Search Results - "Denegri, Marianela"
Prosocialness and Happiness in Chilean Student Teachers
Published in Frontiers in psychology (05-11-2021)“…The aim of the study was to evaluate the relation between prosocialness and happiness in a sample of student teachers ( N =224, age=21.42). Adapted versions of…”
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Life Satisfaction of University Students in Relation to Family and Food in a Developing Country
Published in Frontiers in psychology (06-09-2017)“…Life satisfaction and satisfaction with food-related life (SWFoL) are associated with healthy eating habits, family interaction around eating and family…”
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Social desirability in the measurement of subjective well-being: A study with Chilean university students
Published in Interdisciplinaria (01-12-2020)“…The present study aimed at determining the association between life satisfaction and subjective happiness while controlling for social desirability, and to…”
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Weight Fluctuation and Diet Concern Negatively Affect Food-Related Life Satisfaction in Chilean Male and Female Adolescents
Published in Frontiers in psychology (28-06-2018)“…Problematic eating behaviors and obesity are frequent problems encountered during adolescence that may potentially result in psychological, social and physical…”
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Food neophobia, life satisfaction and family eating habits in university students
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-01-2017)“…The aim of this study was to categorize university students based on their association between food neophobia and levels of subjective well-being, in general…”
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Psychometric Properties of the Satisfaction With Food-Related Life Scale: Application in Southern Chile
Published in Journal of nutrition education and behavior (01-09-2013)“…Abstract Objective To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Food-related Life (SWFL) scale and its relation to the Satisfaction with…”
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Adaptation and Validation of the Economic and Financial Literacy Test for Chilean secondary students
Published in Revista latinoamericana de psicología (01-01-2019)“…Abstract This article presents the results of the analysis of psychometric properties of the Economic and Financial Literacy Test (TAEF-E) after its…”
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The impact of attitudes on behavioural change: a multilevel analysis of predictors of changes in consumer behaviour
Published in Revista latinoamericana de psicología (01-01-2021)“…Introduction/objective: The paper sought to identify the predictor variables of changes in habits and behaviours of responsible consumption in students of…”
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Dietary restraint and subjective well-being in university students in Chile
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (01-08-2014)“…To characterize university students typologies according to chronic food restriction, satisfaction with life and food consumption. A questionnaire was applied…”
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Significado de bienestar subjetivo e inclusión económica en adultos mayores líderes de asociaciones en el sur de Chile
Published in Interdisciplinaria (01-01-2021)“…Chile es uno de los países con mayor esperanza de vida en Latinoamérica, así como con mayor porcentaje de personas mayores de 60 años. Este grupo etario es…”
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Consumo, actitudes hacia el endeudamiento, materialismo e influencia de pares en adolescentes rurales del sur de Chile
Published in Interdisciplinaria (2019)“…En la actualidad, los temas de carácter económico y financiero se han convertido en tópicos de gran importancia social, considerando los conceptos teóricos,…”
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Chilean Teenagers: Consumption, Material Values and Life Satisfaction
Published in Revista electrónica de investigación educativa (01-02-2020)“…Globalization and the neoliberal economic model in Chile have made consumption a cornerstone of individual and collective identity construction processes,…”
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Assessment of environmental quality, degree of optimism, and the assignment of responsibility regarding the state of the environment in Latin America
Published in Universitas psychologica (2015)“…This study explores the assessments made by the inhabitants of eight Latin American countries regarding the current state of the environment, at a local,…”
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Cognitive Functioning, Life Satisfaction, and Their Relationship with the Financial Attitudes of Older Individuals Who Participate in an Active Aging Program
Published in Behavioral sciences (10-12-2020)“…Life expectancy has increased in many countries throughout the world over recent years, leading to new challenges related to aging. A large part of the…”
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Satisfaction with life and with food-related life in central Chile
Published in Psicothema (01-05-2014)“…Eating is one of the most frequent human behaviors, but there are few studies that relate eating and subjective well-being. Typologies of people were…”
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Discrepancia del yo y actitudes hacia la compra compulsiva en estudiantes universitarios chilenos
Published in Interdisciplinaria (01-01-2023)“…El consumo se ha instaurado en las sociedades posmodernas como un medio regulador de las relaciones sociales. En este contexto, la compra compulsiva se…”
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Efecto del Endeudamiento Estudiantil en Salud Mental y Bienestar Subjetivo de Estudiantes de Educación Superior de Chile: Efecto del Endeudamiento Estudiantil en Salud Mental y Bienestar Subjetivo de Estudiantes de Educación Superior de Chile
Published in Revista psicogente (01-07-2022)“…Objetivo: Identificar en qué medida la salud mental y bienestar subjetivo son predichas por el endeudamiento por motivos de estudio en estudiantes…”
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Estilos de vida en relación a la alimentación y hábitos alimentarios dentro y fuera del hogar en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (01-08-2013)“…Objetivo: Distinguir tipologías de consumidores en base a su estilo de vida en relación a la alimentación en las principales comunas de la Región Metropolitana…”
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Framing en franja electoral en constituyentes electos para la redacción de la nueva constitución chilena
Published in Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico (2022)“…Desde el año 1980, Chile mantiene una carta magna establecida en un período de dictadura sostenido por 17 años. En el año 2020, por medio de un plebiscito que…”
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Creencias y actitudes hacia los medios de comunicación en estudiantes universitarios del sur de Chile
Published in Signo y pensamiento (2015)“…La presente investigación tiene como propósito evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de dos escalas e identificar las actitudes y creencias hacia los medios de…”
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