Search Results - "Domany, T."

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  1. 1

    Multitoroidal Interconnects For Tightly Coupled Supercomputers by Aridor, Y., Domany, T., Goldshmidt, O., Kliteynik, Y., Shmueli, E., Moreira, J.E.

    “…The processing elements of many modern tightly coupled multicomputers are connected via mesh or toroidal networks. Such interconnects are simple and highly…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    An Overview of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer by Adiga, N.R., Almasi, G., Almasi, G.S., Aridor, Y., Barik, R., Beece, D., Bellofatto, R., Bhanot, G., Bright, A.A., Brunheroto, J., Cascaval, C., Castanos, J., Chan, W., Ceze, L., Coteus, P., Chatterjee, S., Chen, D., Chiu, G., Cipolla, T.M., Crumley, P., Desai, K.M., Deutsch, A., Domany, T., Donath, W., Eleftheriou, M., Erway, C., Esch, J., Fitch, B., Gagliano, J., Gara, A., Garg, R., Germain, R., Giampapa, M.E., Gopalsamy, B., Gunnels, J., Gustavson, F., Hall, S., Haring, R.A., Heidel, D., Heidelberger, P., Herger, L.M., Jackson, R.D., Jamal-Eddine, T., Kopcsay, G.V., Krevat, E., Kurhekar, M.P., Lanzetta, A.P., Lieber, D., Liu, L.K., Lu, M., Mendell, M., Misra, A., Mok, L., Moreira, J.E., Nathanson, B.J., Newton, M., Ohmacht, M., Oliner, A., Rand, R., Regan, R., Rubin, B., Ruehli, A., Sahoo, R.K., Sanomiya, A., Schenfeld, E., Sharma, M., Song, P., Srinivasan, V., Strauss, K., Surovic, C., Swetz, R., Takken, T., Tremaine, R.B., Tsao, M., Umamaheshwaran, A.R., Verma, P., Ward, T.J.C., Wazlowski, M., Barrett, W., Engel, C., Drehmel, B., Hilgart, B., Hill, D., Kasemkhani, F., Krolak, D., Li, C.T., Marcella, J., Muff, A., Okomo, A., Schram, A., Tubbs, M., Ulsh, G., Wait, C., Wittrup, J., Bae, M., Dockser, K., Kissel, L., Seager, M.K., Vetter, J.S., Yates, K.

    “…This paper gives an overview of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer. This is a jointly funded research partnership between IBM and the Lawrence Livermore National…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  3. 3

    Encompass: Managing Functionality by Goldshmidt, O., Rochwerger, B., Glikson, A., Shapira, I., Domany, T.

    “…Today's system management tools focus on a computer as a visible enclosure of both computational resources (CPU and memory) and the functionality and data that…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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