Search Results - "Eduardo PIZZATTO"

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    Prevalence of diagnosed temporomandibular disorders: A cross-sectional study in Brazilian adolescents by Bertoli, Fernanda Mara de Paiva, Bruzamolin, Carolina Dea, Pizzatto, Eduardo, Losso, Estela Maris, Brancher, João Armando, de Souza, Juliana Feltrin

    Published in PloS one (08-02-2018)
    “…The prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) increases during adolescence and adulthood. Few studies have examined TMD prevalence…”
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    Oral health status in victims of child abuse: a case–control study by Duda, João Gilberto, Biss, Stephanye Pinto, Bertoli, Fernanda Mara de Paiva, Bruzamolin, Carolina Dea, Pizzatto, Eduardo, Souza, Juliana Feltrin, Losso, Estela Maris

    “…Background Few studies have evaluated the oral health status of children with a history of maltreatment. Aim This case–control study evaluated oral health in…”
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    Evaluation of quality of life profile of patients submitted to bichectomy by de Lucas Corso, Paola Fernanda Cotait, Bonetto, Luana, Tortora, Gabriela, Trevisani, Claudia, Deliberador, Tatiana, Scariot, Rafaela, Gabardo, Marilisa, Pizzatto, Eduardo

    Published in Revista Sul-Brasileira de odontologia (30-06-2019)
    “…The bichectomy has been increasingly sought in dental practice, whether due to functional or aesthetic complaints. It is considered an aesthetic and functional…”
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    A Conservative Approach for Restoring Anterior Guidance: A Case Report by PONTONS-MELO, JUAN CARLOS, PIZZATTO, EDUARDO, FURUSE, ADILSON YOSHIO, MONDELLI, JOSÉ

    “…ABSTRACT One of the most common dental problems in today's clinics is tooth wear, specifically when related to bruxism. In such cases, the esthetics of…”
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    Edentulismo, uso de prótese e autopercepção de saúde bucal entre adultos e idosos de um município da região metropolitana de Curitiba by Azevedo, Julia Schlichting, Corrêa, Emilly Godinho, Hofstaetter, Victória, Pizzatto, Eduardo, Buffon, Marilene da Cruz Magalháes, Stocco, José Carlos

    Published in Revista Sul-Brasileira de odontologia (30-08-2023)
    “…Apesar das evidências de melhorias nas condições de saúde bucal no Brasil, o edentulismo ainda é considerado um problema de saúde pública. Objetivo: Avaliar as…”
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    Influence of chlorhexidine concentration on microtensile bond strength of contemporary adhesive systems by Campos, Edson Alves de, Correr, Gisele Maria, Leonardi, Denise Piotto, Pizzatto, Eduardo, Morais, Eduardo Caregnatto

    Published in Brazilian oral research (01-09-2009)
    “…The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of chlorhexidine (CHX) concentration on the microtensile bond strength (muTBS) of contemporary…”
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    Prevalence of dental caries in 5 and 12-years-old schoolchildren from two Brazilian capitals by Moura, Claudia Roberta de Mello, Pizzatto, Eduardo, Brancher, João Armando, Koch, Luiza Foltran de Azevedo, Zortéa, Cristiano, Gabardo, Marilisa Carneiro Leão, Bruzamolin, Carolina Dea

    Published in Revista Sul-Brasileira de odontologia (20-09-2017)
    “…Tooth decay is still a highly prevalent disease in populations. Because of this, epidemiological studies are carried out frequently and allow the monitoring of…”
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    Knowledge of dentists on child abuse in two Brazilian southern cities by de Mello, Cintia Rejane da Silveira, Moletta, Leticia Brandalise, Bruzamolin, Carolina Dea, Gabardo, Marilisa Carneiro Leão, Pizzatto, Eduardo, Zaitter, Wellington Menirval

    Published in Revista Sul-Brasileira de odontologia (30-03-2017)
    “…The child abuse against children and teenagers is relevant and the dentist has a fundamental role in the process of identification of suspected cases…”
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    Child abuse: validation of a questionnaire translated into Brazilian Portuguese by Marengo, Glaucia, Paola, Ana Paula Borges de, Ferreira, Fernanda Morais, Pizzatto, Eduardo, Correr, Gisele Maria, Losso, Estela Maris

    Published in Brazilian oral research (01-03-2013)
    “…This study sought to validate the Portuguese translation of a questionnaire on maltreatment of children and adolescents, developed by Russell et al. and to…”
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    Avaliação do conhecimento sobre a doença anemia falciforme: sob a ótica da odontologia by Bueno de Araujo, Lauren, De Freitas Andrade, Ana Luiza, Da Cruz Magalhães Buffon, Marilene, Pizzatto, Eduardo

    Published in H.U. revista (08-06-2020)
    “…Introdução: A anemia falciforme (AF) destaca-se como uma das doenças genéticas de maior importância epidemiológica no Brasil e no mundo. É uma doença crônica…”
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    Anxiety and Sleep Quality in Dental Students at a Private Brazilian University by V Machado, Amanda, O Castro, Camila, R Botelho Filho, Carlos, D Bruzamolin, Carolina, Scariot, Rafaela, Pizzatto, Eduardo, C L Gabardo, Marilisa

    Published in Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College (01-01-2020)
    “…The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the impact of anxiety and quality of sleep on quality of life (QOL) in undergraduate dental students. A…”
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    Association between periodontal disease, preterm birth and low birth weight by Patrícia Nienkotter Sad Silva, Tatiana Miranda Deliberador, Marilisa Carneiro Leão Gabardo, Flares Baratto-Filho, Eduardo Pizzatto

    Published in Revista Cubana de estomatologia (01-05-2018)
    “…Objective: evaluate the association between periodontal disease, preterm births and low birth weight neonates in a group of women from the city of Curitiba,…”
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