Search Results - "Donley, Jeanine M."
Evolution of high-performance swimming in sharks: Transformations of the musculotendinous system from subcarangiform to thunniform swimmers
Published in Journal of morphology (1931) (01-04-2006)“…In contrast to all other sharks, lamnid sharks perform a specialized fast and continuous “thunniform” type of locomotion, more similar to that of tunas than to…”
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Thermal effects on red muscle contractile performance in deep-diving, large-bodied fishes
Published in Fish physiology and biochemistry (01-10-2020)“…Bigeye thresher sharks ( Alopias superciliosus ) and swordfish ( Xiphias gladius ) are large, pelagic fishes, which make long-duration, diurnal foraging dives…”
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Convergent evolution in mechanical design of lamnid sharks and tunas
Published in Nature (06-05-2004)“…The evolution of 'thunniform' body shapes in several different groups of vertebrates, including whales, ichthyosaurs and several species of large pelagic…”
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Mammal-like muscles power swimming in a cold-water shark
Published in Nature (27-10-2005)“…Effects of temperature on muscle contraction and powering movement are profound, outwardly obvious, and of great consequence to survival. To cope with the…”
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Effects of temperature on power output and contraction kinetics in the locomotor muscle of the regionally endothermic common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)
Published in Fish physiology and biochemistry (01-10-2012)“…The common thresher shark ( Alopias vulpinus ) is a pelagic species with medially positioned red aerobic swimming musculature (RM) and regional RM endothermy…”
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Thermal dependence of contractile properties of the aerobic locomotor muscle in the leopard shark and shortfin mako shark
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-04-2007)“…The work loop technique was used to examine contractile properties of the red aerobic locomotor muscle (RM) in the ectothermic leopard shark Triakis…”
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Swimming kinematics of juvenile kawakawa tuna (Euthynnus affinis) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
Published in Journal of experimental biology (15-10-2000)“…The swimming kinematics of two active pelagic fishes from the family Scombridae were compared to test the hypothesis that the kawakawa tuna (Euthynnus affinis)…”
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Function of the medial red muscle during sustained swimming in common thresher sharks: Contrast and convergence with thunniform swimmers
Published in Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology (01-04-2010)“…Through convergent evolution tunas and lamnid sharks share thunniform swimming and a medial position of the red, aerobic swimming musculature. During…”
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Steady swimming muscle dynamics in the leopard shark Triakis semifasciata
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-04-2003)“…Patterns of red muscle strain and activation were examined at three positions along the body (0.42, 0.61 and 0.72 L, where L is total body length) and…”
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Effects of temperature on sustained swimming performance and swimming kinematics of the chub mackerel Scomber japonicus
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-04-2002)“…The effects of a 6 degrees C difference in water temperature on maximum sustained swimming speed, swimming energetics and swimming kinematics were measured in…”
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Patterns of red muscle strain/activation and body kinematics during steady swimming in a lamnid shark, the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-06-2005)“…The dynamics of steady swimming were examined in the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), a member of the cartilaginous fish family Lamnidae, a family known for…”
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Ontogenetic changes in characteristics required for endothermy in juvenile black skipjack tuna (Euthynnus lineatus)
Published in Journal of experimental biology (15-10-2000)“…To characterize better the development of endothermy in tunas, we assessed how the abilities to generate heat and to conserve heat within the aerobic,…”
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