Search Results - "Elizabeth, Cecilia"
Not so dope: Marijuana laws should include "conduct specific" language to prevent unjustified child neglect petitions against pot-smoking parents
Published in Family court review (01-04-2021)“…The substance of marijuana is becoming legal in an increasing number of states. With the rise in legallity of marijuana comes a question of how will child…”
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Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and particulate organic nitrogen budget in the Yucatán shelf: driving mechanisms through a physical–biogeochemical coupled model
Published in Biogeosciences (28-02-2020)“…Continental shelves are the most productive areas in the seas with the strongest implications for global nitrogen cycling. The Yucatán shelf (YS) is the…”
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Form and contour: breeding and genetics of organ shape from wild relatives to modern vegetable crops
Published in Frontiers in plant science (28-09-2023)“…Shape is a primary determinant of consumer preference for many horticultural crops and it is also associated with many aspects of marketing, harvest mechanics,…”
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Risk Analysis and Control Strategies for Dust Exposure in Aggregate Crushing Plants
Published in Chemical engineering transactions (01-03-2024)“…This research aims to propose preventive measures for addressing health issues caused by dust exposure in a construction aggregate crushing plant. Initially,…”
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Preparing to Work with Generation Z
Published in EDIS (Gainesville, Fla.) (30-08-2018)“…Members of Generation Z, the incoming generation of college graduates and future members of the workforce, will require specific leadership and support to…”
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Interchangeable drugs in Peru. A review study
Published in MediSur (01-05-2023)“…The medicines’ interchangeability represents a necessity in developing countries, because it offers the possibility of accessing lower cost products, it allows…”
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Peruvian health professionals’ leadership styles
Published in MediSur (01-10-2023)“…Foundation: leadership represents an important trait that must be presented by every person in charge of directing a group of people. The organizational…”
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Sexual harassment in public spaces towards Peruvian adolescents
Published in MediSur (01-03-2022)“…Background: Public spaces should be safe places for the free movement of people, especially for women, and even more so if they are minors. In the case of…”
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Internal communication and job performance in Peruvian health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic
Published in MediSur (01-08-2021)“…Background: Rationale: Internal communication within an organization ensures that workers carry out their activities effectively; which, in the health context,…”
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Factors associated with the quality of service in Peruvian public hospitals
Published in MediSur (01-04-2021)“…Background: It is very important that health teams are prepared to provide care according to the required needs, and with this, meet the expectations of users…”
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Factores individuales que influyen en los comportamientos inseguros de los trabajadores
Published in Dyna (Medellín, Colombia) (27-09-2024)“…La minería es una de las industrias con mayor riesgo de accidentabilidad; siendo los comportamientos inseguros una de las principales causas de los accidentes…”
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Gestión del servicio de recojo y tratamiento de residuos sólidos y satisfacción de la población en la ciudad de Chachapoyas-Perú
Published in Revista venezolana de gerencia (18-03-2024)“…En la actualidad, la correcta gestión de los residuos sólidos se ha convertido en un debate fundamental para preservar el cuidado del medio ambiente y la salud…”
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Plataformas digitales y los indicadores en el sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo: una revisión sistemática
Published in Dyna (Medellín, Colombia) (12-12-2022)“…Las Plataformas digitales son herramientas que permiten aprovechar las tecnologías de la información facilitando la administración de la data del sistema de…”
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Validación de un método analítico para la cuantificación de alcaloides totales
Published in Revista cubana de medicina militar (01-06-2024)“…RESUMEN Introducción: La validación de métodos analíticos asegura la reproducibilidad de datos cuando se desea realizar la cuantificación de un producto,…”
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Escala de perfil emprendedor en estudiantes universitarios peruanos
Published in Revista venezolana de gerencia (01-04-2021)“…Las universidades deben tener un instrumento que permita medir el perfil emprendedor del futuro profesional, de manera que pueda acceder rápidamente al entorno…”
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Published in Revista científica especialidades odontológicas UG (11-05-2021)“…La importancia de desarrollar este trabajo de investigación radica en actualizar la información disponible acerca de los materiales de adhesión más usados en…”
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Factores asociados al abandono de la lactancia materna exclusiva en una ciudad de Perú
Published in Revista cubana de enfermería (01-06-2020)“…RESUMEN Introducción: El abandono de la lactancia materna exclusiva representa un problema de salud pública que afecta el desarrollo del niño durante los seis…”
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Incidencia del flujo de efectivo en las decisiones empresariales de las estaciones de servicio
Published in Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía (Online) (24-09-2020)“…La investigación tuvo como propósito diseñar una guía metodológica para la elaboración del estado de flujo de efectivo por el método directo bajo las NIIF para…”
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Liderazgo y clima organizacional en trabajadores de establecimientos de salud de una microred de Perú
Published in Revista cubana de salud pública (01-06-2019)“…RESUMEN Introducción: El gerente de un establecimiento de salud es el encargado de gestionar y ejecutar las acciones integradas dentro de una institución, por…”
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Influence of spatial and temporal variation on establishing stable isotope baselines of δ15N, δ13C, and δ34S in a large freshwater lake
Published in Freshwater biology (01-05-2023)“…It is essential to establish a baseline in studies using stable isotopes to interpret trophic relationships across ecosystems and through time. Studies in…”
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