Search Results - "Diana Lee, Huei"
Feature Selection via Pareto Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms
Published in Applied artificial intelligence (26-11-2017)“…Feature selection, an important combinatorial optimization problem in data mining, aims to find a reduced subset of features of high quality in a dataset…”
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A systematic review of multi-label feature selection and a new method based on label construction
Published in Neurocomputing (Amsterdam) (05-03-2016)“…Each example in a multi-label dataset is associated with multiple labels, which are often correlated. Learning from this data can be improved when…”
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Metalearning for choosing feature selection algorithms in data mining: Proposal of a new framework
Published in Expert systems with applications (01-06-2017)“…•A new Metalearning architecture proposal to recommend Feature Selection algorithms.•FS algorithms are ranked using a new multicriteria performance…”
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A computational system based on ontologies to automate the mapping process of medical reports into structured databases
Published in Expert systems with applications (01-01-2019)“…•A computational system was developed according to software engineering prototyping.•An original ontology-based Medical Report Mapping Process was automated in…”
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Heuristics-based Responsiveness Evaluation of a Telemedicine Computational Web System
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-03-2019)“…Computational technologies are increasingly included in our lives, presenting themselves as indispensable tools in most human activities and benefiting…”
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A Comparison of Multi-label Feature Selection Methods using the Problem Transformation Approach
Published in Electronic notes in theoretical computer science (05-03-2013)“…Feature selection is an important task in machine learning, which can effectively reduce the dataset dimensionality by removing irrelevant and/or redundant…”
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Feature Selection for Multi-label Learning: A Systematic Literature Review and Some Experimental Evaluations
Published in International journal of computational intelligence systems (11-12-2015)“…Feature selection can remove non-important features from the data and promote better classifiers. This task, when applied to multi-label data where each…”
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Influence of the peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine on the survival and resistance of colonic anastomoses performed under fecal peritonitis in rats
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-11-2013)“…To evaluate the effects of peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine on survival and initial resistance of anastomosis on distal colon, performed under peritonitis or…”
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Prototype of a computer system for managing data and video colonoscopy exams
Published in Journal of Coloproctology (01-03-2012)“…OBJECTIVE: Develop a prototype using computer resources to optimize the management process of clinical information and video colonoscopy exams. MATERIALS AND…”
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Prototype system to manage data on coloproctology surgery
Published in Journal of Coloproctology (01-12-2011)“…OBJECTIVE: To develop a prototype system to manage data on coloproctology surgery, aiming at Data Quality (DQ) and the adoption of a DQ monitoring process,…”
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Automatic recommendation of feature selection algorithms based on dataset characteristics
Published in Expert systems with applications (15-12-2021)“…Feature selection in real-world data mining problems is essential to make the learning task efficient and more accurate. Identifying the best feature selection…”
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A systematic review on content-based video retrieval
Published in Engineering applications of artificial intelligence (01-04-2020)“…Content-based video retrieval and indexing have been associated with intelligent methods in many applications such as education, medicine and agriculture…”
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Dermoscopic assisted diagnosis in melanoma: Reviewing results, optimizing methodologies and quantifying empirical guidelines
Published in Knowledge-based systems (15-10-2018)“…•Review on recent dermoscopy melanoma classification results.•Design and optimization of a melanoma classification method with feature selection.•Proposal of…”
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Construction of an Attribute-Value Representation for Semi-structured Medical Findings Knowledge Extraction
Published in CLEI electronic journal (01-12-2008)“…Data Mining is a process related to analysis, understanding and knowledge extraction from databases. In order to perform this process it is usually necessary…”
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Prototype system for feature extraction, classification and study of medical images
Published in Expert systems with applications (30-11-2016)“…•MIAS 3.0 supports automatic feature extraction and medical image classification.•The system was developed according to prototyping, a software engineering…”
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Fine-tuning pre-trained neural networks for medical image classification in small clinical datasets
Published in Multimedia tools and applications (01-03-2024)“…Convolutional neural networks have been effective in several applications, arising as a promising supporting tool in a relevant Dermatology problem: skin…”
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Web System Prototype based on speech recognition to construct medical reports in Brazilian Portuguese
Published in International journal of medical informatics (Shannon, Ireland) (01-01-2019)“…•Integration of two ASR technologies into a WSP to generate medical reports.•Evaluation of Google's and Microsoft's ASR in a Brazilian Portuguese.•Google's ASR…”
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Comparative study of descendent colon rupture resistance considering traction force of rupture and total energy of rupture in rats
Published in Acta cirúrgica brasileira (01-04-2006)“…To compare total energy of rupture and traction force of rupture tests within a rupture resistance study of descendent colon of rats. Twelve descendent colon…”
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A video indexing and retrieval computational prototype based on transcribed speech
Published in Multimedia tools and applications (01-10-2021)“…Using the voice to interact with systems is attractive in medicine and other areas due to its friendliness and flexibility. Video indexing and retrieval have…”
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ReliefF for Multi-label Feature Selection
Published in 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (01-10-2013)“…The feature selection process aims to select a subset of relevant features to be used in model construction, reducing data dimensionality by removing…”
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Conference Proceeding