Search Results - "Farhat, N.H."

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  1. 1

    Self-Organization in a Parametrically Coupled Logistic Map Network: A Model for Information Processing in the Visual Cortex by Pashaie, R., Farhat, N.H.

    Published in IEEE transactions on neural networks (01-04-2009)
    “…In this paper, a new model seeking to emulate the way the visual cortex processes information and interacts with subcortical areas to produce higher level…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    Background Calibration With Piecewise Linearized Error Model for CMOS Pipeline A/D Converter by Jie Yuan, Farhat, N.H., Van der Spiegel, J.

    “…A new all-digital background calibration method, using a piecewise linear model to estimate the stage error pattern, is presented. The method corrects both…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Analog realization of arbitrary one-dimensional maps by Hernandez, E.D.M., Geehyuk Lee, Farhat, N.H.

    “…An increasing number of applications of a one-dimensional (1-D) map as an information processing element are found in the literature on artificial neural…”
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    Journal Article
  4. 4

    Microwave diversity imaging and automated target identification based on models of neural networks by Farhat, N.H.

    Published in Proceedings of the IEEE (01-05-1989)
    “…Radar targets can be identified by either forming images with sufficient resolution to be recognized by the human observer or by forming signatures or…”
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  5. 5

    The Bifurcating Neuron Network 1 by Lee, G., Farhat, N.H.

    Published in Neural networks (2001)
    “…The Bifurcating Neuron (BN), a chaotic integrate-and-fire neuron, is a model of a neuron augmented by coherent modulation from its environment. The BN is…”
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    Journal Article
  6. 6

    Microwave holography: Applications and techniques by Tricoles, G., Farhat, N.H.

    Published in Proceedings of the IEEE (01-01-1977)
    “…The techniques and applications of microwave holography are described. The connections with related fields, acoustical holography, and quasi-holography are…”
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    Photonic neural networks and learning machines by Farhat, N.H.

    Published in IEEE expert (01-10-1992)
    “…Photonic implementations of neural networks, which use electronics to furnish gain and implement neural transfer functions and establish weighted connections…”
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    Journal Article
  9. 9

    The bifurcating neuron: building block for a new generation of artificial neural networks by Farhat, N.H.

    “…Summary form only given. The bifurcating neuron concept offers potential through: preservation of the time-dimension; exhibiting a wide-range of firing…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  10. 10

    Photonic neurocomputers and learning machines by Farhat, N.H.

    “…Efforts and progress made towards achieving desirable attributes in analog photonic (optoelectronic and/or electron optical) hardware that utilizes primarily…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  11. 11

    Tomographic microwave diversity image reconstruction employing unitary compression by Zhao, Z., Farhat, N.H.

    “…Data compression through a unitary transform is utilized in tomographic microwave diversity image reconstruction in order to reduce the dimensionality and to…”
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    Image understanding and interpretation in microwave diversity imaging by Li, H.-J., Farhat, N.H., Shen, Y., Werner, C.L.

    “…The authors investigate microwave imaging of metallic objects using a diversity method and interpret and predict the reconstructed image from an approach based…”
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  13. 13

    Phase space engineering for neurodynamic target identification by Farhat, N.H., Babri, H.

    “…The authors propose and describe a new concept in automated radar target identification from a single look (coherent broadband echo) based on neural net…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  14. 14

    Radar image reconstruction based on neural net models by Bai, B., Farhat, N.H.

    “…A novel method for microwave diversity radar imaging based on neural net models was developed. It is based on reconstructing a function f( theta , x, y),…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  15. 15

    Optimal spectral windows for microwave diversity imaging by Farhat, N.H., Bai, B.

    “…Tomographic microwave diversity imaging is analyzed using linear system theory concepts, and optimal spectral windows for data acquisition are obtained either…”
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    Phased-array antenna pattern synthesis by simulated annealing by Farhat, N.H., Bai, B.

    Published in Proceedings of the IEEE (1987)
    “…A new procedure is described for optimum phased-array synthesis. The synthesis is optimized by a simulated annealing process in which the energy function is…”
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  17. 17

    Optoelectronic neural networks and learning machines by Farhat, N.

    Published in IEEE circuits and devices magazine (01-09-1989)
    “…A brief neural-net primer based on phase-space and energy landscape considerations is presented. This provides the basis for subsequent discussion of…”
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    Journal Article
  18. 18

    A photoconductivity controlled liquid crystal light valve by Wu, M.H., Farhat, N.H.

    “…We have developed a recyclable, transmission type photoconductivity controlled liquid crystal light valve suitable for real or quasi real-time optical…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  19. 19

    Polarization effects in microwave diversity imaging of perfectly conducting cylinders by Chu, T.-H., Farhat, N.H.

    “…A theoretical vector development is derived for the directly and mutually scattered wavefield of two cylinders in a bistatic measuring system. The approach is…”
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  20. 20

    Image interpretation and prediction in microwave diversity imaging by Hsueh-Jyh Li, Farhat, N.H., Yuhsyen Shen

    “…The microwave image of a metallic object is interpreted from a point of view based on the understanding of the interconnection between the scattering…”
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    Journal Article