Search Results - "Escoffier, E."
Functional characterization of ATAD2 as a new cancer testis factor and a predictor of poor prognosis in breast and lung cancers
Published in Oncogene (16-09-2010)“…Cancer cells frequently express genes normally active in male germ cells. ATAD2 is one of them encoding a conserved factor harbouring an AAA type ATPase domain…”
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Epigenetic reprogramming of the male genome during gametogenesis and in the zygote
Published in Reproductive biomedicine online (2008)“…Abstract During post-meiotic maturation, male germ cells undergo a formidable reorganization and condensation of their genome. During this phase most histones…”
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Investigation by γ-ray diffraction of the crystalline quality of GaAs and InP single crystals
Published in Applied radiation and isotopes (01-06-2002)“…The crystalline quality of GaAs and InP single crystals grown by the liquid-encapsulated Czochralski technique, was investigated by γ-ray diffraction. In…”
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Dorsolateral striatum and dorsal hippocampus: A serial contribution to acquisition of cue-reward associations in rats
Published in Behavioural brain research (15-02-2013)“…► Rats with dorsolateral striatum lesions were impaired in procedural and declarative-like memories. ► Rats with dorsal hippocampal lesions were impaired in…”
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A balanced transcription between telomerase and the telomeric DNA-binding proteins TRF1, TRF2 and Pot1 in resting, activated, HTLV-1-transformed and Tax-expressing human T lymphocytes
Published in Retrovirology (15-12-2005)“…The functional state of human telomeres is controlled by telomerase and by a protein complex named shelterin, including the telomeric DNA-binding proteins…”
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Épigénétique du spermatozoïde
Published in Gynécologie obstétrique & fertilité (01-09-2006)“…En plus d'une information génétique, le spermatozoïde apporte à l'embryon une information, de nature épigénétique, non codée par des variations de séquence de…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Epigenetics of the sperm cell
Published in Gynécologie, obstétrique & fertilité (01-09-2006)“…In addition to genetic information, the spermatozoon carries another type of information, named epigenetic, which is not associated with variations of the DNA…”
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