Search Results - "Duque, J.E.L"
Chemical Control of Loxosceles intermedia (Araneae: Sicariidae) with Pyrethroids: Field and Laboratory Evaluation
Published in Journal of economic entomology (01-02-2010)“…Bites from the recluse or brown spiders (genus Loxosceles) can cause necrotic lesions and systemic effects in humans throughout the world. In the state of…”
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Abundância e agregação de ovos de Aedes aegypti L. e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) no norte e noroeste do Paraná
Published in Neotropical entomology (2007)“…The abundance and aggregation of eggs of Aedes aegypti L. and Aedes albopictus Skuse was evaluated in the municipalities of Cambé, Ibiporã, Jacarezinho,…”
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Journal Article