Search Results - "Farthing, J.W"

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    The status of the ITER CODAC conceptual design by Lister, J.B., Farthing, J.W., Greenwald, M., Yonekawa, I.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-04-2008)
    “…CODAC orchestrates the activity of 80–120 Plant Systems in normal ITER operation using a set of dedicated networks. Interlock systems protect ITER from…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
  3. 3

    The ITER CODAC conceptual design by Lister, J.B., Farthing, J.W., Greenwald, M., Yonekawa, I.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-10-2007)
    “…CODAC orchestrates the activity of 60–90 Plant Systems in normal ITER operation. Interlock Systems protect ITER from potentially damaging operating off-normal…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
  4. 4

    Advances in remote participation for fusion experiments by Schissel, D.P., Farthing, J.W., Schmidt, V.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-11-2005)
    “…Magnetic fusion experiments keep growing in size and complexity resulting in a concurrent growth in collaborations between experimental sites and laboratories…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    JET real-time project test-bench software structure by Cruz, N., Batista, A.J.N., Alves, D., Sousa, J., Varandas, C.A.F., Joffrin, E., Felton, R., Farthing, J.W.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-07-2006)
    “…A new test-bench for the JET real-time project was developed, being capable of generating analogue and digital stimulus signals to the control systems under…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    Trends in computing systems for large fusion experiments by How, J.A., Farthing, J.W., Schmidt, V.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-02-2004)
    “…The major European fusion facilities, JET, Tore Supra and Asdex Upgrade, have a 30-year history from conception to the present day. This period has seen a…”
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    Journal Article
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    Operation of JET as a user facility by Kaye, Alan S, Cox, M, Farthing, J.W, Hitchin, M, Lomas, P

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-09-2003)
    “…Since the beginning of 2000, the Joint European Torus (JET) has been operated under the European fusion development agreement (EFDA) as a user facility. The…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    Overview of the ITER CODAC Conceptual Design by Lister, J.B., Farthing, J.W., Greenwald, M., Yonekawa, I.

    Published in 2007 15th IEEE-NPSS Real-Time Conference (01-04-2007)
    “…The major challenges facing the COntrol, Data Access and Communication system (CODAC) for ITER have been identified. Workable approaches to many of these…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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    Level 1 software at JET: a global tool for physics operation by van der Beken, H., Green, B.J., Steed, C.A., Farthing, J.W., McCullen, P.A., How, J.

    “…The operation of the JET (Joint European Torus) is controlled from a central control room with a computer-assisted control and data acquisition system. After…”
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    Conference Proceeding