Search Results - "Dente, Axel D"

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  1. 1

    Interaction-disorder competition in a spin system evaluated through the Loschmidt echo by Zangara, Pablo R., Dente, Axel D., Iucci, Aníbal, Levstein, Patricia R., Pastawski, Horacio M.

    “…The interplay between interactions and disorder in closed quantum many-body systems is relevant for thermalization phenomenon. In this paper, we address this…”
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    Time fluctuations in isolated quantum systems of interacting particles by Zangara, Pablo R, Dente, Axel D, Torres-Herrera, E J, Pastawski, Horacio M, Iucci, Aníbal, Santos, Lea F

    “…Numerically, we study the time fluctuations of few-body observables after relaxation in isolated dynamical quantum systems of interacting particles. Our…”
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    Tailoring Optical Fields Emitted by Subwavelength Nanometric Sources by Bustos-Marún, Raúl A., Dente, Axel D., Coronado, Eduardo A., Pastawski, Horacio M.

    Published in Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.) (01-08-2014)
    “…In this work, we study a simple way of controlling the emitted fields of subwavelength nanometric sources. The system studied consists of arrays of…”
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    Tailoring optical fields emitted by nanometric sources by Bustos-Marún, Raúl A, Dente, Axel D, Coronado, Eduardo A, Pastawski, Horacio M

    Published 13-02-2014
    “…Here we study a simple way of controlling the emitted fields of sub-wavelength nanometric sources. The system consists of arrays of nanoparticles (NPs)…”
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    Interaction-disorder competition in a spin system evaluated through the Loschmidt Echo by Zangara, Pablo R, Dente, Axel D, Iucci, Aníbal, Levstein, Patricia R, Pastawski, Horacio M

    Published 11-11-2013
    “…Phys. Rev. B 88, 195106 (2013) The interplay between interactions and disorder in closed quantum many-body systems is relevant for thermalization phenomenon…”
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    Non-Markovian decay and dynamics of decoherence in private and public environments by Dente, Axel D, Zangara, Pablo R, Pastawski, Horacio M

    Published 31-08-2011
    “…Phys. Rev. A 84, 042104 (2011) We study the decay process in an open system, emphasizing on the relevance of the environment's spectral structure…”
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  10. 10

    GPU accelerated Trotter-Suzuki solver for quantum spin dynamics by Dente, Axel D, Bederián, Carlos S, Zangara, Pablo R, Pastawski, Horacio M

    Published 30-04-2013
    “…The resolution of dynamics in out of equilibrium quantum spin systems lies at the heart of fundamental questions among Quantum Information Processing,…”
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    The Loschmidt Echo as a robust decoherence quantifier for many-body systems by Zangara, Pablo R, Dente, Axel D, Levstein, Patricia R, Pastawski, Horacio M

    Published 23-07-2012
    “…Phys. Rev. A 86, 012322 (2012) We employ the Loschmidt Echo, i.e. the signal recovered after the reversal of an evolution, to identify and quantify the…”
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    Time Fluctuations in Isolated Quantum Systems of Interacting Particles by Zangara, Pablo R, Dente, Axel D, Torres-Herrera, E. J, Pastawski, Horacio M, Iucci, Anibal, Santos, L. F

    Published 25-09-2013
    “…Phys. Rev. E 88, 032913 (2013) Numerically, we study the time fluctuations of few-body observables after relaxation in isolated dynamical quantum systems of…”
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    Dynamical regimes of a quantum swap gate beyond the Fermi Golden Rule by Dente, Axel D, Bustos-Marun, Raul A, Pastawski, Horacio M

    Published 26-01-2009
    “…Phys. Rev. A 78, 062116 (2008) We discuss how the bath's memory affects the dynamics of a swap gate. We present an exactly solvable model that shows various…”
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