Search Results - "Educational technology review"

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  1. 1

    The Future of Research Publishing: The eReport and eJournal by Krantz, Murray

    Published in Educational technology review (2003)
    “…Considers the future of online publication of scientific journals and how electronic research reports (eReports) and electronic research journals (eJournals)…”
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  2. 2

    The Digital Divide (DD): A Reconceptualization for Educators by Harper, Vernon

    Published in Educational technology review (2003)
    “…Discussion of the digital divide focuses on a social divide rather than a lack of access to information technology for specific groups. Topics include historic…”
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  3. 3

    Applying Social Cognitive Constructs of Motivation To Enhance Student Success in Online Distance Education by Miltiadou, Marios, Savenye, Wilhelmina C

    Published in Educational technology review (2003)
    “…Relates findings from a review of the literature on six academic motivational constructs studied in traditional environments to online education concepts…”
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  4. 4

    Beyond the Boundaries of the Sacred Garden: Children and the Internet by Quigley, Marian, Blashki, Kathy

    Published in Educational technology review (2003)
    “…Suggests that the Internet plays an important role in socialization and that children need to be recognized as active participants rather than passive…”
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  5. 5

    Strip Mining for Gold: Research and Policy in Educational Technology-A Response to "Fool's Gold." by Clements, Douglas H, Sarama, Julie

    Published in Educational technology review (2003)
    “…Responds to a recent critical report on computers in childhood. Highlights include computers, children, and research; social and emotional development; types…”
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  6. 6

    Using Quality Assurance Strategies for Online Programs by Lee, Judy, Dziuban, Charles

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discussion of quality assurance strategies in university distance education programs focuses on a quality assessment designed around five components:…”
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  7. 7

    Distance Learning: Universal Design, Universal Access by Burgstahler, Sheryl

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discussion of distance learning focuses on access, legal, and policy issues for people with disabilities and presents an overview of design considerations for…”
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  8. 8

    Evaluating and Implementing Learning Environments: A United Kingdom Experience by Ingraham, Bruce, Watson, Barbara, McDowell, Liz, Brockett, Adrian, Fitzpatrick, Simon

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Reports on ongoing work at five universities in northeastern England that have been evaluating and implementing online learning environments known as virtual…”
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  9. 9

    The Need for Assistive Technology in Educational Technology by Cavanaugh, Terence

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Addresses assistive technology concepts as they relate to education. Provides an overview of the NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher…”
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  10. 10

    Models of Educational Computing @ Home: New Frontiers for Research on Technology in Learning by Kafai, Yasmin B, Fishman, Barry J, Bruckman, Amy S, Rockman, Saul

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discusses models of home educational computing that are linked to learning in school and recommends the need for research that addresses the home as a…”
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  11. 11

    One Pixel Short of a Frame: Lessons Learned from a Large-Scale (Underfunded) Multimedia Development Project by Ertmer, Peggy A, Johnson, Tristan

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discussion of technology integration focuses on the design and development of a multimedia, CD-ROM/Internet-based teacher development tool that was intended to…”
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  12. 12

    Electronic Accessibility: United States and International Perspectives by French, Deanie, Valdes, Leo

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discusses universal Web accessibility in light of U.S. legislation that required all Web sites receiving federal funds to meet accessibility directives by the…”
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  13. 13

    Online Course Accessibility: A Call for Responsibility and Necessity by Opitz, Christine

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discussion of online distance learners with disabilities focuses on the essential components of a Web-based course, the learning advantages that arise from…”
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  14. 14

    Blackbox in the Sandbox: The Decision To Use Technology with Young Children with Annotated Bibliography of Internet Resources for Teachers of Young Children by Skeele, Rosemary, Stefankiewicz, Gretchen

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discussion of current issues in early childhood education focuses on developmentally appropriate uses of computer-based materials and techniques. Highlights…”
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  15. 15

    Web Design for Accessibility: Policies and Practice by Foley, Alan, Regan, Bob

    Published in Educational technology review (2002)
    “…Discusses Web design for people with disabilities and outlines a process-based approach to accessibility policy implementation. Topics include legal mandates;…”
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  16. 16

    Models of Distance Higher Education: Fully Automated or Partially Human? by Serdiukov, Peter

    Published in Educational technology review (2001)
    “…There is little doubt that due to major advances in information technology, education will certainly become more technology-based. The purpose of this paper is…”
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  17. 17

    Defining Distance Learning and Distance Education by King, Frederick B, Young, Michael F, Drivere-Richmond, Kelly, Schrader, P. G

    Published in Educational technology review (2001)
    “…This paper offers precise definitions of distance learning and distance education, and their interrelationship. First, a single definition of learning is…”
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  18. 18

    Pedagogical Challenges for the World Wide Web by Fetherston, Tony

    Published in Educational technology review (2001)
    “…Presents some of the perceived pedagogical challenges posed by use of the World Wide Web. Proposes that the debate surrounding use of the Web in university…”
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  19. 19

    The Laptop University: A Faculty Perspective by Kontos, George

    Published in Educational technology review (2001)
    “…Examines benefits and drawbacks of laptop programs in higher education, and gives examples of universities that have implemented laptop programs. One such…”
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  20. 20

    Traditions to Transformations: The Forced Evolution of Higher Education by Rogers, Patricia L

    Published in Educational technology review (2001)
    “…Focuses on the advantages and the necessity of infusing instructional technologies in higher education by: exploring the assumptions about teaching and…”
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