Search Results - "Dowell, David H."
Quantum efficiency and thermal emittance of metal photocathodes
Published in Physical review special topics. PRST-AB. Accelerators and beams (01-07-2009)“…Modern electron beams have demonstrated the brilliance needed to drive free electron lasers at x-ray wavelengths with major advances occurring since the…”
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Exact cancellation of emittance growth due to coupled transverse dynamics in solenoids and rf couplers
Published in Physical review. Accelerators and beams (17-01-2018)“…Weak, rotated magnetic and radio frequency quadrupole fields in electron guns and injectors can couple the beam’s horizontal with vertical motion, introduce…”
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Topological cathodes: Controlling the space charge limit of electron emission using metamaterials
Published in Physical review. Accelerators and beams (23-08-2019)“…The space charge limit (SCL) of emission from photocathodes sets an upper limit on the performance of both high- and low-field electron guns. Generally, one is…”
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Experimental verification of the 3-step model of photoemission for energy spread and emittance measurements of copper and CsBr-coated copper photocathodes suitable for free electron laser applications
Published in Applied physics letters (03-12-2012)“…This paper presents measurements and analysis of the quantum efficiency (QE) and intrinsic emittance of Cu and CsBr coated Cu photocathodes. The data analysis…”
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Dielectric laser accelerators
Published in Reviews of modern physics (23-12-2014)“…The use of lasers to accelerate particles in dielectric structures has become much more prominent of late, with recent exciting results of electron…”
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Dielectric laser accelerators
Published in Reviews of modern physics (23-12-2014)“…The use of infrared lasers to power optical-scale lithographically fabricated particle accelerators is a developing area of research that has garnered…”
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Topological Cathodes: Controlling the Space Charge Limit of Electron Emission Using Metamaterials
Published 21-02-2019“…Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 084201 (2019) The space charge limit (SCL) of emission from photocathodes sets an upper limit on the performance of both high- and…”
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Correcting Emittance Growth Due to Stray Sextupole Fields
Published 28-09-2018“…This paper discusses the emittance growth produced by sextupole fields in conjunction with a solenoidal focusing. The sextupole emittance is derived and…”
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Sources of Emittance in RF Photocathode Injectors: Intrinsic emittance, space charge forces due to non-uniformities, RF and solenoid effects
Published 04-10-2016“…Advances in electron beam technology have been central to creating the current generation of x-ray free electron lasers and ultra-fast electron microscopes…”
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Combining Particle Tracking with Electromagnetic Radiation Showers: Merging GPT and Geant4 with Visualization
Published 15-12-2022“…Field emitted electrons can seriously affect the operation of high-field, high-duty factor electron accelerators. Accelerated field emission can result in high…”
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Cancellation of RF Coupler-Induced Emittance Due to Astigmatism
Published 31-03-2015“…It is well-known that the electron beam quality required for applications such as FELs and ultra-fast electron diffraction can be degraded by the asymmetric…”
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The status of normal conducting RF (NCRF) guns, a summary of the ERL2005 workshop
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01-02-2006)“…The 32nd Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovering Linacs (ERL2005) was held at Jefferson Laboratory, March 20–23, 2005. A wide range of…”
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Exact Cancellation of Emittance Due to Coupled Transverse Dynamics in Solenoids and RF Couplers
Published 21-07-2017“…Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 010101 (2018) Small, stray magnetic and RF fields in electron guns and injectors can perturb an electron beam and introduce…”
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An Engineering Guide To Photoinjectors
Published 28-03-2014“…Since the discovery of electrons more than a century ago, the generation, transport and characterization of electron beams has been an active field of…”
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Permanent magnet systems for free-electron lasers
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-07-2003)“…We review uses of permanent magnets (PMs) in free-electron lasers (FELs). Recently, PMs have been considered to replace many of the electromagnet (EM) dipoles,…”
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Reduction of bend-plane emittance growth in a chicane pulse compressor
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (1999)“…Emittance preservation in beam bending systems is vitally important in the production of bright, high-current electron microbunches. Generally, the emittance…”
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PARMELA_B: a new version of PARMELA with coherent synchrotron radiation effects and a finite difference space charge routine
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-07-2002)“…Recent interest in advanced laser light sources has stimulated development of accelerator systems of intermediate beam energy, 100–200 MeV, and high charge,…”
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Coupler Design for the LCLS Injector S-Band Structures
Published in Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference (2005)“…The LCLS injector is required to provide a 1-nC, 10-ps bunch with a normalized rms transverse projected emittance of less than 1 micron. The LCLS beam is…”
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Conference Proceeding -
The Development of the Linac Coherent Light Source RF Gun
Published 19-03-2015“…The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) is the first x-ray laser user facility based upon a free electron laser (FEL). In addition to many other stringent…”
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