Search Results - "Emekci Ozay, Ozlen"

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    Comparison of stromal thickness and doppler findings in polycystic ovary syndrome and healthy women with ultrasonographic evidence of polycystic ovaries? A cross-sectional study by Emekçi Özay, Özlen, Özay, Ali Cenk, Gün, İsmet

    Published in Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (18-08-2022)
    “…The purpose of the study was to compare the ovarian stromal blood flow and stromal thickness (ST) of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients, with healthy…”
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    Smoking reduces ovarian stromal blood flow in polycystic ovary syndrome patients by Emekçi Özay, Özlen, Özay, Ali Cenk

    Published in Ginekologia polska (01-01-2020)
    “…OBJECTIVES: The objective of the current research is to compare hormonal, metabolic and ovarian stromal blood flowoutcomes in smoking versus non-smoking…”
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    Different Effects of Myoinositol plus Folic Acid versus Combined Oral Treatment on Androgen Levels in PCOS Women by Kume, Tuncay, Cagliyan, Erkan, Okyay, Recep Emre, Emekci Ozay, Ozlen, Ozay, Ali Cenk, Gulekli, Bulent

    Published in International Journal of Endocrinology (01-01-2016)
    “…Recently, myoinositol (myo-ins) and folic acid combination has gained an important role for treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), in addition to combined…”
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    Corrigendum to “Different Effects of Myoinositol plus Folic Acid versus Combined Oral Treatment on Androgen Levels in PCOS Women” by Gulekli, Bulent, Cagliyan, Erkan, Okyay, Recep Emre, Emekci Ozay, Ozlen, Ozay, Ali Cenk, Kume, Tuncay

    “…In the article titled “Different Effects of Myoinositol plus Folic Acid versus Combined Oral Treatment on Androgen Levels in PCOS Women” [1], “Competing…”
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    Role of C‐type natriuretic peptide in polycystic ovary syndrome by Özay, Ali Cenk, Özay, Özlen Emekçi, Edebal, Oğuz Han

    “…Objective To evaluate serum C‐type natriuretic peptide (CNP) and androgen concentrations in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and compare them with…”
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    Effects of obesity on clinical outcomes in diminished ovarian reserve patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles by Devranoğlu, Belgin, Yilmaz, Müşerref Banu, Peker, Gamze, Emekçi Özay, Özlen, Özay, Ali Cenk, Güzel, Ali İrfan

    Published in Medicine (Baltimore) (12-07-2024)
    “…The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of obesity on clinical outcomes in diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm…”
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    Risk factors for empty follicle syndrome in diminished ovarian reserve patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles: A retrospective observational analysis by Devranoğlu, Belgin, Yilmaz, Müşerref Banu, Peker, Gamze, Özay, Özlen Emekçi, Özay, Ali Cenk, Güzel, Ali İrfan

    Published in Medicine (Baltimore) (12-07-2024)
    “…The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk factors for empty follicle syndrome (EFS) in patients with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) undergoing an…”
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    Comparison of subscription access and open access obstetrics and gynecology journals in the SCImago database by Özay, Ali Cenk, Emekci Ozay, Ozlen, Gün, İsmet

    Published in Ginekologia polska (2022)
    “…The aim of this study is to compare the annual SJR and to evaluate the other parameters that show the scientific effect of journals in terms of open access…”
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  9. 9

    Role of kisspeptin in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by Emekci Ozay, Ozlen, Ozay, Ali Cenk, Acar, Berrin, Cagliyan, Erkan, Seçil, Mustafa, Küme, Tuncay

    Published in Gynecological endocrinology (01-09-2016)
    “…Objective: Due to the complex relationship between kisspeptin and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, the study was planned to measure the kisspeptin…”
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  10. 10

    The effect of myoinositol on ovarian blood flows in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Özay, Ali Cenk, Emekçi Özay, Özlen, Okyay, Recep Emre, Gülekli, Bülent

    Published in Gynecological endocrinology (04-03-2019)
    “…To evaluate whether 4 gram myoinositol and 400 mcg folic acid(MYO) therapy has any effects on ovarian stromal blood flow by using pulsed and color Doppler at 3…”
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    Myo-inositol administration positively effects ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: a prospective, controlled, randomized trial by Emekçi Özay, Özlen, Özay, Ali Cenk, Çağlıyan, Erkan, Okyay, Recep Emre, Gülekli, Bülent

    Published in Gynecological endocrinology (03-07-2017)
    “…Objectıve: The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of myo-inositol (MYO) on pregnancy rates of patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome…”
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  12. 12

    Comparison of Anti-müllerian Hormone (AMH) and Hormonal Assays for Phenotypic Classification of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by Ozay, Ali Cenk, Emekcı Ozay, Ozlen, Gulekli, Bulent

    Published in Ginekologia polska (01-01-2020)
    “…OBJECTIVES: The aim is to compare the hormonal status and anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels of patients who have different polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)…”
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    Can the Pfannenstiel skin incision length be adjusted according to the fetal head during elective cesarean delivery? by Kaya, Baris, Ozay, Ozlen Emekci, Ozay, Ali Cenk, Tüten, Abdullah

    Published in Frontiers in surgery (26-09-2023)
    “…ObjectiveThe study aims to determine whether the Pfannenstiel skin incision can be adjusted according to the fetal head's occipitofrontal diameter (OFD) during…”
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    Cantrell pentalojisi: Olgu sunumu by Özay,Ali Cenk, Emekçi Özay,Özlen, Çağlıyan,Erkan, Altunyurt,Sabahattin

    “…Cantrell pentolojisi; orta hat supra-umbilikal karın ön yüzü defekti, sternum alt ucu defekti, perikardın diafragma yüzünün olmayışı, diafragma ön yüz…”
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  18. 18

    Hiperemezis Gravidarumun Gestasyonel Diyabet ve Gebelik Sonuçları Üzerine Etkisi by EMEKÇİ ÖZAY, Özlen, ÖZAY, Ali Cenk

    Published in Zeynep-Kâmil tıp bülteni (14-03-2019)
    “…Giriş: Bulantı ve kusma, gebe kadınların% 50-80'inde görülen en yaygın komplikasyondur. Gebe kadınların yaklaşık% 1'i ilk trimesterde şiddetli bulantı ve kusma…”
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  19. 19

    Perineal yerleşimli epidermal kist: Olgu sunumu by Özay,Ali Cenk, Emekçi Özay,Özlen, Gökdeniz,Dilay, Nuriyeva,Gülnar, Çağlıyan,Erkan, Koyuncuoğlu Ülgün,Meral, Acar,Berrin

    “…Benign epidermal kistler, epidermal dokunun dermis ya da subkütanöz dokuya invajinasyonu sonucu gelişmektedir. Çoğunlukla travmaya sekonder olarak…”
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    Peritoneal Karsinomatoza Bulgusu Olmayan Çok Yüksek Serum CA 125 Değeri Olan Adneksiyal Kitlelerin Klinikopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi by Saatli,Bahadır Hasan, Janbakhisov,Turab, Emekçi Özay,Özlen, Çağlıyan,Erkan, Saygılı,Uğur

    “…Amaç: Benign overian hastalıklarda, CA 125 nadir olarak 1000 U/mL üzerinde saptanır. CA 125 düzeyinin 1500 U/ml’un üzerinde saptandığı durumlarda bu değerin…”
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