Search Results - "Estades, Cristián F"
Pine plantations and five decades of land use change in central Chile
Published in PloS one (13-03-2020)“…The expansion of forest plantations is cause for concern because of their environmental effects, and the loss of native forests and agricultural land. Our goal…”
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Providing Habitat for Native Mammals through Understory Enhancement in Forestry Plantations
Published in Conservation biology (01-10-2013)“…The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) expects forestry plantations to contribute to biodiversity conservation. A well‐developed understory in forestry…”
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Complementary use of a wetland and its surrounding landscape by waterbirds in south-central Chile
Published in Gayana (01-06-2024)“…Waterbirds are one of the most conspicuous components of wetlands, and are frequently proposed as bioindicators of the state of these ecosystems. However, the…”
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Conservation of birds in fragmented landscapes requires protected areas
Published in Frontiers in ecology and the environment (01-08-2022)“…For successful conservation of biodiversity, it is vital to know whether protected areas in increasingly fragmented landscapes effectively safeguard species…”
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Agricultural landscapes as habitat for birds in central Chile
Published in Revista chilena de historia natural (31-05-2017)“…Abstract Background: Understanding the role of agroecosystems as habitat for wildlife is crucial for long-term conservation planning, as different crop…”
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Effect of clearcutting operations on the survival rate of a small mammal
Published in PloS one (06-03-2015)“…Clearcutting is a common timber harvesting technique that represents a significant and abrupt change in habitat conditions for wildlife living in industrial…”
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Effect of connectivity and habitat availability on the occurrence of the Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet (Pteroptochos castaneus, Rhinocryptidae) in fragmented landscapes of central Chile
Published in Landscape ecology (01-07-2018)“…Context Although small isolated habitat patches may not be able to maintain a minimum viable population, small patches that are structurally isolated may be…”
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Haematozoa in forest birds from southern Chile: Latitudinal gradients in prevalence and parasite lineage richness
Published in Austral ecology (01-05-2008)“…The existence of latitudinal gradients in species richness and their abundance is known for many free living organisms but few cases have been reported for…”
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Ecological Connectivity of Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) in a Remote Area of Chile and Conservation Implications
Published in Land (Basel) (01-04-2024)“…Ecological connectivity is key for the long-term viability of species and is necessary when facing disturbance or global change, and geospatial analysis tools…”
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Niche segregation between wild and domestic herbivores in Chilean Patagonia
Published in PloS one (21-03-2013)“…Competition arises when two co-occuring species share a limiting resource. Potential for competition is higher when species have coexisted for a short time, as…”
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Effectiveness of Corridors Relative to Enlargement of Habitat Patches
Published in Conservation biology (01-10-2007)“…The establishment of biological corridors between two otherwise isolated habitat patches is a common yet contentious strategy for conserving populations in…”
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Effect of Land Use History on Biodiversity of Pine Plantations
Published in Frontiers in ecology and evolution (28-06-2021)“…The growing replacement of native vegetation by forest plantations is considered a global threat to biodiversity. Significant variation in biotic communities…”
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Is human disturbance causing differential preference of agricultural landscapes by taruka and feral donkeys in high Andean deserts during the dry season?
Published in Journal of arid environments (01-12-2016)“…Areas with high shrub and grass cover are scarce and important for arid-land ungulates. Unfortunately, agricultural activities are often concentrated in such…”
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Plantation clearcut size and the persistence of early-successional wildlife populations
Published in Biological conservation (01-05-2011)“…Plantation clearcuts represent an important habitat for many open-area wildlife species – including conservation-concern species – in landscapes dominated by…”
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Persistence of Dromiciops gliroides in landscapes dominated by Pinus radiata plantations
Published in Revista chilena de historia natural (21-03-2017)“…Abstract Background Monitos del monte (Dromiciops gliroides) are old-growth forest specialists and, thus, believed to be very sensitive to habitat…”
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Unveiling current Guanaco distribution in chile based upon niche structure of phylogeographic lineages: Andean puna to subpolar forests
Published in PloS one (12-11-2013)“…Niche description and differentiation at broad geographic scales have been recent major topics in ecology and evolution. Describing the environmental niche…”
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Effects of the structure of pine plantations on their “softness” as barriers for ground-dwelling forest birds in south-central Chile
Published in Forest ecology and management (20-03-2008)“…Fragmentation combined with habitat loss can affect population persistence mainly by isolating habitat fragments. However, this isolation depends, in part, on…”
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Effects of the surrounding landscape on waterbird populations in estuarine ecosystems of central Chile
Published in Wetlands ecology and management (01-06-2019)“…Waterbirds have high potential as bioindicators of the status and functioning of estuarine ecosystems, because they respond to multiple stress factors in a…”
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Diffusive dispersal in a growing ungulate population: guanaco expansion beyond the limits of protected areas
Published in Mammal research (01-04-2018)“…Growth of wild ungulate populations within protected areas can cause an expansion towards surrounding non-protected areas and lead to conflicts with human…”
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Effect of the landscape context on the density and persistence of a predator population in a protected area subject to environmental variability
Published in Biological conservation (2010)“…Protected areas are the most important tool for the conservation of biodiversity. However, many species are area-demanding and their populations seldom meet…”
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