Search Results - "Etchevers, J. D"
Transport, sorption and degradation of atrazine in two clay soils from Mexico: Andosol and Vertisol
Published in Geoderma (01-11-2014)“…Although atrazine has been banned in the European Union, it is still one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. It is has been detected in surface…”
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Land-use effects on the distribution of soil organic carbon within particle-size fractions of volcanic soils in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (Mexico)
Published in Soil use and management (01-06-2011)“…The aim of this study was to determine the effect of land‐use and forest cover depletion on the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) within particle‐size…”
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Biomass Accumulation and its Relationship with the Demand and Concentration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in Lettuce
Published in Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (2012)“…Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) has a short cultivation cycle and a rare growth pattern. The nutritional management program of this species must be designed before…”
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Biochemical indicators of carbon dynamic in an Acrisol cultivated under different management practices in the central Mexican highlands
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-09-2009)“…Prediction of soil changes that occurs as a result of agronomic management practices is very useful, particularly when restoration of degraded soils wants to…”
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Characterization, functioning and classification of two volcanic soil profiles under different land uses in Central Mexico
Published in Geoderma (15-05-2007)“…Volcanic soils constitute an important resource for agriculture and forestry in Central Mexico, as well as in various world regions. They exhibit unique…”
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Iron accumulation in seed of common bean
Published in Plant and soil (01-10-2002)“…The effect of soil and genotype on iron concentration [Fe] in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed was studied in the greenhouse. Liming an acid soil…”
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Salir de la invisibilidad: nuevos retos para la ciencia del suelo
Published in Terra Latinoamericana (01-10-2020)“…Las funciones y servicios ecosistémicos que los suelos proveen son esenciales para la calidad de vida humana, por ello se encuentran inmersos en siete de los…”
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Short-term green manure and tillage management effects on maize yield and soil quality in an Andisol
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-07-2006)“…Andisols are very important land resources supporting high human population density. Maize ( Zea mays L.) production on Andisols located in the Purhepecha…”
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Field diagnostic techniques to determine nitrogen in maize
Published in Terra Latinoamericana : organo científico de la Sociedad Mexicana de la Ciencia del Suelo, A.C (01-12-2021)“…Few technologies are available to quantify crop's nutritional status during their vegetative cycle, such as in maize. Semiquantitative alternatives could…”
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Short-term compost effect on macroaggregation in a sandy soil under low rainfall in the valley of Mexico
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-08-2000)“…Several studies have shown the importance of organic material in the formation and stability of soil aggregates. The organic matter of soil (SOM) is affected…”
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Air drying affects extractable sulfate in soils of variable charge: test of two extraction and two quantification methods
Published in Communications in soil science and plant analysis (01-01-2005)“…Fertilizer recommendations need to be based on reliable soil sulfate determinations. Airdrying samples changes irreversibly many properties of soils with…”
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Evaluación de la calidad de suelo: generación e interpretación de indicadores
Published in Terra Latinoamericana : organo científico de la Sociedad Mexicana de la Ciencia del Suelo, A.C (01-01-2021)“…Las prácticas de manejo del suelo alteran sus propiedades, especialmente cuando las entradas de energía al sistema suelo-planta son menores que las salidas, o…”
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Biomass production and phosphorus accumulation of potato as affected by phosphorus nutrition
Published in Journal of plant nutrition (1999)“…Potato (Solanum tuberosum) generally requires high amounts of phosphate fertilizer to reach economically acceptable yields, particularly in soils originating…”
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Seasonal Dynamics of Soil CO2 Concentration and CO2 Fluxes from the Soil of the Former Lake Texcoco, Mexico
Published in Eurasian soil science (01-06-2018)“…Seasonal changes of the soil CO 2 concentration and the rate of CO 2 fluxes emission from the soil formed on the sediments of the former Lake Texcoco, which…”
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Published in Communications in soil science and plant analysis (01-11-2002)“…Laboratories seeking accreditation based on norm ISO 17025 are requested to satisfy several requirements such as: traceability of measurements (i.e., the use…”
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Proficiency Tests Conducted by Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratories in Mexico
Published in Communications in soil science and plant analysis (01-06-2006)“…Measurement is the comparison of a quantity against a certain standard. Measurements conducted in chemistry are usually compared against certified reference…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
method for measuring above- and below-ground C stocks in hillside landscapes
Published in Canadian journal of soil science (01-01-2005)“…Information on C stocks in agriculture and forest ecosystems in hillside landscapes is limited. The objective of this study was to develop and test field…”
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A method to quantify N fertilizer requirement
Published in Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems (01-06-1998)“…A methodology to quantify N fertilizer requirement for a barley crop is proposed. The method consists of establishing a relationship between barley N demand…”
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Enzyme activity as an indicator of soil quality changes in degraded cultivated Acrisols in the Mexican Trans-volcanic Belt
Published in Land degradation & development (01-05-2011)“…Soils located at the Mexican Trans‐Volcanic Belt (MTB) have a worrying degree of degradation due to inappropriate management practices. Early indicators of…”
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Root–soil adhesion as affected by crop species in a volcanic sandy soil of Mexico
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-11-2006)“…Field observations have shown that root residues maintain root-adhering soil for several months after harvest. The aim of this work was to compare post-harvest…”
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