Search Results - "Demirağ Turan, İnci"
Site suitability analysis for potential agricultural land with spatial fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis in regional scale under semi-arid terrestrial ecosystem
Published in Scientific reports (16-12-2020)“…The main purpose of this study is to identify suitable potential areas for agricultural activities in the semi-arid terrestrial ecosystem in the Central…”
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An assessment of pasture soils quality based on multi-indicator weighting approaches in semi-arid ecosystem
Published in Ecological indicators (01-02-2021)“…•Development of the soil quality index is important for strategical areas.•Use of TDSSQI/MDSSQI integration with GIS to develop a pastureland evaluation…”
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Site suitability assessment and mapping for rice cultivation using multi-criteria decision analysis based on fuzzy-AHP and TOPSIS approaches under semihumid ecological condition in delta plain
Published in Paddy and water environment (01-10-2019)“…Many areas in Turkey are ecologically suitable for paddy cultivation, and their yield per hectare is above the world average. Despite this fact, the amount of…”
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Determination of change in the land use and land cover of the Samsun Bafra Delta Plain from 1990 to 2020 using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques
Published in Eurasian journal of soil science (01-04-2024)“…Land use and land cover changes can have detrimental effects on the ecology, if they are not properly aligned with the characteristics of the land. This study…”
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Spatial assessment and mapping of soil quality index for desertification in the semi-arid terrestrial ecosystem using MCDM in interval type-2 fuzzy environment
Published in Computers and electronics in agriculture (01-09-2019)“…•Investigation of SQI for degradation and desertification in semiarid terrestrial ecosystem.•Solutions with MCDM for determination of importance levels of…”
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Spatio-temporal dynamics of land use patterns on soil health in the Central Black Sea Region
Published in Geoderma Regional (01-09-2024)“…The current investigation examines the effects of LULC variation on soil erosion and soil organic carbon at the basin of Çorum Stream of Çorum city in the…”
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Digital mapping and spatial variability of soil quality ındex for desertification in the Akarçay Basin under the semi-arid terrestrial ecosystem using neutrosophic fuzzy-AHP approach
Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (01-07-2022)“…Soil is a vital resource for the terrestrial ecosystem. Soil is a non-renewable natural resource on human time scales with its vulnerability to desertification…”
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Estimation of the Potential Hazelnut Plantation Areas in Türkiye Using a Geographic Information System
Published in Erwerbsobstbau (01-08-2024)“…Türkiye occupies a prominent position in world hazelnut production and export. Despite the presence of legal restrictions, there has been significant expansion…”
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Evaluation of the suitability of sites for outdoor recreation using a multi-criteria assessment model
Published in Arabian journal of geosciences (01-09-2018)“…The determination of the suitability of a site for recreation is a complex process that requires the integration of several criteria. The main aim of the…”
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Spatio analysis of soil quality assessment in semi-arid ecosystem using a minimum data set
Published in Eurasian journal of soil science (01-07-2021)“…Land degradation especially as a result of the rapid increase in demand and pressure in the population, have emerged as one of the most important problems…”
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Comparative approach for soil quality index based on spatial multi-criteria analysis and artificial neural network
Published in Arabian journal of geosciences (2022)“…The aim of the present study was to estimate the soil quality index (SQI) values in agricultural lands of Trabzon province by the S-MCDA approach in the…”
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Comparing geographic information systems-based fuzzy-analytic hierarchical process approach and artificial neural network to characterize soil erosion risk indexes
Published in Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze fisiche e naturali (01-12-2023)“…The pressure on the lands has increased with the dramatic increase in the world population in the last century. Erosion which is a natural process has become a…”
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Çok kriterli değerlendirme ile Ankara Güvenç Havzası’nda erozyon risk tahminlenmesi
Published in Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (01-03-2017)“…Bu çalışmanın amacı, Ankara Güvenç Havzası’nın coğrafi bilgi sistemi (CBS), uzaktan algılama (UA) ve istatistik yaklaşımlar kullanarak çok kriterli…”
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Yarı Kurak Ekolojik Koşullar Altında Oluşmuş Komşu Mikro Havzalarda Toprakların Kabuk Oluşumu ve Konumsal Dağılım Durumlarının Belirlenmesi
Published in Coğrafi bilimler dergisi (29-04-2022)“…Soil is one of the most important natural resources. The conservation and proper use of the soil is necessary for the protection of this resource. However,…”
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Soil quality assessment for desertification based on multi-indicators with the best-worst method in a semi-arid ecosystem
Published in Journal of arid land (01-07-2023)“…Since there are some signs of land degradation and desertification showing how soil sustainability is threatened, it is crucial to create a soil quality index…”
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Development of periglacial landforms and soil formation in the Ilgaz Mountains and effect of climate (Western Black Sea Region-Türkiye)
Published in Journal of geographical sciences (01-03-2024)“…The main aims of the current study are to determine the morphological features of the periglacial landforms (non-sorted step, mud circle, stony earth circle,…”
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Ilgaz Dağları Periglasyal Şekillerinde Oluşmuş Toprakların Fizikokimyasal Özellikleri ile Bazı Erozyon Duyarlılık Parametreleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin Belirlenmesi
Published in Coğrafi bilimler dergisi (30-04-2020)“…The aim of this study is to determine some relationships between some soil erodibility properties and physicochemical of soils formed on various periglacial…”
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Van Havzası İçerisinde Yer Alan Mera Arazilerinde SMAF Modeli Kullanılarak Toprak Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi
Published in ANADOLU JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (15-06-2021)“…Toprağın karasal ekosistem için çok önemli olan üretkenlik fonksiyonunu sürdürülebilir bir şekilde yerine getirebilmesi, kalitesinin doğru anlaşılması ve…”
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Çok Kriterli Değerlendirme ile Ankara Güvenç Havzası’nda Erozyon Risk Tahminlenmesi
Published in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (JAS) (05-09-2017)“…The aim of this study is to determine erosion risk classes and to generate their map in Ankara Güvenç Basin using geographic information system (GIS), remote…”
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The land productivity dynamics trend as a tool for land degradation assessment in a dryland ecosystem
Published in Environmental monitoring and assessment (01-05-2017)“…The aim of this study was to produce a land productivity dynamic map of a degraded catchment located in dryland ecosystem via a land degradation assessment…”
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