Search Results - "FISCHER, ERICH"
Top ten European heatwaves since 1950 and their occurrence in the coming decades
Published in Environmental research letters (01-12-2015)“…The Russian heatwave in 2010 killed tens of thousands of people, and was by far the worst event in Europe since at least 1950, according to recent studies and…”
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Will Half a Degree Make a Difference? Robust Projections of Indices of Mean and Extreme Climate in Europe Under 1.5°C, 2°C, and 3°C Global Warming
Published in Geophysical research letters (28-01-2018)“…Based on high‐resolution models, we investigate the change in climate extremes and impact‐relevant indicators over Europe under different levels of global…”
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Climate change now detectable from any single day of weather at global scale
Published in Nature climate change (01-01-2020)“…For generations, climate scientists have educated the public that ‘weather is not climate’, and climate change has been framed as the change in the…”
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Marine heatwaves under global warming
Published in Nature (London) (01-08-2018)“…Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are periods of extreme warm sea surface temperature that persist for days to months 1 and can extend up to thousands of kilometres 2 …”
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Extreme heat waves under 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming
Published in Environmental research letters (01-05-2018)“…Severe, extreme, and exceptional heat waves, such as those that occurred over the Balkans (2007), France (2003), or Russia (2010), are associated with…”
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Reconciling controversies about the ‘global warming hiatus’
Published in Nature (London) (04-05-2017)“…Between about 1998 and 2012, a time that coincided with political negotiations for preventing climate change, the surface of Earth seemed hardly to warm. This…”
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Detection of a Climate Change Signal in Extreme Heat, Heat Stress, and Cold in Europe From Observations
Published in Geophysical research letters (28-07-2019)“…In the last two decades Europe experienced a series of high‐impact heat extremes. We here assess observed trends in temperature extremes at ECA&D stations in…”
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A scientific critique of the two-degree climate change target
Published in Nature geoscience (2016)“…Many governments agreed to limit global mean temperature change to below 2 °C, yet this level has not been assessed scientifically. A synthesis of the…”
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Variability conceals emerging trend in 100yr projections of UK local hourly rainfall extremes
Published in Nature communications (07-03-2023)“…Extreme precipitation is projected to intensify with warming, but how this will manifest locally through time is uncertain. Here, we exploit an ensemble of…”
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A climate model projection weighting scheme accounting for performance and interdependence
Published in Geophysical research letters (28-02-2017)“…Uncertainties of climate projections are routinely assessed by considering simulations from different models. Observations are used to evaluate models, yet…”
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The Hot Summer of 2010: Redrawing the Temperature Record Map of Europe
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (08-04-2011)“…The summer of 2010 was exceptionally warm in eastern Europe and large parts of Russia. We provide evidence that the anomalous 2010 warmth that caused adverse…”
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Science and policy characteristics of the Paris Agreement temperature goal
Published in Nature climate change (01-09-2016)“…There are discernible differences in climate impacts between 1.5 °C and 2 °C of warming. The extent of countries' near-term mitigation ambition will determine…”
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Very Rare Heat Extremes: Quantifying and Understanding Using Ensemble Reinitialization
Published in Journal of climate (15-08-2021)“…Heat waves such as the one in Europe 2003 have severe consequences for the economy, society, and ecosystems. It is unclear whether temperatures could have…”
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Future changes in daily summer temperature variability: driving processes and role for temperature extremes
Published in Climate dynamics (01-12-2009)“…Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are expected to lead to more frequent and intense summer temperature extremes, not only due to the mean warming itself,…”
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Global forestation and deforestation affect remote climate via adjusted atmosphere and ocean circulation
Published in Nature communications (04-10-2022)“…Forests can store large amounts of carbon and provide essential ecosystem services. Massive tree planting is thus sometimes portrayed as a panacea to mitigate…”
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Past warming trend constrains future warming in CMIP6 models
Published in Science advances (01-03-2020)“…Future global warming estimates have been similar across past assessments, but several climate models of the latest Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project…”
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Warming of hot extremes alleviated by expanding irrigation
Published in Nature communications (15-01-2020)“…Irrigation affects climate conditions – and especially hot extremes – in various regions across the globe. Yet how these climatic effects compare to other…”
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Emergent Constraints in Climate Projections: A Case Study of Changes in High-Latitude Temperature Variability
Published in Journal of climate (01-05-2017)“…Climate projections from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) ensemble show a decrease in interannual surface temperature variability…”
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Partitioning climate projection uncertainty with multiple large ensembles and CMIP5/6
Published in Earth system dynamics (29-05-2020)“…Partitioning uncertainty in projections of future climate change into contributions from internal variability, model response uncertainty and emissions…”
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Models are likely to underestimate increase in heavy rainfall in the extratropical regions with high rainfall intensity
Published in Geophysical research letters (28-07-2017)“…Model projections of regional changes in heavy rainfall are uncertain. On timescales of few decades, internal variability plays an important role and therefore…”
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