…Este trabajo presenta los resultados más relevantes de un diagnóstico sobre el estado de las políticas y estrategias de los comités editoriales de las revistas…”
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University copyright/scholarly communication offices: Analysis of their services and staff profile
Published in The Journal of academic librarianship (01-03-2020)“…Questions surrounding copyright and its impact on the possibilities of using scientific articles, theses, and other types of intellectual works have been…”
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Library exceptions in the copyright laws of Ibero-American countries
Published in Information development (01-08-2010)“…The development of the digital setting has made it absolutely necessary to revise copyright legislation as a whole, including the exceptions that benefit…”
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The main components of satisfaction with e-learning
Published in Technology, pedagogy and education (15-03-2015)“…Satisfaction on the part of the students plays an important role when teachers, their course programmes and the general quality of educational programmes are…”
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Academic Libraries and Copyright: Do Librarians Really Have the Required Knowledge?
Published in College & research libraries (01-02-2017)“…A solid professional performance on the part of academic librarians at present calls for adequate knowledge about copyright law, not only for the development…”
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Academic Libraries and Copyright: Unveiling Inadequacies of Current Law Through the Analysis of Processes Included in Quality Management Systems
Published in The Journal of academic librarianship (01-05-2017)“…Most information resources that make up university library collections are copyrighted works, which means that conflicts between such rights and the activities…”
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O acesso à informação como supravalor ético em organização do conhecimento: diálogos entre a literatura científica e as fontes normativas na perspectiva brasileira
Published in Revista Ibero-americana de Ciência da Informação (08-06-2020)“…O acesso à informação de maneira rápida, transparente e precisa constitui-se como um dos principais objetivos das unidades informacionais implicando, assim,…”
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competencia informacional y derechos de autor en las bibliotecas de instituciones de educación superior de Brasil
Published in Brazilian Journal of Information Science (01-01-2015)“…La competencia informacional o alfabetización informacional (COINFO/ALFIN) es la evolución natural de la antigua for mación de usuarios en las bibliotecas…”
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Academic Libraries and Copyright: Do Librarians Really Have the Required Knowledge?
Published in College & research libraries (19-04-2017)“…A solid professional performance on the part of academic librarians at present calls for adequate knowledge about copyright law, not only for the development…”
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Las revistas científicas en América Latina hacia el camino del acceso abierto: un diagnóstico de políticas y estrategias editoriales
Published in Transinformação (01-08-2016)“…Este trabajo presenta los resultados más relevantes de un diagnóstico sobre el estado de las políticas y estrategias de los comités editoriales de las revistas…”
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Derecho de autor y bibliotecas digitales: en busca del equilibrio entre intereses contrapuestos
Published in Transinformação (01-08-2008)“…El desarrollo tecnológico ha afectado de forma directa a las normas sobre derecho de autor, que en los últimos años está siendo modificada tanto nacional como…”
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Editorial: especial n.1 do segundo semestre de 2006 10.5007/1518-2924.2006v11nesp2pii
Published in Encontros Bibli (14-12-2007)Get full text
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El enfoque bibliométrico para la identificación de paradigmas en dominios de conocimiento
Published in Acimed (01-09-2011)“…El presente trabajo es un breve acercamiento a la bibliometría como enfoque para la identificación de paradigmas en dominios de conocimiento. Se analizan los…”
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Líneas de desarrollo epistemológico por las que han trascurrido las disciplinas informativas en Cuba y resultados a partir de estudios de términos
Published in Revista cubana de información en ciencias de la salud (01-12-2013)“…Sobre la base de los canales formales de comunicación de las disciplinas informativas en Cuba se realizó un estudio terminológico de los títulos de la…”
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Garantia literária: elementos para uma revisão crítica após um século
Published in Transinformação (01-08-2010)“…Considerando o princípio da garantia literária, formulado por Hulme em 1911, para quem os termos de um sistema de classificação devem derivar antes da…”
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