Search Results - "Domagoj Kuić"
The frustration of being odd: how boundary conditions can destroy local order
Published in New journal of physics (01-08-2020)“…A central tenant in the classification of phases is that boundary conditions cannot affect the bulk properties of a system. In this work, we show striking, yet…”
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Maximum information entropy principle and the interpretation of probabilities in statistical mechanics − a short review
Published in The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics (01-05-2016)“…In this paper an alternative approach to statistical mechanics based on the maximum information entropy principle (MaxEnt) is examined, specifically its close…”
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Resilience of the topological phases to frustration
Published in Scientific reports (22-03-2021)“…Recently it was highlighted that one-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin models with frustrated boundary conditions, i.e. periodic boundary conditions in a ring…”
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Predictive Statistical Mechanics and Macroscopic Time Evolution: Hydrodynamics and Entropy Production
Published in Foundations of physics (01-07-2016)“…In the previous papers (Kuić et al. in Found Phys 42:319–339, 2012 ; Kuić in arXiv:1506.02622 , 2015 ), it was demonstrated that applying the principle of…”
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Finite Time Path Field Theory Perturbative Methods for Local Quantum Spin Chain Quenches
Published in Universe (Basel) (01-10-2024)“…We discuss local magnetic field quenches using perturbative methods of finite time path field theory (FTPFT) in the following spin chains: Ising and XY in a…”
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Quantum Mechanical Virial Theorem in Systems with Translational and Rotational Symmetry
Published in International journal of theoretical physics (01-04-2013)“…Generalized virial theorem for quantum mechanical nonrelativistic and relativistic systems with translational and rotational symmetry is derived in the form of…”
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Direct Photons from Hot Quark Matter in Renormalized Finite-Time-Path QED
Published in Particles (01-12-2020)“…Within the finite-time-path out-of-equilibrium quantum field theory (QFT), we calculate direct photon emission from early stages of heavy ion collisions, from…”
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The maximum entropy production requirement for proton transfers enhances catalytic efficiency for β-lactamases
Published in Biophysical chemistry (01-01-2019)“…Movement of charges during enzyme catalytic cycle may be due to conformational changes, or to fast electron or proton transfer, or to both events. In each…”
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Relation between Boltzmann and Gibbs entropy and example with multinomial distribution
Published in Journal of physics communications (01-04-2018)“…General relationship between mean Boltzmann entropy and Gibbs entropy is established. It is found that their difference is equal to fluctuation entropy, which…”
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Enzyme kinetics and the maximum entropy production principle
Published in Biophysical chemistry (01-03-2011)“…A general proof is derived that entropy production can be maximized with respect to rate constants in any enzymatic transition. This result is used to test the…”
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The Maximum Entropy Production Principle and Linear Irreversible Processes
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (01-05-2010)“…It is shown that Onsager’s principle of the least dissipation of energy is equivalent to the maximum entropy production principle. It is known that solutions…”
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Macroscopic Time Evolution and MaxEnt Inference for Closed Systems with Hamiltonian Dynamics
Published in Foundations of physics (01-02-2012)“…MaxEnt inference algorithm and information theory are relevant for the time evolution of macroscopic systems considered as problem of incomplete information…”
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Relaxation Processes and the Maximum Entropy Production Principle
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (01-03-2010)“…Spontaneous transitions of an isolated system from one macroscopic state to another (relaxation processes) are accompanied by a change of entropy. Following…”
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On the Problem of Formulating Principles in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (01-04-2010)“…In this work, we consider the choice of a system suitable for the formulation of principles in nonequilibrium thermodynamics. It is argued that an isolated…”
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Finite time path field theory perturbative methods for local quantum spin chain quenches
Published 05-09-2024“…We discuss local magnetic field quenches using perturbative methods of finite time path field theory in the following spin chains: Ising and XY in a transverse…”
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Direct Photons from Hot Quark Matter in Renormalized Finite-Time-Path QED
Published 01-12-2020“…Particles 3 (2020) 676-692 Within the finite-time-path out-of-equilibrium quantum field theory (QFT), we calculate direct photon emission from early stages of…”
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Odd thermodynamic limit for the Loschmidt echo
Published 13-08-2022“…Phys. Rev. B 105, 184424 (2022) Is it possible to readily distinguish a system made by an Avogadro's number of identical elements and one with a single…”
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Resilience of the topological phases to frustration
Published 14-10-2021“…Sci Rep 11, 6508 (2021) Recently it was highlighted that one-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin models with frustrated boundary conditions, i.e. periodic…”
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The Frustration of being Odd: How Boundary Conditions can destroy Local Order
Published 16-09-2020“…New J. Phys. 22 083024 (2020) A central tenant in the classification of phases is that boundary conditions cannot affect the bulk properties of a system. In…”
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Predictive statistical mechanics and macroscopic time evolution: hydrodynamics and entropy production
Published 27-05-2016“…Found. Phys. (2016) 46, 891-914 In the previous papers (Kui\'{c} et al. in Found Phys 42:319-339, 2012; Kui\'{c} in arXiv:1506.02622, 2015), it was…”
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