Search Results - "Douay, X"

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    High prevalence of restless legs syndrome in multiple sclerosis by Douay, X, Waucquier, N, Hautecoeur, P, Vermersch, P

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-02-2009)
    “…Prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS), a clinically defined disorder, varies from 2.5 to 15% among populations. In the French adult population, prevalence…”
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    Movement-related cortical activation in familial Parkinson disease by DELVAL, A, DEFEBVRE, L, LABYT, E, DOUAY, X, BOURRIEZ, J.-L, WAUCQUIEZ, N, DERAMBURE, P, DESTEE, A

    Published in Neurology (26-09-2006)
    “…We sought to determine whether or not first-degree relatives of patients with familial Parkinson disease (FDRs) present impaired movement-related cortical…”
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    Antithrombin, protein C and protein S levels in 127 consecutive young adults with ischemic stroke by Douay, X., Lucas, C., Caron, C., Goudemand, J., Leys, D.

    Published in Acta neurologica Scandinavica (01-08-1998)
    “…Objectives ‐ The aim of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of antithrombin, protein C and protein S deficiencies in consecutive ischemic stroke patients…”
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    Prévalence élevée du syndrome des jambes sans repos dans la sclérose en plaques by Douay, X., Waucquier, N., Hautecoeur, P., Vermersch, P.

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-02-2009)
    “…La prévalence du syndrome des jambes sans repos (SJSR), affection définie cliniquement, est évaluée à 8,5 % dans la population française. Le SJSR est…”
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    Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Using a Mobile Device Application by Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial by Defer, Gilles, Fedrizzi, Sophie, Chevanne, Damien, Montastruc, François, Briant, Anais R., Parienti, Jean-Jacques, Peyro-Saint-Paul, Laure

    Published in Drug safety (01-02-2021)
    “…Introduction Patient reporting adds value to pharmacovigilance. Encouraging it to be done through a mobile device application (App) is a method that should be…”
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    Infections and multiple sclerosis: Recommendations from the French Multiple Sclerosis Society by Papeix, C., Donze, C., Lebrun-Frénay, C., Papeix, C., Donzé, C., Lebrun-Frénay, C., Laplaud, D., Thouvenot, E., Ayrignac, X., Pourcher-Martinez, V., Zéphir, H., de Seze, J., Michel, L., Bensa, C., Cara-Dalliere, C., Guen-noc, A.M., Casez, O., Maarouf, A., Bourre, B., Kwiatkowski, A., Cohen, M., Maillart, E., Collongues, N., Louapre, C., Androdias, G., Guegen, A., Audoin, B., Mattey, G., Bernady, P., Faucheux, J.M., Labauge, P., Meckies, C., Stankoff, B., Tourniaire, P., Dinh, A., Guennoc, A.M., Durnad-Dubief, F., Wiertlewski, S., Derache, N., Le page, E., Pittion, S., Vukusic, S., Clavelou, P., Heinzlef, O., Colamarino, R., Planque, E., Rico, A., Sheiber nogueira, C., de Seze, M., Ciron, J., Alchaar, H., Bensmail, D., Biotti, D., Branger, P., Brochet, B., Castan, B., Creange, A., Creisson, E., DeBroucker, T., Depaz, R., Douay, X., Dulau, C., Faucher, M., Fournier, M., Fromont, A., Gallien, P., Gout, O., Grimaud, J., Hervé, Y., Kerbrat, A., Kremer, L., Lanotte, L., Magy, L., Mania, A., Maurousset, A., Moisset, X., Montcuquet, A., Moreau, T., Morel, N., Patry, I., Peaureaux, D., Pouget, M.C., Ruet, A., Saint-Val, C., Stahl, J.P., Taithe, F., Tattevin, P., Vaillant, M., Vuoto, F.

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-10-2021)
    “…Viral, bacterial, or fungal infections are suspected of triggering multiple sclerosis (MS) and promoting relapses of the disease and are likely to be promoted…”
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    Urinary tract infections and multiple sclerosis: Recommendations from the French Multiple Sclerosis Society by Papeix, C., Lebrun-Frenay, C., Donzé, C., Papeix, C., Lebrun-Frénay, C., Collongues, N., de Seze, M., Dinh, A., Even, A., Scheiber-Nogueira, C., Bourre, B., Carra-Dallière, C., Ciron, J., Cohen, M., Guennoc, A.M., Lebreton, F., Michel, L., Maillart, E., Audoin, B., Ayrignac, X., Bernady, P., Brochet, B., Clavelou, P., Declemy, A., de Seze, J., Derache, N., Faucheux, J.-M., Heinzlef, O., Labauge, P., Laplaud, D., Lepage, E., Leray, E., Magy, L., Mathey, G., Mekies, C., Mondain, V., Planque, E., Pelletier, J., Pittion, S., Stankhof, B., Tournaire, P., Thouvenot, E., Vukusic, S., Wiertlevski, S., Zephir, H., Androdias, G., Benazet, M., Bensmail, D., Blanchard-Dauphin, A., Bonnan, M., Boutière, C., Branger, P., Bresch, S., Bru, J.-P., Camdessanché, J.-P., Castel Canal, E., Coustans, M., Creange, A., Creisson, E., De Broucker, T., Depaz, R., Douay, X., Dulau, C., Durand-Dubief, F., Fagniez, O., Floch, A., Fournier, M., Fromont, A., Gallien, P., Gamé, X., Gault, D., Gayou, A., Giroux, M., Gout, O., Grimaud, J., Hautecoeur, P., Kerbrat, A., Kwiatkowski, A., Lachaud, S., Lanotte, L., Manchon, E., Michel, L., Milor, A.-M., Moisset, X., Mont-Cuquet, A., Moreau, T., Ouallet, J.-C., Patry, I., Peaureaux, D., Pouget, M.-C., Pourcher Martinez, V., Radot, C., Ruet, A., Saint-Val, C., Taithe, F., Tatevin, P., Vaillant, M., Stahl, J.-P., Vuoto, F., Zaenker, C.

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-12-2020)
    “…Establish recommendations for the management of UTIs in MS patients. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common during multiple sclerosis (MS) and are one of…”
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    Immunization and multiple sclerosis: Recommendations from the French Multiple Sclerosis Society by Lebrun, C., Vukusic, S., Abadie, V., Achour, C., Ader, F., Alchaar, H., Andreux, F., Arjmand, R., Audry, D., Bailbe, M., Benazet, M., Bensa, C., Bensmail, D., Berger, E., Bernady, P., Biotti, D., Blanchard-Dauphin, A., Bonenfant, J., Bonnan, M., Borgel, F., Botelho-Nevers, E., Bourre, B., Boutière, C., Branger, P., Bresch, S., Breuil, V., Brochet, B., Brugeilles, H., Camdessanché, J.-P., Carra-Dalière, C., Chamouard, J.-M., Chassande, B., Collongues, N., Coman, I., Coustans, M., Creange, A., Davenas, C., De Seze, J., Depaz, R., Divio, L., Durand-Dubief, F., Faucher, M., Gagneux-Brunon, A., Gaida, P., Galli, P., Gallien, P., Gault, D., Gayou, A., Gentil, A., Gout, O., Guennoc, A.-M., Labauge, P., Labeyrie, C., Lachaud, S., Lannoy, J., Lanotte, L., Laplaud, D., Le Page, E., Lejoyeux, P., Loche, C.-M., Louapre, C., Lubetzki, C., Maarouf, A., Mada, B., Magy, L., Manchon, E., Mathey, G., Maurousset, A., Mekies, C., Michel, L., Milor, A.-M., Montcuquet, A., Moreau, T., Morel, N., Moussa, M., Olive, P., Outteryck, O., Pacault, C., Pelletier, J., Pichon, B., Pittion, S., Pouget, M.-C., Pourcher, V., Robert, I., Ruet, A., Ruet, A., Saint-Val, C., Salle, J.-Y., Salmon, A., Schaeffer, S., Taithe, F., Thouvenot, E., Tizon, C., Tourbah, A., Tourniaire, P., Vidil, S., Wahab, A., Wiplosz, B., Wittwer, B., Zephir, H.

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-06-2019)
    “…To establish recommendations on immunization for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Vaccines have been suspected in the past to trigger MS and relapses…”
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    F - 35 Syndrome des jambes sans repos et sclérose en plaques by Waucquier, N., Douay, X., Marcel, M., Marcel, H., Verier, A., Hautecur, P., Vermersch au nom du réseau G-SEP, P.

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-04-2007)
    “…La fréquence du syndrome des jambes sans repos (SJSR), affection définie cliniquement, varie de 2,5 % à 15 % selon les populations. Une étude canadienne relève…”
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    Paraplegia episodes revealing tuberculous myelitis by Douay, X, de Seze, J, Stojkovic, T, Gauvrit, J Y, Savage, C, Pruvo, J P, Vermersch, P

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-07-2000)
    “…A 38 year-old woman, without previous medical history, presented, since 1993, several paraplegic fits carrying herself progressively through to a severe…”
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    alpha -synuclein locus duplication as a cause of familial Parkinson's disease by Chartier-Harlin, M-C, Kachergus, J, Roumier, C, Mouroux, V, Douay, X, Lincoln, S, Levecque, C, Larvor, L, Andrieux, J, Hulihan, M, Waucquier, N, Defebvre, L, Amouyel, P, Farrer, M, Destee, A

    Published in The Lancet (North American edition) (01-10-2004)
    “…Genomic triplication of the alpha -synuclein gene (SNCA) has been reported to cause hereditary early-onset parkinsonism with dementia. These findings prompted…”
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    Bilateral 3rd cranial nerve palsy disclosing oligodendroglioma by Douay, X, Daems-Monpeurt, C, Labalette, P, Blond, S, Petit, H

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-07-1997)
    “…The patient was a 30 year-old man. He had no previous history. For several months he experienced a slowly progressive horizontal diplopia which was the…”
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