Search Results - "Dustegor, Dilek"
Predicting academic success in higher education: literature review and best practices
Published in International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (10-02-2020)“…Student success plays a vital role in educational institutions, as it is often used as a metric for the institution’s performance. Early detection of students…”
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Prediction of Academic Performance at Undergraduate Graduation: Course Grades or Grade Point Average?
Published in Applied sciences (01-07-2020)“…Predicting the academic standing of a student at the graduation time can be very useful, for example, in helping institutions select among candidates, or in…”
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Employability prediction: a survey of current approaches, research challenges and applications
Published in Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing (01-03-2023)“…Student employability is crucial for educational institutions as it is often used as a metric for their success. The job market landscape, however, more than…”
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Bayesian Optimization Algorithm-Based Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for Forecasting Short-Term Electricity Demand
Published in Energies (Basel) (01-05-2022)“…This article focuses on developing both statistical and machine learning approaches for forecasting hourly electricity demand in Ontario. The novelties of this…”
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A smarter electricity grid for the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: Perceptions and policy implications
Published in Utilities policy (01-02-2018)“…Saudi Arabia aspires to transition toward a smarter electricity grid with increased reliance on renewable energy, where customers will use or produce green…”
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Prediction of Academic Performance at Undergraduate Graduation: Course Grades or Grade Point Average?
Published in Applied sciences (15-07-2020)“…Predicting the academic standing of a student at the graduation time can be very useful, for example, in helping institutions select among candidates, or in…”
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Learning behind glass walls: learning style and partition-room, is there a correlation?
Published in International journal of innovation science (15-10-2018)“…Purpose This study aims to investigate how a very particular learning environment, namely, partition rooms, affect students’ teaching experience and further…”
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Structural analysis of fault isolability in the DAMADICS benchmark
Published in Control engineering practice (2006)“…Structural analysis is a powerful tool for early determination of fault detectability/fault isolability possibilities. It is shown how different levels of…”
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Automated Graph-Based Methodology for Fault Detection and Location in Power Systems
Published in IEEE transactions on power delivery (01-04-2010)“…This study investigates how the model-based fault detection and location approach of structural analysis can be adapted to meet the needs of power systems,…”
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The Impact of Digital Technology on Female Students' Learning Experience in Partition-Rooms: Conditioned by Social Context
Published in IEEE transactions on education (01-11-2018)“…Abstract-Contribution : As expected, a partition-room environment negatively affects students' learning. An unexpected result of this study is that female…”
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Public acceptance of renewable energy and Smart-Grid in Saudi Arabia
Published in 2015 IEEE 8th GCC Conference & Exhibition (01-02-2015)“…This study aims to measure the public's knowledge about renewable energy sources, their willingness to use solar energy as a main source in their households,…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A Remotely Piloted Aerial System for a Faster Processing of Traffic Collisions Towards Reducing the Resulting Road Congestion
Published in 2017 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE) (01-05-2017)“…This paper presents the motivation, design, implementation, and testing of a remotely piloted aerial system, designed to facilitate police officers processing…”
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Wireless sensor network based monitoring system for photovoltaic panels in extreme GCC climate conditions: A literature review of current approaches
Published in 2013 7th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCC) (01-11-2013)“…Photovoltaic system performance highly depends on environmental conditions. Hence system requirements to optimize energy yield are unique, and in most cases no…”
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iTrack: A residential energy monitoring system tailored to meet local needs
Published in 2015 Fifth International Conference on e-Learning (econf) (01-10-2015)“…The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, like many other Gulf Council Countries, is lately experiencing a very rapid population and industrial growth, which results in an…”
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A sensor failure resilience metric for ship-board power system
Published in 2011 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (01-04-2011)“…This study defines a metric of resilience to sensor faults for ship-board power system. Hence, one is able to compare different power system topology with…”
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Structural analysis for residual generation: towards implementation
Published in Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2004 (2004)“…In that paper an innovative way of dealing with the generation of residuals for fault-detection and isolation based on structural information is presented. The…”
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