Search Results - "Dudley, Jonathan G."
Development and evaluation of habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpecker (Dryobates albolarvatus) in burned forest
Published in PloS one (15-05-2020)“…Salvage logging in burned forests can negatively affect habitat for white-headed woodpeckers (Dryobates albolarvatus), a species of conservation concern, but…”
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Published in The Condor (Los Angeles, Calif.) (01-02-2007)“…We monitored the nest densities and nest survival of seven cavity-nesting bird species, including four open-space foragers (American Kestrel [Falco…”
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Foraging-Habitat Selection of Black-Backed Woodpeckers in Forest Burns of Southwestern Idaho
Published in The Condor (Los Angeles, Calif.) (01-05-2012)“…We examined foraging-habitat selection of Black-backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus) in burned forests of southwestern Idaho during 2000 and 2002 (6 and 8…”
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Avian relationships with wildfire at two dry forest locations with different historical fire regimes
Published in Ecosphere (Washington, D.C) (01-05-2016)“…Wildfire is a key factor influencing bird community composition in western North American forests. We need to understand species and community responses to…”
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Habitat-Suitability Models for Cavity-Nesting Birds in a Postfire Landscape
Published in The Journal of wildlife management (01-11-2007)“…Models of habitat suitability in postfire landscapes are needed by land managers to make timely decisions regarding postfire timber harvest and other…”
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Passively controlled supersonic cavity flow using a spanwise cylinder
Published in Experiments in fluids (01-09-2014)“…An experimental investigation of a passively controlled open cavity with a length to depth ratio of six and freestream Mach number of 1.4 was conducted to…”
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Woodpecker Nest Survival, Density, and a Pine Beetle Outbreak
Published in The Journal of wildlife management (01-08-2019)“…Mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreaks in western North American coniferous forests are increasing in size and severity. An understanding of…”
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Short-term benefits of prescribed fire to bird communities of dry forests
Published in Fire ecology (12-04-2022)“…Background Low-severity prescribed fire is an important tool to manage fire-maintained forests across North America. In dry conifer forests of the western USA,…”
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Prescribed fire limits wildfire severity without altering ecological importance for birds
Published in Fire ecology (15-12-2021)“…Background Fire suppression and anthropogenic land use have increased severity of wildfire in western U.S. dry conifer forests. Managers use fuels reduction…”
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Evaluating habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forest
Published in The Journal of wildlife management (01-02-2015)“…ABSTRACT Habitat suitability models can provide guidelines for species conservation by predicting where species of interest are likely to occur. Presence‐only…”
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Nest-site selection by cavity-nesting birds in relation to postfire salvage logging
Published in Forest ecology and management (20-01-2009)“…Large wildfire events in coniferous forests of the western United States are often followed by postfire timber harvest. The long-term impacts of postfire…”
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Transferability of habitat suitability models for nesting woodpeckers associated with wildfire
Published in The Condor (Los Angeles, Calif.) (01-11-2016)“…Following wildfire, forest managers are challenged with meeting both socioeconomic demands (e.g., salvage logging) and mandates requiring habitat conservation…”
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Modeling Nest Survival of Cavity-Nesting Birds in Relation to Postfire Salvage Logging
Published in The Journal of wildlife management (01-05-2011)“…Salvage logging practices in recently burned forests often have direct effects on species associated with dead trees, particularly cavity-nesting birds. As…”
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Ensemble modeling to predict habitat suitability for a large‐scale disturbance specialist
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-11-2013)“…To conserve habitat for disturbance specialist species, ecologists must identify where individuals will likely settle in newly disturbed areas. Habitat…”
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Snag longevity in relation to wildfire and postfire salvage logging
Published in Forest ecology and management (15-08-2006)“…Snags create nesting, foraging, and roosting habitat for a variety of wildlife species. Removal of snags through postfire salvage logging reduces the densities…”
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Detection Probabilities of Woodpecker Nests in Mixed Conifer Forests in Oregon
Published in The Wilson journal of ornithology (01-03-2009)“…Accurate estimates of Black-backed (Picoides arcticus) and Hairy Woodpecker (P. villosus) nests and nest survival rates in post-fire landscapes provide land…”
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Snag persistence rates and patterns following mountain pine beetle epidemic in the Elkhorn Mountains, Montana, USA
Published in Forest ecology and management (15-09-2023)“…•Snags after bark beetle epidemics provide habitat for woodpeckers.•We analyzed snag persistence patterns after bark beetle epidemic in Montana.•Larger,…”
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Lewis's woodpecker nesting habitat suitability: Predictive models for application within burned forests
Published in Biological conservation (01-01-2021)“…Wildfire-generated snags provide key habitat for wildlife associated with recently disturbed forests, offering nesting and foraging resources for several…”
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Development and evaluation of habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpecker
Published in PloS one (15-05-2020)“…Salvage logging in burned forests can negatively affect habitat for white-headed woodpeckers (Dryobates albolarvatus), a species of conservation concern, but…”
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Evaluating Habitat Suitability Models for Nesting White-Headed Woodpeckers in Unbumed Forest
Published in The Journal of wildlife management (01-02-2015)“…Habitat suitability models can provide guidelines for species conservation by predicting where species of interest are likely to occur. Presence-only models…”
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