Search Results - "Demirtaş, Sibel"
Secure Attachment and Self-Efficacy in Early Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Hope
Published in Egitim ve Bilim (01-01-2019)“…Early adolescence is an important phase of development characteristically to stretch between the ages of 10 and 14 from childhood to late adolescence. The…”
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School Burnout and School Engagement in Adolescents: The Mediator and Moderator Role of Facebook Addiction
Published in Egitim ve Bilim (01-01-2020)“…In this study, the mediating and moderating role of Facebook addiction in the relationship between school burnout, and school engagement was investigated. The…”
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The effect of cognitive-experiential theory based psycho-educational program on constructive thinking
Published in Cogent psychology (31-12-2017)“…The purpose of the present study is to develop a psycho-educational program based on Cognitive-Experiential Theory and investigate the effect of…”
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Cognitive Flexibility and Mental Well-Being in Turkish Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Academic, Social and Emotional Self-Efficacy
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-01-2020)“…La adolescencia es una etapa crítica de crecimiento y desarrollo en el ciclo de vida de un individuo. Debido a la importancia del éxito en el desarrollo…”
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Optimism and happiness in undergraduate students: Cognitive flexibility and adjustment to university life as mediators
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-05-2020)“…In accordance with the goal of the positive psychology approach, this study was designed to build an understanding of the relationships among optimism,…”
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Attachment to parents and math anxiety in early adolescence: Hope and perceived school climate as mediators
Published in Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.) (01-07-2022)“…This study was based on a sequential explanatory mixedmethod research design to build an understanding of the relationships among attachment to parents, hope,…”
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Secure attachment and mental well-being: Gratitude, hope and ego-resiliency as mediators
Published in Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal (23-09-2019)“…This research study was designed to examine the relationships among secure attachment, gratitude, hope, ego-resiliency, and mental well-being in undergraduates…”
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Career adaptability and unemployment anxiety in Turkish senior undergraduate students: The mediating role of career stress
Published in Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal (2022)“…The purpose of this study is to reveal the mediating role of career stress in the relationship between career adaptability and unemployment anxiety. A total of…”
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Optimism and happiness in undergraduate students: Cognitive flexibility and adjustment to university life as mediators: Optimismo y felicidad en estudiantes de pregrado: flexibilidad cognitiva y adaptación a la vida universitaria como mediadores
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (09-04-2020)“…De acuerdo con el objetivo del enfoque de psicología positiva, este estudio fue diseñado para construir un modelo de mediación múltiple que permita comprender…”
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Stresli Durumlarda Bilişsel Kontrol ve Bilişsel Esneklik: Bir Ölçek Uyarlama Çalışması
Published in Tecrübı̌ psikoloji çalışmaları (24-12-2019)Get full text
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Erken ergenlikte güvenli bağlanma ve öz-yeterlik: Umudun aracı rolü
Published in Egitim ve Bilim (01-04-2019)“…Erken ergenlik çocukluk ve geç ergenlik arasında yer alan ve tipik olarak 10 ve 14 yaş aralığını kapsayan önemli bir gelişim aşamasıdır. Bu araştırma,…”
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Published in Elektronik sosyal bilimler dergisi (15-04-2018)“…In this study, the relationships between constructive thinking, attributions and marital satisfaction in married individuals were investigated and tried to…”
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Stresli durumlarda bilişsel kontrol ve bilişsel esneklik: Bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması
Published in Tecrübı̌ psikoloji çalışmaları (01-02-2019)“…Bu çalışmada, stresli durumlarda bireylerin duygular üzerinde bilişsel kontrol ile değerlendirme ve başa çıkma esnekliğini ölçme amacı taşıyan Bilişsel Kontrol…”
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Ergenlerde okul tükenmişliği ve okul bağlılığı: Facebook bağımlılığının aracı ve farklılaştırıcı rolü
Published in Egitim ve Bilim (01-04-2020)“…Bu çalışmada Facebook bağımlılığının okul tükenmişliği ve okul bağlılığı arasındaki ilişkide aracı ve farklılaştırıcı rolü araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın…”
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Hopelessness and perceived stress: the mediating role of cognitive flexibility and intolerance of uncertainty
Published in Düşünen adam (Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi) (01-09-2019)“…Objective: This study aims to explore the relationships among hopelessness, cognitive flexibility, intolerance of uncertainty, and perceived stress in a…”
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Bilişsel-yaşantısal teori temelli psiko-eğitim programı
Published 2016“…İnsanı diğer canlılardan farklılaştıran önemli özelliklerden biri, onun bilişsel bir sisteme sahip olması ve düşünebilme yetisidir. İnsanın bu bilişsel…”
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