Search Results - "Duda, Jarek"
The Compression Optimality of Asymmetric Numeral Systems
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (17-04-2023)“…Source coding has a rich and long history. However, a recent explosion of multimedia Internet applications (such as teleconferencing and video streaming, for…”
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Types of Markov Fields and Tilings
Published in IEEE transactions on information theory (01-08-2016)“…The method of types is one of the most popular techniques in information theory and combinatorics. However, thus far the method has been mostly applied to 1-D…”
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Compcrypt-Lightweight ANS-Based Compression and Encryption
Published in IEEE transactions on information forensics and security (2021)“…Compression is widely used in Internet applications to save communication time, bandwidth and storage. Recently invented by Jarek Duda asymmetric numeral…”
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Testing stimulated emission photon directions
Published 23-09-2024“…While naively laser only causes excitation of external target, e.g. Rabi cycle, STED microscopy or backward ASE in optical amplifiers demonstrate it can also…”
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3-SAT solver for two-way quantum computers
Published 11-08-2024“…While quantum computers assume existence of state preparation process $|0\rangle$, CPT symmetry of physics says that performing such process in CPT symmetry…”
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Biology-inspired joint distribution neurons based on Hierarchical Correlation Reconstruction allowing for multidirectional neural networks
Published 08-05-2024“…Biological neural networks seem qualitatively superior (e.g. in learning, flexibility, robustness) to current artificial like Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) or…”
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Shared file protection against unauthorised encryption using a Buffer-Based Signature Verification Method
Published in Journal of information security and applications (01-11-2024)“…Understanding the attributes of critical data and implementing suitable security measures help organisations bolster their data-protection strategies and…”
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Simple inexpensive vertex and edge invariants distinguishing dataset strongly regular graphs
Published 07-02-2024“…While standard Weisfeiler-Leman vertex labels are not able to distinguish even vertices of regular graphs, there is proposed and tested family of inexpensive…”
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Phase space maximal entropy random walk: Langevin-like ensembles of physical trajectories
Published 02-01-2024“…As written by statistician George Box "All models are wrong, but some are useful", standard diffusion derivation or Feynman path ensembles use nonphysical…”
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Extracting individual variable information for their decoupling, direct mutual information and multi-feature Granger causality
Published 22-11-2023“…Working with multiple variables they usually contain difficult to control complex dependencies. This article proposes extraction of their individual…”
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Two-way quantum computers adding CPT analog of state preparation
Published 27-07-2023“…Standard one-way quantum computers (1WQC) combine time symmetric unitary evolution, with asymmetric treatment of boundaries: state preparation allows to…”
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ANS-based compression and encryption with 128-bit security
Published in International journal of information security (01-10-2022)“…The bulk of Internet interactions is highly redundant and also security sensitive. To reduce communication bandwidth and provide a desired level of security, a…”
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Time delay multi-feature correlation analysis to extract subtle dependencies from EEG signals
Published 24-04-2023“…Electroencephalography (EEG) signals are resultants of extremely complex brain activity. Some details of this hidden dynamics might be accessible through e.g…”
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Adaptive Student's t-distribution with method of moments moving estimator for nonstationary time series
Published 06-04-2023“…The real life time series are usually nonstationary, bringing a difficult question of model adaptation. Classical approaches like ARMA-ARCH assume arbitrary…”
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Predicting probability distributions for cancer therapy drug selection optimization
Published 13-09-2022“…Large variability between cell lines brings a difficult optimization problem of drug selection for cancer therapy. Standard approaches use prediction of value…”
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Predicting conditional probability distributions of redshifts of Active Galactic Nuclei using Hierarchical Correlation Reconstruction
Published 13-06-2022“…While there is a general focus on prediction of values, real data often only allows to predict conditional probability distributions, with capabilities bounded…”
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Fast optimization of common basis for matrix set through Common Singular Value Decomposition
Published 18-04-2022“…SVD (singular value decomposition) is one of the basic tools of machine learning, allowing to optimize basis for a given matrix. However, sometimes we have a…”
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Context binning, model clustering and adaptivity for data compression of genetic data
Published 13-01-2022“…Rapid growth of genetic databases means huge savings from improvements in their data compression, what requires better inexpensive statistical models. This…”
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Diffusion models for atomic scale electron currents in semiconductor, p-n junction
Published 23-12-2021“…While semiconductor electronics is at heart of modern world, and now uses 5nm or smaller processes of single atoms, it seems there are missing models of actual…”
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