Search Results - "Eliana Marisa Ganem"
The anesthesiologist facing terminality: a survey-based observational study
Published in Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier) (01-05-2020)“…Background and objectives: Advances in medicine, including anesthesiology and resuscitation, have made natural death increasingly rare. As a consequence,…”
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Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in a South American Population--Morbidity and Outcomes Analysis
Published in PloS one (14-01-2016)“…Malignant cerebral artery strokes have a poor prognosis, with nearly 80% of mortality in some series despite intensive care. After a large randomized trial,…”
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The anesthesiologist facing terminality: a survey-based observational study
Published in Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier) (01-05-2020)“…Advances in medicine, including anesthesiology and resuscitation, have made natural death increasingly rare. As a consequence, dysthanasia has become usual in…”
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The Anatomy of the Thoracic Spinal Canal Investigated with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Published in Anesthesia and analgesia (01-05-2010)“…We investigated, with magnetic resonance imaging, the distance of the dura mater to the spinal cord in patients without spinal or medullar disease at the 2nd,…”
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Serum cystatin C is a sensitive early marker for changes in the glomerular filtration rate in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery
Published in Clinics (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-06-2014)“…Pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopy results in transient oliguria and decreased glomerular filtration and renal blood flow. The presence of oliguria and…”
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Ultrasound as a safe and reliable guidance for subarachnoid puncture in rabbits
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-01-2017)“…To evaluate a model for studying the toxicity in nervous tissue and meninges using ultrasound to guide needle insertion into the subarachnoid space of rabbits,…”
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Myocardial contractility impairment with racemic bupivacaine, non-racemic bupivacaine and ropivacaine. A comparative study
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-07-2015)“…To study racemic bupivacaine, non-racemic bupivacaine and ropivacaine on myocardial contractility. Isolated Wistar papillary muscles were submitted to 50 and…”
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Effects of catecholamines on volemic replacement with saline solution and the impact on heart rate variability in rabbits subjected to hemorrhage. A study by spectral analysis
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-11-2014)“…To verify the effects of different catecholamines on volemic expansion and on the autonomic nervous system in rabbits that were subjected to hemorrhage. Twenty…”
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Preoperative warming combined with intraoperative skin-surface warming does not avoid hypothermia caused by spinal anesthesia in patients with midazolam premedication
Published in São Paulo medical journal (03-05-2007)“…Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia is common during spinal anesthesia and after midazolam administration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects…”
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Labor analgesia with ropivacaine added to clonidine: a randomized clinical trial
Published in São Paulo medical journal (06-03-2008)“…Previous studies have led to speculation that the association between ropivacaine and clonidine might be more effective than ropivacaine alone. We examined the…”
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Gastric Mucosal Perfusion in Dogs: Effects of Halogenated Anesthetics and of Hemorrhage
Published in Journal of investigative surgery (2008)“…The gastrointestinal tract is one of the first organs affected by hypoperfusion during hemorrhagic shock. The hemodynamics and oxygen transport variables…”
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Estudo comparativo do bloqueio combinado femoral-isquiático, por punção em sítio único, com anestesia subaracnóidea para cirurgia unilateral do membro inferior
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-12-2010)“…JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A raquianestesia unilateral pode apresentar vantagens em pacientes ambulatoriais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a…”
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Síndrome compartimental em paciente submetido à cirurgia urológica videolaparoscópica
Published in São Paulo medical journal (2005)Get full text
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Bloqueio contínuo do plexo lombar via posterior bilateral com bomba de infusão descartável: relato de caso
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-04-2011)“…JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O número de artroplastia total de quadril (ATQ) bilateral tem aumentado a cada ano. Analgesia pós-operatória pela infusão contínua…”
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Reavaliação da via aérea do paciente obeso submetido à cirurgia bariátrica após a redução do índice de massa corpórea
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-02-2011)“…JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dificuldade na intubação traqueal é causa de mortalidade em anestesiologia e pode estar relacionada à obesidade. Diagnosticar uma…”
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Conduta anestésica em criança portadora da síndrome de Freeman-Sheldon
Published in São Paulo medical journal (2005)Get full text
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Efeitos de concentrações crescentes de lidocaína hiperbárica, administradas no espaço subaracnóideo, sobre a medula espinhal e as meninges: estudo experimental em cães
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-06-2006)“…JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Ainda não está bem estabelecida a concentração de lidocaína que é potencialmente capaz de determinar lesão no tecido nervoso. O…”
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Análise retrospectiva de fatores de risco e preditores de complicações intraoperatórias dos bloqueios do neuroeixo realizados na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-10-2011)“…JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As alterações cardiovasculares associadas aos bloqueios do neuroeixo apresentam interesse pela frequência com que ocorrem e porque…”
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Can an inflammatory reaction in the meninges, caused by spinal puncture through tattooed skin, evolve into adhesive arachnoiditis? An experimental model in rabbits
Published in Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (01-03-2019)“…Background and objectivesAs the number of people with tattoos has been increasing, anesthesiologists are more and more faced with the decision to perform a…”
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