Search Results - "Fagundes, L J"

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  1. 1

    Fermentation characteristics and chemical composition of tanzania grass silage containing additives by M. J. A. F. Melo, A. A. Backes, J. L. Fagundes, M. T. Melo, G. P. Silva, A. P. L. Freire

    Published in Boletim de indústria animal (01-09-2016)
    “…The objective of this study was to evaluate the fermentation characteristics and chemical composition of Tanzania grass silage containing additives. The…”
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    Morphogenesis of digit grass submitted to nitrogen fertilization by L. J. N. Souza, D. B. O. Santos, J. L. Fagundes, B. M. L. Sousa, A. A. Backes, L. F. G. Oliveira Júnior, A. D. F. Santos, A. L. Moreira

    Published in Boletim de indústria animal (01-12-2016)
    “…The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphogenetic, structural and productive characteristics of digit grass (Digitaria eriantha) submitted to…”
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    Characterization of silage made from sweet potato vines using corn meal as additive by A. A. Corrêa, A. A. Backes, J. L. Fagundes, L. T. Barbosa, B. M. L. Sousa, V. S. Oliveira, A. L. Moreira

    Published in Boletim de indústria animal (01-12-2016)
    “…The objective of this study was to investigate the fermentative and nutritional characteristics of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) vine silage using different…”
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    Cinética ruminal de forrageiras tropicais submetidas ou não a sistema de irrigação by V. S. Oliveira, J. A. S. Morais, E. N. Muniz, J. L. Fagundes, I. G. S. Lima, J. S. Santana, C. B. Santos

    Published in Boletim de indústria animal (01-12-2017)
    “…Avaliou-se a composição química e a cinética de fermentação ruminal de quatro espécies forrageiras submetidas ou não à irrigação. As espécies avaliadas foram…”
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    Influência dos sistemas de preparo nas propriedades químicas e físicas do solo by R. M. Falleiro, C. M. Souza, C. S. W. Silva, C. S. Sediyama, A. A. Silva, J. L. Fagundes

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (01-12-2003)
    “…Os diferentes sistemas de preparo provocam alterações nas propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas do solo, podendo requerer modificações no manejo e nas…”
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    School violence: An overview of public school teachers of Montes Claros - MG by Lopes, E L, Filho, G S Fonseca, Fagundes, J L C, Chaves, G R, Veloso-Silva, R R

    Published in Motricidade (01-01-2012)
    “…Violence has reached frightening levels in the world. When we talk about Brazil, the numbers are too high, and this phenomenon has invaded school environment…”
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    Produção de forragem e potencial de utilização do capim faixa-branca submetido a frequências de desfolhação by Rizato, C.A., Gusmão Filho, J.D., Sousa, B.M.L., Fagundes, J.L., Backes, A.A., Oliveira Júnior, L.F.G., Nunes, T.E.S., Gomes, M.F., Boas, R.T.V., Santos Filho, J.R., Nascimento, C.S., Cruz, N.T.

    “…RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de forragem e o potencial de utilização do capim faixa-branca submetido a frequências de desfolhação…”
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    Fermentation characteristics and chemical composition of tanzania grass silage containing additives by MELO, M.J.A.F, BACKES, A. A, FAGUNDES, J. L, MELO, M.T, SILVA, G.P, FREIRE, A.P.L

    Published in Boletim de indústria animal (2016)
    “…silagem com associação de aditivos: silagem com 7,5% de fubá de milho, 5,3% melaço em pó, 1,1% ureia, 1,1% calcário (SA1) silage treated with 2.17% urea (SUR),…”
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    Evaluation of alternative tissues and equipment for the analysis of neutral and acid detergente fiber by FARIAS, J. S, QUEIROZ, L.O, SANTOS, G. R. A, FAGUNDES, J. L, SILVA, M. A

    Published in Boletim de indústria animal (2015)
    “…The objective of this study was to compare alternative devices and tissues for the determination of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber…”
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    A violência no contexto escolar: Visão de professores de uma escola pública da cidade de Montes Claros - MG/School violence: An overview of public school teachers of Montes Claros - MG by Lopes, E L, Filho, G S Fonseca, Fagundes, J L C, Chaves, G R, Veloso-Silva, R R

    Published in Motricidade (01-04-2012)
    “…Violence has reached frightening levels in the world. When we talk about Brazil, the numbers are too high, and this phenomenon has invaded school environment…”
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    Structural characteristics signal-grass under continuois stoking and nitrogen fertilization by MORAIS, R. V, FONSECA, D. M, SANTOS, M. E. R, MOREIRA, L. M, FAGUNDES, J. L, MISTURA, C, VITOR, C. M. T

    Published in Boletim de indústria animal (2010)
    “…From February to November 2003, the mass and morphological composition of forage from Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pastures under four different doses of…”
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    Influência dos sistemas de preparo nas propriedades químicas e físicas do solo by Falleiro, R. M., Souza, C. M., Silva, C. S. W., Sediyama, C. S., Silva, A. A., Fagundes, J. L.

    Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-12-2003)
    “…Os diferentes sistemas de preparo provocam alterações nas propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas do solo, podendo requerer modificações no manejo e nas…”
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    Minute treatment with thiamphenicol in water for acute gonococcal urethritis in male patients by Belda, W, dos Santos Júnior, M F, Fagundes, L J, Siqueira, L F, Lombardi, C, Francisco, W

    Published in Sexually transmitted diseases (01-10-1984)
    “…Eighty-two male patients with acute gonococcal urethritis were given a single oral dose of 2.5 g of granulated thiamphenicol dissolved in water, and the…”
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    Thiamphenicol in the treatment of chancroid. A study of 1,128 cases by Belda Junior, W, Siqueira, L F, Fagundes, L J

    “…Thiamphenicol, an aminic derivate of hydrocarbilsulfonil propandiol, was used for the treatment of 1,171 chancroid bearing patients. Each patient was medicated…”
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    Tiller size/density compensation in grazed Tifton 85 bermudagrass swards by Sbrissia, A.F, Silva, S.C. da, Matthew, C, Carvalho, C.A.B. de, Carnevalli, R.A, Pinto, L.F. de M, Fagundes, J.L, Pedreira. C.G.S

    Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-12-2003)
    “…The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of the tiller size/density compensation mechanism in Tifton 85 bermudagrass swards grazed by sheep…”
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