Search Results - "Eric M White"
Next-generation visitation models using social media to estimate recreation on public lands
Published in Scientific reports (22-09-2020)“…Outdoor and nature-based recreation provides countless social benefits, yet public land managers often lack information on the spatial and temporal extent of…”
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Wildfire risk as a socioecological pathology
Published in Frontiers in ecology and the environment (01-06-2016)“…Wildfire risk in temperate forests has become a nearly intractable problem that can be characterized as a socioecological âpathologyâ: that is, a set of…”
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Examining fire-prone forest landscapes as coupled human and natural systems
Published in Ecology and society (01-01-2014)“…Fire-prone landscapes are not well studied as coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) and present many challenges for understanding and promoting adaptive…”
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Diversity in forest management to reduce wildfire losses: implications for resilience
Published in Ecology and society (01-01-2017)“…This study investigates how federal, state, and private corporate forest owners in a fire-prone landscape of southcentral Oregon manage their forests to reduce…”
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Integrating social science into empirical models of coupled human and natural systems
Published in Ecology and society (01-09-2017)“…Coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) research highlights reciprocal interactions (or feedbacks) between biophysical and socioeconomic variables to explain…”
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Besifloxacin ophthalmic suspension 0.6% in patients with bacterial conjunctivitis: A multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-masked, vehicle-controlled, 5-day efficacy and safety study
Published in Clinical therapeutics (01-03-2009)“…Abstract Background: Besifloxacin ophthalmic suspension 0.6% is a new topical fluoroquinolone for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. Besifloxacin has…”
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Parallel Subjective Well-Being and Choice Experiment Evaluation of Ecosystem Services: Marine and Forest Reserves in Coastal Oregon, USA
Published in Social indicators research (01-05-2020)“…There is significant policy and research interest in (a) ecosystem services as a framework for understanding the benefits humans receive from natural systems…”
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Recreational use in dispersed public lands measured using social media data and on-site counts
Published in Journal of environmental management (15-09-2018)“…Outdoor recreation is one of many important benefits provided by public lands. Data on recreational use are critical for informing management of recreation…”
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Applying Novel Visitation Models using Diverse Social Media to Understand Recreation Change after Wildfire and Site Closure
Published in Society & natural resources (02-01-2023)“…Natural disturbances such as wildfires are increasing in severity and frequency. Although the ecological impacts of disturbance are well documented, we have…”
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Climate and wildfire adaptation of inland Northwest US forests
Published in Frontiers in ecology and the environment (01-02-2022)“…After a century of intensive logging, federal forest management policies were developed in the 1990s to protect remaining large trees and old forests in the…”
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Comparison of USDA Forest Service and Stakeholder Motivations and Experiences in Collaborative Federal Forest Governance in the Western United States
Published in Environmental management (New York) (01-11-2017)“…In the United States, over 191 million acres of land is managed by the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, a federal government agency. In…”
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Use of Science and Modeling by Practitioners in Landscape-Scale Management Decisions
Published in Journal of forestry (01-05-2019)“…Scientific knowledge and tools have central roles in contemporary federal forest programs that promote restoration in large landscapes and across ownerships…”
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Importance Performance Competitor Analysis for Comprehensive Assessment of National Forest Visitor Satisfaction
Published in Journal of park and recreation administration (22-03-2024)“…Public lands are an important source of outdoor recreation opportunities. These opportunities provide a variety of public benefits, including promoting…”
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Biomass production from the U.S. forest and agriculture sectors in support of a renewable electricity standard
Published in Energy policy (01-07-2013)“…Production of renewable energy from biomass has been promoted as means to improve greenhouse gas balance in energy production, improve energy security, and…”
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A text-messaging chatbot to support outdoor recreation monitoring through community science
Published in Digital geography and society (01-12-2023)“…Public land managers depend on reliable and readily available data about outdoor recreation in parks and greenspaces. However, traditional recreation…”
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A Review of the Forest Service's National Visitor Use Monitoring (NVUM) Program
Published in Agricultural and resource economics review (01-04-2020)“…The National Visitor Use Monitoring (NVUM) program data underlies estimates of the volume of recreation use of the National Forest System. The data also enable…”
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Agriculture Afforestation for Carbon Sequestration Under Carbon Markets in the United States: Leakage Behavior from Regional Allowance Programs
Published in Applied economic perspectives and policy (01-03-2016)“…This study quantifies how leakage behavior from afforesting agricultural land affects the intensification of agricultural production. In particular, we examine…”
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Past and projected rural land conversion in the US at state, regional, and national levels
Published in Landscape and urban planning (30-01-2009)“…The developed land area of the US increased by 14.2 million hectares between 1982 and 2003. Along with a projected US population increase to more than 360…”
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Reflections on Measuring Recreation and Travel Spending
Published in Journal of travel research (01-08-2006)“…This article reviews problems encountered in using visitor surveys to measure travel spending. Lack of consistency in question wording, spending categories,…”
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