Search Results - "Faida, Ajili"
Severe infections in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus from Tunisia: Prevalence and risk factors
Published in Lupus (01-04-2023)“…Since the improvement in management and the reduction of mortality caused by the disease activity, infections have represented the main cause of morbidity and…”
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Perihepatitis in systemic lupus erythematosus
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2015)“…We report the case of a 42-year old male patient was admitted to our hospital because of a two weeks history of severe dry cough and right upper quadrant pain…”
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Non-coronary cardiac manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus in adults: a comparative study
Published in The Pan African medical journal (02-07-2019)“…Cardiac manifestations develop in the majority of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) at some time during the course of their disease. This study…”
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Cardiac tamponade: an uncommon presenting feature of systemic lupus erythematosus, a case-based review
Published in The Pan African medical journal (01-08-2020)“…Although pericarditis is the most prevalent cardiac involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), cardiac tamponade is extremely infrequent notably as the…”
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Clinical Features of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Tunisian Males
Published in Current rheumatology reviews (01-01-2020)“…Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in males is rare. Clinical and biological features, as well as, the outcome may differ comparatively to female patients. The…”
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Gougerôt Sjögren compliqué d’aspergillome pulmonaire
Published in The Pan African medical journal (25-06-2013)“…L'incidence de l'aspergillose a récemment augmenté parallèlement au développement des traitements immunosuppresseurs et du sida. La localisation pulmonaire…”
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Spinal Cord Compression Revealing an Intraosseous Schwannoma
Published in Case Reports in Medicine (01-01-2013)“…A 68-year-old female presented with inflammatory lumbalgia and cruralgia. Physical examination revealed a lumbar stiffness without neurological deficit…”
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Malaria in Tunisian Military Personnel after Returning from External Operation
Published in Malaria Research and Treatment (2013)“…Introduction. Malaria had been eliminated in Tunisia since 1979, but there are currently 40 to 50 imported cases annually. Soldiers are no exception as the…”
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Severe metastatic calcifications in a hemodialysis patient
Published in Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation (01-09-2016)“…Tissue calcification is a common complication in patients on continuous hemodialysis (HD) for chronic renal failure; however, severe calcification is unusual…”
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Coexistence of pyoderma gangrenosum and sweet's syndrome in a patient with ulcerative colitis
Published in The Pan African medical journal (24-06-2015)“…Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) and Sweet's Syndrome (SS) are inflammatory skin diseases caused by the accumulation of neutrophils in the skin and, rarely, in…”
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Sarcoidosis with heart involvement: a rare association of terrible prognosis, a report of two cases
Published in The Pan African medical journal (05-08-2015)“…Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disorder of unknown etiology which is characterized by the formation of non-caseating granulomas in involved tissues. Cardiac…”
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Des masses rénales, pancréatiques et surrénaliennes
Published in The Pan African medical journal (21-10-2014)“…La maladie de Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) est un syndrome familial rare autosomique dominant associé à des tumeurs malignes ou bénignes surtout des…”
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Des gonalgies révélatrices d'un lymphome de Burkitt
Published in The Pan African medical journal (01-08-2014)“…Le lymphome de Burkitt est un lymphome lymphoblastique B caractérisé par une prolifération monoclonale de cellules lymphoïdes B . L'atteinte osseuse au cours…”
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Une pustulose palmoplantaire
Published in The Pan African medical journal (01-10-2014)“…Le syndrome SAPHO (synovite, acné, pustulose, hyperostose, osteite) est une entité rare initialement décrite par CHAMOT en 1987. Elle désigne l'association…”
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Une amylose AL ganglionnaire pseudotumorale
Published in The Pan African medical journal (25-09-2014)“…Il est exceptionnel qu'une amylose AL se manifeste par à un syndrome ganglionnaire pseudo-tumorale. Il s'agissait d'une patiente âgée de 66 ans, qui consultait…”
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Nécrose digitale révélant une vascularite rhumatoïde
Published in The Pan African medical journal (01-07-2014)“…La vascularite rhumatoïde constitue une manifestation rare 1% et grave de la PR. Il s'agit d'une vascularite nécrosante des vaisseaux de petit calibre. Les…”
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La toxocarose peut-elle être responsable d’une pancréatite aigue?
Published in The Pan African medical journal (01-03-2018)“…RésuméLa toxocarose humaine est une zoonose parasitaire cosmopolite causée par Toxocara canis et Toxocara catisqui sont des ascarides des chiens et des chats…”
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Des fractures spontanées récidivantes
Published in The Pan African medical journal (01-05-2014)“…Patiente âgée de 21 ans adressée pour des abcès dentaires récidivants et victime depuis l'âge de six ans de multiples fractures des os des 4 membres. Elle a 2…”
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Renovascular hypertension : a report of 21 cases
Published in Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation (2014)“…Renovascular hypertension (RVH) is among the most common forms of secondary hypertension. We studied 21 patients (eight male and 13 female) with RVH who were…”
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Fracture de fatigue bilatérale des jambes au décours d'une marche soutenue
Published in The Pan African medical journal (01-01-2014)“…La fracture de fatigue constitue 10% de l'ensemble des lésions mécaniques liées au sport. Elle est localisée dans 95% des cas aux membres inférieures et…”
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