Search Results - "Elngar, Ahmed A"
An Efficient Trust-Aware Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing Using Firefly Optimization
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (26-01-2023)“…Task scheduling in the cloud computing paradigm poses a challenge for researchers as the workloads that come onto cloud platforms are dynamic and…”
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An Improved Tunicate Swarm Algorithm for Global Optimization and Image Segmentation
Published in IEEE access (2021)“…This study integrates a tunicate swarm algorithm (TSA) with a local escaping operator (LEO) for overcoming the weaknesses of the original TSA. The LEO strategy…”
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A deep learning approach for facial emotions recognition using principal component analysis and neural network techniques
Published in Photogrammetric record (01-12-2022)“…In this work, advanced facial emotions are recognized using Neural network‐based (NN) PCA methodology. The earlier models are cannot detect facial emotions…”
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Intelligent system based comparative analysis study of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and antigenic proteins in different types of vaccines
Published in Beni-Suef University journal of basic and applied sciences (07-03-2022)“…Background Coronaviruses, members of the Coronavirinae subfamily in the Coronaviridae family, are enveloped and positive-stranded RNA viruses that infect…”
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A systematic review on machine learning and deep learning techniques in the effective diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
Published in Brain informatics (01-12-2023)“…Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a brain-related disease in which the condition of the patient gets worse with time. AD is not a curable disease by any medication…”
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Internet of things based intelligent accident avoidance system for adverse weather and road conditions
Published in Journal of reliable intelligent environments (01-12-2021)“…Study shows that road accidents cause nearly 6,000 people to die and more than 400,000 people injured in the United States every year. Adverse weather and road…”
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A novel artificial intelligence-based predictive analytics technique to detect skin cancer
Published in PeerJ. Computer science (24-05-2023)“…One of the leading causes of death among people around the world is skin cancer. It is critical to identify and classify skin cancer early to assist patients…”
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A novel Black Widow Optimization algorithm for multilevel thresholding image segmentation
Published in Expert systems with applications (01-04-2021)“…Segmentation is a crucial step in image processing applications. This process separates pixels of the image into multiple classes that permits the analysis of…”
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NestMSA: a new multiple sequence alignment algorithm
Published in The Journal of supercomputing (01-11-2020)“…Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a core problem in many applications. Various optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithm and particle swarm…”
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Vehicle Security Systems using Face Recognition based on Internet of Things
Published in Open computer science (20-03-2020)“…Nowadays, the automobile sector is one of the hottest applications, where vehicles can be intelligent by using IoT technology. But unfortunately, these…”
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Wireless network upgraded with artificial intelligence on the data aggregation towards the smart internet applications
Published in International journal of system assurance engineering and management (01-06-2022)“…In the modern evolution, WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) incorporated with data aggregation platform which involves stimulating research area with various modern…”
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Guest editorial: Reliability and usability of machine learning and IoT for urban intelligence
Published in Journal of reliable intelligent environments (01-03-2021)“…The special issue aims to cover the latest research topics in urban intelligence backed by machine learning and internet of things (IoT). It is intended to…”
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Underwater estimation of audio signal prediction using fruit fly algorithm and hybrid wavelet neural network
Published in Journal of reliable intelligent environments (01-06-2022)“…Underwater acoustic signal is one of its most vital features in oceanography for predicting the local variants, helps to process the signal, and also assists…”
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Feature Selection and Hyper-parameter Tuning Technique using Neural Network for Stock Market Prediction
Published in Nashrīyah-i mudīrīyat-i fannāvarī-i iṭṭilāʻāt (2021)“…The conjecture of stock exchange is the demonstration of attempting to decide the forecast estimation of a particular sector or the market, or the market as a…”
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Framework for Evaluating Ethics in AI
Published in 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) (14-03-2023)“…With the growing advancement in the field of technology., it is seen that artificial intelligence is becoming the need of the hour., with the advent of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Rewarding Reviews with Tokens Using Smart Contracts
Published in 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM) (22-02-2023)“…Research shows that 68% of online purchases are influenced by the reviews of the products that are being sold. Online retailers know the importance of online…”
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Costs Management of Research and Development in the Factories of the Future Using Virtual Reality
Published in 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE) (01-06-2020)“…The costs of research and development (R&D) activities represent a large part of the product costs. These activities require new methodologies to keep up with…”
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Multi-class classification of brain tumour magnetic resonance images using multi-branch network with inception block and five-fold cross validation deep learning framework
Published in Biomedical signal processing and control (01-02-2024)“…•To explore the convolution neural network using the multi-branch network with inception block architecture for MRI images of brain tumours.•To provide an…”
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Implementation of Two-Dimensional Image Result Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks with the Counter propagation Method
Published in 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) (05-03-2021)“…Two-dimensional image recognition is one of the activities to check the original image. The method counter propagation used is focused on how to extract data…”
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Machine Learning based Intelligent Diagnosis of Orthodontics: a comprehensive review
Published in 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE) (09-03-2023)“…An effective prediction of orthodontics treatment outcome is highly essential for further scheme of clinical treatment for the patient with the simplified…”
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