Search Results - "E.S. Bols"

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  1. 1

    Search for singly and pair-produced leptoquarks coupling to third-generation fermions in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV by Bergauer, T., Spanring, M., Templ, S., Chekhovsky, V., Van Putte, S., Van Mulders, P., Clerbaux, B., Moureaux, L., Postiau, N., Moraes, A., Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E., Novaes, S.F., Ban, Y., Lyu, X., Starodumov, A., Razis, P.A., Jarry, P., Lenzi, B., Ahuja, S., Kucher, I., Asilar, E., Eliseev, D., Raspereza, A., Maier, S., Quast, G., Kokkas, P., Veres, G.I., Maity, M., Behera, S.C., Nuzzo, S., Selvaggi, G., Borgonovi, L., Giommi, L., Benaglia, A., Tabarelli de Fatis, T., Sciacca, C., Lanev, A., Nikitenko, A., Konstantinov, D., Moran, D., Sánchez Navas, S., Duarte Campderros, J., d'Enterria, D., Fallavollita, F., Pierini, M., Van Onsem, G.P., Niedziela, J., Meiring, P., Molinatti, U., Ceard, L., Akgun, B., Brooke, J.J., Newbold, D.M., Borg, J., Buchmuller, O., Wardle, N., Dittmann, J., Wilson, J., Perez, C.U., Benelli, G., Duh, Y.t., Wong, W.Y., Pellett, D., Lam, T., Schnaible, C., Burt, K., Karapostoli, G., Cheng, Y., Quach, D., Albrow, M., Apresyan, A., Bauerdick, L.A.T., Berryhill, J., Hirschauer, J., Mrenna, S., O'Dell, V., Uplegger, L., Field, R.D., Noonan, D., Evdokimov, O., Wang, X., Alhusseini, M., Bylinkin, A., Feng, Y., Brandt, S., Harris, P., Hansen, P., Kubota, Y., Acosta, J.G., Wood, D., Alimena, J., Schulte, J.F., Parashar, N., Baty, A., de Barbaro, P., Somalwar, S., Kamon, T., Mueller, R., Volobouev, I., Joyce, M.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-08-2021)
    “…A search for leptoquarks produced singly and in pairs in proton-proton collisions is presented. We consider the leptoquark (LQ) to be a scalar particle of…”
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  2. 2

    Search for disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Templ, S., Moureaux, L., Postiau, N., Vit, M., Delcourt, M., Salama, E., Kim, M.S., Lindén, T., Besancon, M., Amendola, C., Chabert, E.C., Beauceron, S., El Mamouni, H., Viret, S., Wiedenbeck, S., Haj Ahmad, W., Botta, V., Estevez Banos, L.I., Raspereza, A., Schwanenberger, C., Lange, J., Rieger, O., Dierlamm, A., Iqbal, M.A., Katkov, I., Geralis, T., Papavergou, I., Gadallah, M.M.A., Karancsi, J., Bhardwaj, A., Behera, P.K., Majumder, G., Bakhshiansohi, H., Marcellini, S., Albergo, S., Ragazzi, S., Lista, L., Dosselli, U., Presilla, M., Calzaferri, S., Riccardi, C., Bertacchi, V., Ciocci, M.A., Organtini, G., Demaria, N., Mariotti, C., Pak, S.I., Boimska, B., Bargassa, P., Karneyeu, A., Krasnikov, N., Kodolova, O., Kachanov, V., Tyurin, N., Fernandez Menendez, J., Kailasapathy, B., Liyanage, K., Aarrestad, T.K., Baillon, P., Bortignon, P., Selvaggi, M., Wallny, R., Lu, R.-S., Harder, K., Dauncey, P., Scott, E., Tapper, A., Uniyal, R., Brainerd, C., Erbacher, R., Zhang, F., Lam, T., Schnaible, C., Si, W., Stuart, D., Mcdermott, K., Hasegawa, S., Klima, B., Hagopian, S., Johnson, K.F., Yumiceva, F., Hangal, D.A., Durgut, S., Khalil, S., Murray, M., Wright, D., Feng, Y., Pekkanen, J., Ruchti, R., Wolf, M., Bylsma, B., Winer, B.L., Olsen, J., Piroué, P., Ecklund, K.M., Freed, S., Chou, J.P., Acharya, H., Huang, T., Lanaro, A.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-07-2020)
    “…A search is presented for long-lived charged particles that decay within the volume of the silicon tracker of the CMS experiment. Such particles can produce…”
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  3. 3

    Measurements of production cross sections of WZ and same-sign WW boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Makarenko, V., Di Croce, D., Van Haevermaet, H., Bruno, G., Bernardes, C.A., Misheva, M., Petkov, P., Avila, C., Mejia Guisao, J., Giljanovic, D., Finger, M., Ayala, E., Osterberg, K., Garcia, F., Lampén, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Malcles, J., Paganini, P., Eliseev, D., Nowack, A., Harb, A., Jafari, A., Lenz, T., Tholen, H., Benato, L., Müller, Th, Rauser, J., Paspalaki, G., Stakia, A., Vellidis, K., Zacharopoulou, A., Foudas, C., Papadopoulos, I., Bhattacharya, S., Sharan, M., Naseri, M., Merlin, J.A., Silvestris, L., Marcellini, S., Lenzi, P., Voevodina, E., Zumerle, G., Palla, F., Ramirez-Sanchez, G., Rizzi, A., Argiro, S., Mariotti, C., Choi, S., Carrillo Moreno, S., Asghar, M.I., Malawski, M., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Hollar, J., Toldaiev, O., Kim, V., Kuznetsova, E., Gavrilov, V., Toms, M., Parygin, P., Kodolova, O., Aarrestad, T.K., Baechler, J., Mannelli, M., Orsini, L., Petrilli, A., Caminada, L., Langenegger, U., Brzhechko, D., Mikuni, V.M., Damarseckin, S., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Della Negra, M., Winterbottom, D., Hobson, P.R., Chertok, M., Conway, J., Funk, G., Tripathi, M., Deelen, N., Hashemi, B., Dutta, V., Vorobiev, I., Alexander, J., Cheng, Y., Butler, J.N., Minafra, N., Modak, A., Velicanu, D., Lesko, Z., Barberis, E., Madigan, G., Chawla, R., Gutay, L., Cheng, T., Tu, Z., Thayil, S.A., Huang, T., Lamichhane, K., Galloni, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-10-2020)
    “…Measurements of production cross sections of WZ and same-sign WW boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV at the LHC are…”
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  4. 4

    Observation of four top quark production in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Schöfbeck, R., Dansana, S., Lowette, S., Müller, D., Khalilzadeh, A., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Pétré, L., Lidrych, J., Brandao Malbouisson, H., Mercadante, P.G., Sun, X., Lu, C., Sculac, T., Mousa, J., Stepennov, A., Kirschenmann, H., Kallonen, K.T.S., Kinnunen, R., Brom, J.-M., Feld, L., Jung, A., Noll, D., Zotz, A., Baxter, S., Greau, G., Guthoff, M., Hinzmann, A., Kogler, R., Meyer, A.B., Koppenhöfer, R., Wassmer, M., Wittig, F., Panagiotou, A., Manthos, N., Chhetri, A., Komaragiri, J.R., Ranieri, A., Tricomi, A., D'Alessandro, R., Bianco, S., Malberti, M., Moroni, L., Migliorini, M., Yarar, H., Moscatelli, F., Bagliesi, G., Ligabue, F., Matos Figueiredo, D., Huh, C., Oh, Y.D., Moon, D.H., Zolkapli, Z., Valencia Palomo, L., Krolikowski, J., Cerrada, M., Chernyavskaya, N., De Roeck, A., Forthomme, L., Orfanelli, S., Pantaleo, F., Reales Gutiérrez, G., Scarfi, S., Bevilacqua, T., Pauss, F., Dumanoglu, I., Sunar Cerci, D., Goldstein, J., Huerta Escamilla, C., Mocellin, G., Bachtis, M., Quinnan, M., Newman, H.B., Albrow, M., Tkaczyk, S., Ogul, H., Snyder, C., Lazarovits, M., Royon, C., Maravin, Y., Natoli, J., Lavezzo, L., Wadud, M.A., Zecchinelli, A.G., Bucci, R., McCauley, T., Nunez Ornelas, M., Neumeister, N., Fernández Manteca, P.J., Popova, E., Wang, H., Safonov, A., Lamichhane, K., Romeo, F., Velkovska, J., Everaerts, P., Golubev, N., Golutvin, I., Oreshkin, V., Savina, M., Tlisova, I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-12-2023)
    “…The observation of the production of four top quarks in proton-proton collisions is reported, based on a data sample collected by the CMS experiment at a…”
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  5. 5

    Evidence for electroweak production of four charged leptons and two jets in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Di Croce, D., Van Haevermaet, H., Grebenyuk, A., Makarenko, I., Pétré, L., Bruno, G., Misheva, M., Petkov, P., Mejia Guisao, J., Kolosova, M., Finger, M., Mahmoud, M.A., Kinnunen, R., Beaudette, F., Kucher, I., El Mamouni, H., Ille, B., Viret, S., Merschmeyer, M., Wiedenbeck, S., Haj Ahmad, W., Sert, H., Guthoff, M., Lenz, T., Rieger, O., Steinbrück, G., Droll, A., Koppenhöfer, R., Vesztergombi, G., Mal, P., Sandeep, K., Behera, P.K., De Filippis, N., Fiore, L., Venditti, R., Masetti, G., Albergo, S., Ragazzi, S., Tosi, M., Calzaferri, S., Riccardi, C., Rossi, A., Di Domenico, M.R., Cavallari, F., Argiro, S., Della Ricca, G., Huh, C., Yang, Y.C., Seo, H., Jeong, Y., Krofcheck, D., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Karneyeu, A., Krasnikov, N., Chistov, R., Oskin, A., Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A., Romero, L., Fernandez Menendez, J., Duarte Campderros, J., Kailasapathy, B., Dharmaratna, W.G.D., Liyanage, K., Aarrestad, T.K., Baillon, P., Lustermann, W., Reitenspiess, T., Schönenberger, M., Harder, K., Dauncey, P., Wardle, N., Hatakeyama, K., Madrid, C., Gleyzer, S.V., Ghiasi Shirazi, S.M.A., Nguyen, T.Q., Thom, J., Freeman, J., Gottschalk, E., Green, D., Guerrero, D., Martinez, G., Mantilla, C., Wong, K., Gomez Ceballos, G., Strobbe, N., Claes, D.R., Nguyen, D., Rappoccio, S., Barberis, E., Wood, D., Gunter, T., Shi, W., Dulemba, J.L., Thayil, S.A., Safonov, A., Ni, H., Bose, T., Hussain, U.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-01-2021)
    “…Evidence is presented for the electroweak (EW) production of two jets (jj) in association with two Z bosons and constraints on anomalous quartic gauge…”
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  6. 6

    Measurements of production cross sections of polarized same-sign W boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV by Bergauer, T., Spanring, M., Templ, S., Chekhovsky, V., Skovpen, K., Vit, M., Vischia, P., Medina Jaime, M., Sharma, R., Qian, S.J., Mejia Guisao, J., Mousa, J., Rander, J., Touquet, G., Vander Donckt, M., Feld, L., Haj Ahmad, W., Babounikau, I., Estevez Banos, L.I., Kasemann, M., Mankel, R., Wichmann, K., Garbers, C., Kutzner, V., Lange, T., Schleper, P., Vormwald, B., Quast, G., Manitara, K., Lökös, S., Major, P., Mal, P., Sahoo, D.K., Kumari, P., Sandeep, K., Mohanty, G.B., Felcini, M., Ciriolo, V., Malberti, M., Bragagnolo, A., Checchia, P., Zanetti, M., Rossi, A., Roy Chowdhury, S., Obertino, M.M., Park, J., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Frueboes, T., Kamenev, A., Savina, M., Parygin, P., Sobol, A., Milenovic, P., Álvarez Fernández, A., David, A., Gouskos, L., Meijers, F., Pierini, M., Van Onsem, G.P., Canelli, M.F., Macchiolo, A., Reimers, A., Chang, P., Özçelik, Ö., Cooper, S.I., Erbacher, R., Hamilton, D., Padhi, S., Bornheim, A., Ngadiuba, J., Zhang, Z., Zhu, R.Y., MacDonald, E., Chlebana, F., Mason, D., McBride, P., Weber, H.A., Acosta, D., Khurana, R., Kolberg, T., Saunders, M., Royon, C., Seidel, M., Skuja, A., Goncharov, M., Kovalskyi, D., Roland, C., Revering, M., Rusack, R., Joo, C., Orimoto, T., Schmitt, M.H., Lange, D., Padley, B.P., Taus, R., Stone, R., Muthumuni, S., Peltola, T., Hakala, J., Dasu, S.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-01-2021)
    “…The first measurements of production cross sections of polarized same-sign W±W± boson pairs in proton-proton collisions are reported. The measurements are…”
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  7. 7

    Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final state with two bottom quarks and two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV by Waltenberger, W., Janssen, T., Favart, L., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Wezenbeek, L., Bruno, G., Barroso Ferreira Filho, M., Yi, K., Wang, J., Agapitos, A., Li, J., Fraga, J., Mejia Guisao, J., Ferencek, D., Susa, T., Tuominiemi, J., Denegri, D., Titov, M., Falmagne, G., Motta, J., Zabi, A., Darej, D., Gouzevitch, M., Merschmeyer, M., Bhattacharya, S., Estevez Banos, L.I., Krücker, D., Savitskyi, M., Schnake, S., Wissing, C., Savoiu, D., Wassmer, M., Karancsi, J., Bhardwaj, A., Kansal, B., Sözbilir, Ü., Viliani, L., Meola, S., Ferro, F., Carnevali, F., Mantovani, G., Bianchini, L., Roy Chowdhury, S., Migliore, E., Shchelina, K., Han, S., Oh, B.H., Yang, S., Valencia Palomo, L., Mondragon Herrera, C.A., Raicevic, N., Shoaib, M., Hollar, J., Gonzalez Lopez, O., Auffray, E., Bilin, B., Cipriani, M., Janot, P., Maier, B., Piparo, D., Calandri, A., Meinhard, M.T., Chen, K.F., Lu, R.-S., Paganis, E., Tok, U.G., Gülmez, E., Anthony, D., Flacher, H., Heath, G.P., Cockerill, D.J.A., Linacre, J., Tomalin, I.R., Brown, C.E., Bartek, R., Hauser, J., Lee, R., Schmitz, R., Ferguson, T., Cumalat, J.P., Gadkari, D., Reichert, J., Albrow, M., Jindariani, S., Spiegel, L., Baarmand, M.M., Butalla, S., Noonan, D., Anguiano, J., Baden, A., Yan, F., Cremonesi, M., Lawrence, J., Jones, M., Khukhunaishvili, A., Akchurin, N., Smith, W.H., Tsoi, H.F., Levchenko, P., Zhizhin, I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-07-2023)
    “…A search for the nonresonant production of Higgs boson pairs (HH ) via gluon-gluon and vector boson fusion processes in final states with two bottom quarks and…”
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  8. 8

    Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos at s=13TeV in final states containing hadronic decays of WW, WZ, or WH and missing transverse momentum by Waltenberger, W., Bilin, B., Kalsi, A.K., Donertas, I.S., Litov, L., Wang, J., Li, Q., You, Z., Ferencek, D., Mahmoud, M.A., Ehataht, K., Kinnunen, R., Tuominiemi, J., Denegri, D., Savoy-Navarro, A., Titov, M., Zabi, A., Darej, D., Tsamalaidze, Z., Pauls, A., Röwert, N., Merschmeyer, M., Bhattacharya, S., Mankel, R., Ribeiro Lopes, B., Scheurer, V., Stafford, D., Vellidis, K., Chaudhary, G., Ranjan, K., Sarkar, S., Naskar, K., Sözbilir, Ü., Bonacorsi, D., Cavallo, F.R., Malberti, M., Tabarelli de Fatis, T., Meneguzzo, A.T., Strong, G., Menichelli, M., Bianchini, L., Di Domenico, M.R., Venturi, A., Di Marco, E., Rahatlou, S., Migliore, E., Shchelina, K., Cossutti, F., Dogra, S., Yoon, I., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Ahmad, A., Grzanka, L., Bunkowski, K., Gonzalez Caballero, I., Glege, F., Mulders, M., Piparo, D., Meinhard, M.T., Perovic, V., Stampf, V., De Wit, A., Reis, T., Nash, J., Di Croce, D., Perez, C.U., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Lander, R., Datta, A., Marsh, B., Bornheim, A., Alison, J., Hassani, A., Apyan, A., Burkett, K., Habibullah, R., Kumar Verma, R., Kropivnitskaya, A., Salvatico, R., Mignerey, A.C., Rankin, D., Stephans, G.S.F., Gunter, T., McCauley, T., Haubrich, N., Chawla, R., Stone, R., Fiorendi, S., Melo, A., Poudyal, N., Herndon, M., Herve, A., Blinov, V., Boos, E., Kachanov, V., Kozyrev, A., Matveev, V., Savrin, V., Uzunian, A.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-07-2023)
    “…This Letter presents a search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos via electroweak interactions. The results are based on data from proton-proton…”
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  9. 9

    Observation of electroweak production of Wγ with two jets in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV by Di Croce, D., Van Haevermaet, H., Grebenyuk, A., Makarenko, I., Pétré, L., Bruno, G., Misheva, M., Petkov, P., Mejia Guisao, J., Kolosova, M., Finger, M., Mahmoud, M.A., Kinnunen, R., Beaudette, F., Kucher, I., El Mamouni, H., Ille, B., Viret, S., Merschmeyer, M., Wiedenbeck, S., Haj Ahmad, W., Sert, H., Guthoff, M., Lenz, T., Rieger, O., Droll, A., Koppenhöfer, R., Vesztergombi, G., Mal, P., Sandeep, K., Behera, P.K., De Filippis, N., Fiore, L., Venditti, R., Marcellini, S., Albergo, S., Ragazzi, S., Tosi, M., Calzaferri, S., Riccardi, C., Rossi, A., Di Domenico, M.R., Cavallari, F., Argiro, S., Della Ricca, G., Huh, C., Yang, Y.C., Seo, H., Jeong, Y., Krofcheck, D., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Karneyeu, A., Krasnikov, N., Chistov, R., Oskin, A., Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A., Romero, L., Fernandez Menendez, J., Duarte Campderros, J., Kailasapathy, B., Dharmaratna, W.G.D., Liyanage, K., Aarrestad, T.K., Baillon, P., James, T., Sakulin, H., Lu, R.-S., Brew, C., Brown, R.M., Davies, G., Hall, G., Uniyal, R., Cosby, C., Heintz, U., Ko, W., Lander, R., Ghiasi Shirazi, S.M.A., Nguyen, T.Q., Thom, J., Freeman, J., Gottschalk, E., Green, D., Guerrero, D., Martinez, G., Mantilla, C., Wong, K., Gomez Ceballos, G., Strobbe, N., Claes, D.R., Nguyen, D., Rappoccio, S., Barberis, E., Wood, D., Gunter, T., Shi, W., Dulemba, J.L., Thayil, S.A., Safonov, A., Ni, H.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-12-2020)
    “…A first observation is presented for the electroweak production of a W boson, a photon, and two jets in proton-proton collisions. The W boson decays are…”
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  10. 10

    Search for long-lived particles using nonprompt jets and missing transverse momentum with proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Madlener, T., Rad, N., Schieck, J., Di Croce, D., Vit, M., Bruno, G., Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E., Coelho, E., De Jesus Damiao, D., Marinov, A., Jiang, C.H., Finger, M., Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A., Kadastik, M., Laurila, S., Gras, P., Martin Perez, C., Bourgatte, G., Brom, J.-M., Mocellin, G., Choudhury, S., Mal, P., Sandeep, K., Purohit, A., Rout, P.K., Muhammad, A., Castro, A., Fabbri, F., Paoletti, S., Tosi, S., Ciriolo, V., Malberti, M., Lista, L., Dosselli, U., Tosi, M., Benitez, J.F., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Morelos Pineda, A., Toldaiev, O., Korenkov, V., Golovtsov, V., Pashenkov, A., Kirakosyan, M., Ryutin, R., Uzunian, A., Dordevic, M., Álvarez Fernández, A., Fernández Ramos, J.P., Brondolin, E., Deelen, N., Deile, M., Janot, P., Summers, S., Rohe, T., Lu, R.-S., Paganis, E., Bundock, A., Davies, G., Hall, G., Iles, G., Richards, A., Seez, C., Shtipliyski, A., Stoye, M., Demiragli, Z., Coubez, X., Hogan, J.M., Bachtis, M., Gilbert, D., Ulmer, K.A., Frankenthal, A., Apresyan, A., Bhat, P.C., Duarte, J., Maeshima, K., McBride, P., Nahn, S., Curry, D., Bhopatkar, V., Cavanaugh, R., Wang, X., Hung, W.T., Bowen, J., Mcbrayer, W., Rebassoo, F., Tonwar, S.C., Paus, C., Sumorok, K., Benvenuti, A.C., Acosta, J.G., Nguyen, D., Barberis, E., Wood, D., Cooperstein, S., Higginbotham, S., Hughes, E., Osherson, M., Johns, W., Maguire, C., Smith, W.H.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-10-2019)
    “…A search for long-lived particles decaying to displaced, nonprompt jets and missing transverse momentum is presented. The data sample corresponds to an…”
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  11. 11

    Measurement of the tt‾bb‾ production cross section in the all-jet final state in pp collisions at s=13 TeV by Madlener, T., Rad, N., Schieck, J., Di Croce, D., Van Mulders, P., Delcourt, M., Avila, C., Puljak, I., Jarry, P., Leloup, C., Sahin, M.Ö., Hebbeker, T., Aldaya Martin, M., De Wit, A., Defranchis, M.M., Mankel, R., Scheurer, V., Shevchenko, R., Turkot, O., Vagnerini, A., Garutti, E., Kasieczka, G., Kutzner, V., Lange, T., Schwandt, J., Stakia, A., Choudhury, S., Mal, P., Sandeep, K., Malhotra, S., Bhawandeep, U., Purohit, A., Rout, P.K., Muhammad, A., Mishra, D.K., Das, P., Karmakar, S., Castro, A., Fabbri, F., Tosi, S., Ciriolo, V., Malberti, M., Lista, L., Dosselli, U., Tosi, M., Manca, E., Yu, G.B., Mohamad Idris, F., Wan Abdullah, W.A.T., Carrillo Moreno, S., Hoorani, H.R., Malawski, M., Zalewski, P., Levchenko, P., Epshteyn, V., Zhokin, A., Kachanov, V., Mandrik, P., Okhotnikov, V., Bachiller, I., Barrio Luna, M., Erice, C., Barney, D., Deelen, N., Janot, P., Peruzzi, M., Zeuner, W.D., Chernyavskaya, N., Dumanoglu, I., Gokbulut, G., Gülmez, E., Tekten, S., Titterton, A., Schuh, T., James, T., Martelli, A., Dittmann, J., Arcaro, D., Pinna, D., Cutts, D., Mccoll, N., Valuev, V., Franco Sevilla, M., Bornheim, A., Thom, J., Heller, R., Schneider, B., Rahmani, M., Dilsiz, K., Murray, M., Roland, G., Roozbahani, B., Wang, B., Garcia-Bellido, A., Laflotte, I., Lath, A., Somalwar, S., Delannoy, A.G., Joyce, M., Fiori, F.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-04-2020)
    “…A measurement of the production cross section of top quark pairs in association with two b jets (tt‾bb‾) is presented using data collected in proton-proton…”
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  12. 12

    Running of the top quark mass from proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Madlener, T., Rad, N., Schieck, J., Di Croce, D., Van Mulders, P., Vidal Marono, M., Da Costa, E.M., De Oliveira Martins, C., Sultanov, G., Wang, D., Wang, Q., Antunovic, Z., Assran, Y., Havukainen, J., Paganini, P., Sauvan, J.B., Jain, Sa, Lagarde, F., Pozdnyakov, A., Sharma, A., Asmuss, P., Eckstein, D., Eren, E., Geiser, A., Grohsjean, A., Lidrych, J., Pérez Adán, D., Schwandt, J., Mozer, M.U., Weber, M., Bartók, M., Horvath, D., Makovec, A., Trocsanyi, Z.L., Naimuddin, M., Kalbhor, P., Dube, S., Iaselli, G., D'Alessandro, R., Vitulo, P., Della Ricca, G., Kim, H., Choi, S., Ha, S., Lee, K., Watson, I.J., Dudenas, V., Gavrilenko, M., Vorobyev, A., Gninenko, S., Polikarpov, S., Skovpen, Y., Kachanov, V., Mandrik, P., Volkov, A., Dordevic, M., Fernandez Menendez, J., Gonzalez Caballero, I., Rodríguez Bouza, V., Chazin Quero, B., Akgun, B., Bianco, M., Dupont, N., Karacheban, O., Kaspar, J., Kaestli, H.C., Hits, D., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Kukral, O., Zhang, F., Florent, A., Pieri, M., Franco Sevilla, M., Stuart, D., Vlimant, J.R., Paulini, M., Vorobiev, I., Jayatilaka, B., Baarmand, M.M., Noonan, D., Cavanaugh, R., Jung, K., Lindsey, C., Mcbrayer, W., Gomez Ceballos, G., Harris, P., Lesko, Z., Freer, C., Skinnari, L., Mcalister, I., Marlow, D., Negro, G., Dolen, J., Redjimi, R., Stahl Leiton, A.G., Velkovska, J., Dodd, L., Herndon, M., Madhusudanan Sreekala, J., Woods, N.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-04-2020)
    “…The running of the top quark mass is experimentally investigated for the first time. The mass of the top quark in the modified minimal subtraction (MS‾)…”
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  13. 13

    Search for W′ bosons decaying to a top and a bottom quark at s=13TeV in the hadronic final state by Spanring, M., Templ, S., Bethani, A., Carvalho, W., Fonseca De Souza, S., Aleksandrov, A., Ivanov, T., Petkov, P., Chen, G.M., Lu, M., Mao, Y., Kovac, M., Nicolaou, C., Yu, G.B., Touquet, G., Vander Donckt, M., Feld, L., Schmidt, A., Defranchis, M.M., Eckerlin, G., Lipka, K., Schwanenberger, C., Pena Rodriguez, K.J., Giffels, M., Wunsch, S., Veszpremi, V., Karancsi, J., Bansal, S., Thakur, S., Behera, P.K., Pujahari, P.R., Dutta, D., Iaselli, G., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Lo Meo, S., Rovelli, T., Barbagli, G., Brivio, F., Zuolo, D., Gasparini, U., Zucchetta, A., Bilei, G.M., Shafiei, N., Venturi, A., Shchelina, K., Lee, H., Vaitkevicius, A., Castaneda Hernandez, A., Perez Navarro, D.A., Khan, W.A., Krolikowski, J., Savina, M., Lychkovskaya, N., Belyaev, A., Petrov, V., Borchsh, V., Adzic, P., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Ramón Álvarez, C., Wickramage, N., Malgeri, L., Meijers, F., Chernyavskaya, N., Perrin, G., Lin, W., Cakir, A., Linacre, J., Bainbridge, R., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., Rohlf, J., Hadley, M., Cox, P.T., Jensen, F., Lam, T., Schnaible, C., Valuev, V., Burt, K., Nguyen, T.Q., Ulmer, K.A., Monroy, J., Hohlmann, M., King, J., Minafra, N., Mignerey, A.C., Andreassi, G., Roland, C., Krohn, M., Schroeder, N., Freer, C., Odell, N., Goldouzian, R., Mohrman, K., Durkin, L.S., Bonham, B., Ojalvo, I., Olsen, J., Salur, S., Damgov, J., Savin, A.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-09-2021)
    “…A search is performed for W′ bosons decaying to a top and a bottom quark in the all-hadronic final state, in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass…”
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  14. 14

    Measurement of CKM matrix elements in single top quark t-channel production in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV by Van Putte, S., Python, Q., Bilin, B., Khvastunov, I., Aleksandrov, A., Misheva, M., Ivanov, T., Petkov, P., Liao, H., Levin, A., Brigljevic, V., Roguljic, M., Finger, M., Abu Zeid, S., Lassila-Perini, K., Siikonen, H., Tuominiemi, J., Beaudette, F., Bourgatte, G., Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Haj Ahmad, W., Keaveney, J., Dreyer, T., Lange, J., Dierlamm, A., Nürnberg, A., Papakrivopoulos, I., Tsipolitis, G., Trocsanyi, Z.L., Sikdar, A.K., Verwilligen, P., Castro, A., Fabbri, F., Fontanesi, E., Galati, G., De Castro Manzano, P., Tiko, A., Bilei, G.M., Menichelli, M., Meridiani, P., Quaranta, C., Sola, V., Go, Y., Park, S.K., Waqas, M., Olszewski, M., Kirsanov, M., Azarkin, M., Volkov, P., Scodellaro, L., Aarrestad, T.K., Baillon, P., Daponte, V., Zeuner, W.D., Donegà, M., Ristic, B., Wallny, R., Robmann, P., Kangal, E.E., Karapinar, G., Clement, E., Krikler, B., Paramesvaran, S., Sakuma, T., Strebler, T., Kyberd, P., Suarez, I., Burkle, B., Laird, E., Chertok, M., Tripathi, M., Klein, D., Krutelyov, V., Ovcharova, A., Hirschauer, J., Marraffino, J.M., Ristori, L., Spiegel, L., Tran, N.V., Perry, T., Hangal, D.A., Oh, G., Roy, T., Hung, W.T., Bean, A., Schmitz, E., Hu, M., Hiltbrand, J., Francis, B., Lefeld, A., Kalogeropoulos, A., Marlow, D., Ojalvo, I., Shi, W., Montalvo, R., Safonov, A., Ni, H., Xia, F., Thapa, P.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-09-2020)
    “…The first direct, model-independent measurement is presented of the modulus of the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements |η|Vtb, |η|Vtd, and |η|Vts,…”
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  15. 15

    Evidence for four-top quark production in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Waltenberger, W., Janssen, T., Jaffel, K., Rebello Teles, P., Gregores, E.M., Mittal, M., Wang, D., Chitroda, B.K., Rykaczewski, H., Kim, M.S., Couderc, F., Tarabini, A., Vernazza, E., Rehm, F., Dziwok, C., Haj Ahmad, W., Eckerlin, G., Gallo, E., Kaech, B., Mankel, R., Ribeiro Lopes, B., Savitskyi, M., Wichmann, K., Wiens, L., Albrecht, A., Benato, L., Lobanov, A., Kontaxakis, P., Hajdu, C., Das, A.K., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., Costa, S., Bianco, S., Re, V., Ligabue, F., Palla, F., Campana, M., Pandolfi, F., Costa, M., Park, J., Lee, Y., Veckalns, V., Khan, W.A., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Bocci, A., David, A., Lourenço, C., Tsirou, A., Walter, D., Ebrahimi, A., Pigazzini, S., Molinatti, U., Sanchez Cruz, S., Schweiger, K., Kuo, C.M., Li, Y.y., Karapinar, G., Goldstein, J., Ball, A.H., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Colling, D., Lyons, L., Rose, A., Perez, C.U., Yuan, S., Chertok, M., Bachtis, M., Xiang, Y., Andrews, M.B., Ferguson, T., Herwig, T.C., Mantilla, C., McBride, P., Zoi, I., Cadamuro, L., Konigsberg, J., Habibullah, R., Butalla, S., Hohlmann, M., Nachtman, J., Baringer, P., Ivanov, A., Hay, L., Wood, D., Thieman, J., Khukhunaishvili, A., Parygin, P., Popova, E., Routray, H., Schnetzer, S., Bouhali, O., Gilmore, J., Karchin, P.E., De Bruyn, I., Mallampalli, A., Levchenko, P., Sosnov, D., Volkov, P., Zhizhin, I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-09-2023)
    “…The production of four top quarks (tt¯tt¯) is studied with LHC proton-proton collision data samples collected by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy…”
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  16. 16

    Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos at s = 13 TeV in final states containing hadronic decays of WW, WZ, or WH and missing transverse momentum by Waltenberger, W., Bilin, B., Kalsi, A.K., Donertas, I.S., Litov, L., Li, Q., You, Z., Ferencek, D., Susa, T., Mahmoud, M.A., Ehataht, K., Raidal, M., Kinnunen, R., Tuominiemi, J., Denegri, D., Savoy-Navarro, A., Titov, M., Zabi, A., Darej, D., Tsamalaidze, Z., Pauls, A., Röwert, N., Merschmeyer, M., Mankel, R., Ribeiro Lopes, B., Scheurer, V., Stafford, D., Vellidis, K., Bartók, M., Chaudhary, G., Ranjan, K., Sarkar, S., Ramos, D., Campanini, R., Giommi, L., Govoni, P., Guzzi, L., Aimè, C., Parolia, S., Monteno, M., Pelliccioni, M., Vagnerini, A., Dogra, S., Yoon, I., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Ahmad, A., Grzanka, L., Bunkowski, K., Gonzalez Caballero, I., Glege, F., Mulders, M., Pfeiffer, A., Piparo, D., Meinhard, M.T., Perovic, V., Stampf, V., De Wit, A., Reis, T., Nash, J., Di Croce, D., Perez, C.U., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Lander, R., Datta, A., Stone, B., Citron, M., Marsh, B., Bornheim, A., Alison, J., Hassani, A., Apyan, A., Burkett, K., Kwok, K.H.M., Habibullah, R., Kumar Verma, R., Kropivnitskaya, A., Salvatico, R., Lascio, S., Mignerey, A.C., Rankin, D., Stephans, G.S.F., Gunter, T., McCauley, T., Haubrich, N., Chawla, R., Stone, R., Fiorendi, S., Whitbeck, A., Johns, W., Melo, A., Herndon, M., Herve, A., Blinov, V., Boos, E., Kachanov, V., Kozyrev, A., Matveev, V., Savrin, V., Uzunian, A.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-07-2023)
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  17. 17

    Search for Higgs boson decays into Z and J/ψ and for Higgs and Z boson decays into J/ψ or Y pairs in pp collisions at s=13 TeV by Waltenberger, W., El Faham, H., Sahasransu, A.R., Lee, K., Lee, K., Giammanco, A., Wertz, S., Aldá Júnior, W.L., Carvalho, W., Mundim, L., Lyu, X., Ramirez, F., Giljanovic, D., Chitroda, B.K., Kim, M.S., Besancon, M., Cappati, A., Rembser, J., Merschmeyer, M., Schmidt, A., Dziwok, C., Haj Ahmad, W., Kasem, A., Kasemann, M., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Saibel, A., Tonon, N., Schleper, P., Caspart, R., Quast, G., Seith, D., Von Cube, R.F., Major, P., Raics, P., Nemes, F., Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, V.K., Di Florio, A., Dallavalle, G.M., Focardi, E., Guzzi, L., Moroni, L., Meola, S., Dosselli, U., Riccardi, C., Azzurri, P., Rolandi, G., Bellora, A., Maselli, S., Monteno, M., Pelliccioni, M., Lee, S.W., Yang, Y.C., Lee, K.S., Lee, H., Tamulaitis, G., Butler, P.H., Dordevic, M., Jayananda, M.K., Dobson, M., Funk, W., Peruzzi, M., Petrilli, A., Kotlinski, D., Androsov, K., Meinhard, M.T., Heikkilä, J.K., Chen, P.s., Dumanoglu, I., Bainbridge, R., Richards, A., Shtipliyski, A., Virdee, T., Li, D., Bonilla, J., Gerosa, R., Sharma, V., Marsh, B., Quinnan, M., Setti, F., Stuart, D., Ford, W.T., Tkaczyk, S., Koenig, E., Menendez, N., Johnson, K.F., Hofman, D.J., Mestvirishvili, A., Minafra, N., Kaadze, K., Seidel, M., Shi, Z., Nguyen, D., Wang, B., Goldouzian, R., Gutay, L., Paspalaki, G., Zhang, L., Osherson, M., Gavrilov, G., Kirsanov, M.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-07-2023)
    “…Decays of the Higgs boson into a ▪ boson and a ▪ or ▪ meson are searched for in four-lepton final states with the CMS detector at the LHC. A data set of…”
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  18. 18

    Search for Higgs and Z boson decays to J/ψ or Y pairs in the four-muon final state in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV by Madlener, T., Rad, N., Schieck, J., Di Croce, D., Van Haevermaet, H., Cornelis, T., Leggat, D., Shaheen, S.M., Levin, A., Mao, Y., González Hernández, C.F., Antunovic, Z., Konstantinou, S., Mavromanolakis, G., Carrera Jarrin, E., Kinnunen, R., Lampén, T., Collard, C., Chierici, R., Müller, T., Geiser, A., Kogler, R., Lange, J., Husemann, U., Panagiotou, A., Pasztor, G., Horvath, D., Raics, P., Trocsanyi, Z.L., Sahoo, D.K., Kumari, P., Nandan, S., De Palma, M., Ciocca, C., Siroli, G.P., Re, V., Rizzi, A., Tenchini, R., Meridiani, P., Quaranta, C., Demaria, N., Moon, D.H., Castaneda Hernandez, A., Murillo Quijada, J.A., Raicevic, N., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Gninenko, S., Polikarpov, S., Bayshev, I., Volkov, A., Milenovic, P., Folgueras, S., Rodríguez Bouza, V., Vila, I., Bocci, A., Brondolin, E., Deelen, N., Deile, M., Funk, W., Pfeiffer, A., Dorfer, C., Neutelings, I., Lin, W., Chen, P.H., Steen, A., Bat, A., Ball, F., Sakuma, T., Wardle, N., Brainerd, C., Flores, C., Bachtis, M., Wimpenny, S., Yates, B.R., Klein, D., Ulmer, K.A., Frankenthal, A., Abdullin, S., Freeman, J., Gottschalk, E., Johnson, M., Tkaczyk, S., Uplegger, L., Joshi, Y.R., Tonjes, M.B., Baringer, P., Abercrombie, D., Niu, X., Gunter, T., Mcalister, I., Winer, B.L., Bodek, A., Somalwar, S., De Mattia, M., Eusebi, R., Damgov, J., De Guio, F., Kunori, S., Caillol, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-10-2019)
    “…A search for decays of the Higgs and Z boson to pairs of J/ψ or Y(nS) (n = 1, 2, 3) mesons, with their subsequent decay to μ+μ− pairs, is presented. The…”
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  19. 19

    Strategies and performance of the CMS silicon tracker alignment during LHC Run 2 by Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J.W., Bergauer, T., Blöch, D., Chatterjee, S., Dragicevic, M., Escalante Del Valle, A., Frühwirth, R., Hinger, V., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Lechner, L., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Paulitsch, P., Pitters, F.M., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Schwarz, D., Steininger, H., Templ, S., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Chekhovsky, V., Litomin, A., Makarenko, V., Beaumont, W., Darwish, M.R., Wolf, E.A. De, Janssen, T., Kello, T., Lelek, A., Rejeb Sfar, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Putte, S., Van Remortel, N., Blekman, F., Bols, E.S., D’hondt, J., Delcourt, M., El Faham, H., Lowette, S., Moortgat, S., Morton, A., Muller, D., Sahasransu, A.R., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Allard, Y., Beghin, D., Bilin, B., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Deng, W., Favart, L., Grebenyuk, A., Hohov, D., Kalsi, A.K., Khalilzadeh, A., Lee, K., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Makarenko, I., Moureaux, L., Pétré, L., Popov, A., Postiau, N., Robert, F., Song, Z., Starling, E., Thomas, L., Vanden Bemden, M., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., Vannerom, D., Wezenbeek, L., Yang, Y., Cornelis, T., Dobur, D., Knolle, J., Lambrecht, L., Mestdach, G., Niedziela, M., Roskas, C., Samalan, A., Skovpen, K., Tytgat, M., Vermassen, B., Vit, M., Benecke, A., Bethani, A., Bruno, G., Bury, F., Caputo, C., David, P., Deblaere, A., Delaere, C., Donertas, I.S., Giammanco, A.

    “…The strategies for and the performance of the CMS silicon tracking system alignment during the 2015–2018 data-taking period of the LHC are described. The…”
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  20. 20

    Two-particle azimuthal correlations in γp interactions using pPb collisions at sNN=8.16TeV by Wertz, S., Aldá Júnior, W.L., Fonseca De Souza, S., Mundim, L., Thiel, M., Lemos, D.S., Dimitrov, A., Chen, H.S., Chen, M., Chen, C., Jaramillo, J., Kolosova, M., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Zabi, A., Brom, J.-M., Jain, Sa, Pook, T., Eckerlin, G., Walter, D., Nigamova, A., Wunsch, S., Vellidis, K., Bartók, M., Lökös, S., Mandal, K., Horvath, D., Tiwari, P.C., Bansal, S., Sur, N., Diotalevi, T., Masetti, G., Primavera, F., Costa, S., Bianco, S., Zuolo, D., Fienga, F., Gasparini, U., Zucchetta, A., Fiorina, D., Androsov, K., Bianchini, L., Castaldi, R., Ligabue, F., Castaneda Hernandez, A., Murillo Quijada, J.A., Avati, V., Szleper, M., Gallinaro, M., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Urda Gómez, L., Fernandez Menendez, J., Brochero Cifuentes, J.A., Wickramarathna, D.D.C., De Roeck, A., Fulcher, J., Guilbaud, M., Orfanelli, S., Peruzzi, M., Petrilli, A., Rieger, M., Berger, P., Hits, D., Lyon, A.-M., Meinhard, M.T., Sanz Becerra, D.A., Kayis Topaksu, A., Ocalan, K., Kanuganti, A.R., West, C., Suarez, I., Lau, K.T., Lam, T., Perloff, A., Frankenthal, A., Tao, Z., Apyan, A., Heller, R., Joshi, U., Rosenzweig, D., Baringer, P., Tapia Takaki, J.D., Belloni, A., Luckey, P.D., Gunter, T., Kalogeropoulos, A., Marlow, D., Peng, C.C., Xiao, R., Ranken, E., Gershtein, Y., Thayil, S.A., Johns, W., Joyce, M., Loveless, R., Gorbunov, I., Ivanov, Y., Malakhov, A., Sulimov, V., Vlasov, E., Zarubin, A.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-09-2023)
    “…The first measurements of the Fourier coefficients (VnΔ) of the azimuthal distributions of charged hadrons emitted from photon-proton (γp) interactions are…”
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