Search Results - "Demir, Mehmet Can"
The effects of the number of channels and gyroscopic data on the classification performance in EMG data acquired by Myo armband
Published in Journal of computational science (01-04-2021)“…•This study investigates the effect of reducing the number of channels in the Myo Armband on classification performance.•By examining the effects of gyroscope…”
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Experimental setup for ac motor speed control by using PLC
Published in Health Sciences Quarterly (27-07-2019)“…PLC is widely used in industrial control application. For this reason, PLC education has an important place in the content of universities and it is explained…”
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Investigation of the relationship between socioeconomic status and literacy in PISA Türkiye data
Published in Turkish journal of education (31-10-2024)“…Previous researchers have identified socioeconomic status as a significant predictor of achievement/literacy. However, it is important to recognize that the…”
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Measurement invariance of the dark triad scale
Published in Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.) (01-01-2024)“…The aim of this research was to investigate the measurement invariance of Dark Triad Dirty Dozen Scale scores across gender to gather validity evidence…”
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Sinemada Sanal gerçeklik Ve gerçekliğin dönüşümü
Published 01-01-2019“…Sanal gerçeklik, özellikle teknolojinin gelişimiyle birlikte büyük boyutlara ulaşmış, bireylere gerçekmiş hissi vermesi dolayısıyla neredeyse fiziksel…”
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Impact of EDpuzzle Use on the Assessment and Measurement Course Achievement
Published in Hayef:journal of education (01-01-2022)Get full text
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Management of optic disc pit maculopathy: the European VitreoRetinal society optic pit study
Published in Acta ophthalmologica (Oxford, England) (01-09-2022)“…Purpose To evaluate a variety of techniques, and their anatomical and functional results, for the treatment of optic disc pit maculopathy (ODP‐M). A secondary…”
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Differences in nephrotoxicity risk and renal effects among anti‐viral therapies against hepatitis B
Published in Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (01-02-2015)“…Summary Background Results are conflicting with respect to the renal effects of anti‐viral agents used for hepatitis B virus infection. Aim To compare short…”
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Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Published in Journal of Ophthalmology (01-01-2013)“…Aim. To compare the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness between women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and healthy women. Materials and Methods…”
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Cental Macular Thickness in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus without Clinical Retinopathy
Published in Journal of Ophthalmology (01-01-2013)“…Objective. To compare central macular thickness (CMT) of diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes without clinical retinopathy and healthy subjects. Materials…”
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Bilincin bir yanılsama olduğu düşüncesi üzerine bir inceleme: Bir illüzyon olmak nasıl bir şeydir?
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (30-12-2022)“…Illusionism argues that phenomenal consciousness does not exist. Accordingly, the phenomenal features attributed to consciousness are only deceptive…”
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İnsan doğası üzerine bir inceleme: Benliği nasıl ele almalıyız?
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (30-12-2022)“…This study aims to historically investigate the approaches concerning human nature, providing a frame in which we can inquire comprehensively into the self…”
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Gödel'in tamamlanamazlık teoremleri bakımından biçimsel dillerde ispatlanabilirlik-doğruluk ilişkisi
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (30-06-2022)“…In this article, we try to show the limits of formalism based on Gödel's incompleteness theorems. The most fundamental debate in our study is shaped by the…”
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Okasyonalizme itirazlar ve verilen cevaplar: Diyalektik bir çözümleme
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (30-06-2022)“…According to occasionalism, God constantly intervenes in the universe with his infinite will and power, and therefore he is the only true cause of all…”
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Kitap İncelemesi: Dr. Jay Lombard’ın ‘Tanrı’nın Zihni: Sinirbilim, İnanç ve Ruh Arayışı’ adlı eserinin incelemesi
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (2022)“…The problems in contemporary philosophy of mind are now discussed more in Turkish philosophical literature, especially with newly translated works. These…”
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Memler üzerine bir değerlendirme
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (2022)“…Attempts of explaining the nature of human being generally try to show the aspects that distinguish the human being from other beings in general. In this…”
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Nicholas Malebranche'da zihnin işlevi
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (30-06-2021)“…Descartes'tan sonra Fransız felsefesinin en önemli filozoflarından biri olan Malebranche, ruh/beden düalizmini benimseyerek Kartezyen felsefenin çerçevesi…”
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Thought experiments naturalized
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (30-06-2021)“…Thought experiments have long been utilized in science and philosophy. They come in various forms, from Schrödinger's cat in physics to the Chinese room…”
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The source of anti-physicalist arguments: The unbridgeable gap between the phenomenal and the physical
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (30-12-2020)“…There is a long-term ongoing discussion on the nature of the relation between the mental and the physical. One of the chief reasons why the nature of this…”
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Kavramsalcılık ve algısal deneyimlerin gerekçelendirici rolü
Published in MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi (2020)“…In Mind and World written in 1996, McDowell claims that traditional foundationalism and coherentism are unable to explain the relation between perception and…”
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