Search Results - "Duderstadt, Randall E"
Effect of organic mobile phase composition on signal responses for selected polyalkene additive compounds by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
Published in Journal of Chromatography A (06-06-2008)“…The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation methodology employed in the study of polyalkene additive compounds by atmospheric pressure…”
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Investigation of single-site zirconium azaborolinyl complexes by laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry
Published in Analytica chimica acta (16-07-2007)“…Laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) was performed on selected azaborolinyl zirconium complexes in order to study them as potential…”
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Pyruvate Formate-Lyase Activating Enzyme Is an Iron−Sulfur Protein
Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society (06-08-1997)Get full text
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Effect of Serinate Ligation at Each of the Iron Sites of the [Fe4S4] Cluster of Pyrococcus furiosus Ferredoxin on the Redox, Spectroscopic, and Biological Properties
Published in Biochemistry (Easton) (10-08-1999)“…Pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin (Fd) contains a single [Fe4S4] cluster coordinated by three cysteine (at positions 11, 17, and 56) and one aspartate ligand (at…”
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A pure S=3/2 [Fe 4S 4] + cluster in the A33Y variant of Pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin
Published in FEBS letters (02-07-1999)“…The properties of the [4Fe-4S] 2+/+ cluster in wild-type and the A33Y variant of Pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin have been investigated by the combination of…”
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Synthesis, Structures, and Properties of “Encapsulated” Iron and Cobalt Metallocenes with Highly Isopropylated Cyclopentadienyl Rings
Published in Organometallics (01-04-1997)“…Bis(triisopropylcyclopentadienyl)cobalt, [(i-Pr)3C5H2]2Co, and bis(tetraisopropylcyclopentadienyl)cobalt, [(i-Pr)4C5H]2Co, can be prepared from the reaction of…”
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Spectroscopic Evidence for a New Type of [Fe3S4] Cluster in a Mutant Form of Pyrococcus furiosus Ferredoxin
Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society (26-08-1998)“…In addition to the more established electron transfer and catalytic roles, there is increasing evidence that Fe-S clusters are intimately involved in…”
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Effects of Mutations in Aspartate 14 on the Spectroscopic Properties of the [Fe3S4]+,0 Clusters in Pyrococcus furiosus Ferredoxin
Published in Biochemistry (Easton) (10-08-1999)“…The properties of [Fe3S4]+,0 clusters in wild-type and mutant forms of Pf Fd with Asp, Ser, Cys, Val, His, Asn, and Tyr residues occupying position 14, i.e.,…”
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Novel roles for Fe-S clusters in stabilizing or generating radical intermediates
Published in Pure and applied chemistry (01-01-1998)Get full text
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