Search Results - "Delgado Assad, Eduardo"
Potential for growing Arabica coffee in the extreme south of Brazil in a warmer world
Published in Climatic change (01-12-2011)“…Agriculture appears to be one of the human activities most vulnerable to climatic changes due to its large dependence on environmental conditions. However, the…”
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Estimation of dry spells in three Brazilian regions — Analysis of extremes
Published in Atmospheric research (01-10-2013)“…The aim of this study was to model the occurrence of extreme dry spells in the Midwest, Southeast and Southern regions of Brazil and estimate the return period…”
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Model for Multiple Imputation to Estimate Daily Rainfall Data and Filling of Faults
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (01-12-2017)“…Abstract Modeling by multiple enchained imputation is an area of growing importance. However, its models and methods are frequently developed for specific…”
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How accurate are pedotransfer functions for bulk density for Brazilian soils?
Published in Scientia agricola (01-01-2018)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) available in the literature to estimate soil bulk density (ρb) in…”
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Annual maximum daily rainfall trends in the Midwest, southeast and southern Brazil in the last 71 years
Published in Weather and climate extremes (01-10-2014)“…The aim of this study was to model, based on the overall distribution of extreme values, the probability of occurrence of a particular level of annual maximum…”
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Adaptation and resilience of agricultural systems to local climate change and extreme events: an integrative review
Published in Pesquisa agropecuária tropical (01-01-2022)“…ABSTRACT Losses in agricultural production, mainly caused by extreme temperature, rainfall and drought, have demanded the adaptation of the Brazilian…”
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Kalman filter and correction of the temperatures estimated by PRECIS model
Published in Atmospheric research (01-10-2011)“…The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of the estimation the monthly mean temperature simulated by the PRECIS model—scenarios A2 and B2 of the…”
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Modeling of corn yield in Brazil as a function of meteorological conditions and technological level
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-03-2017)“…The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate a method for estimating corn yield using a minimum number of parameters and limited information about…”
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Impacts of climate change on the agricultural zoning of climate risk for cotton cultivation in Brazil
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-01-2013)“…The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the temperature increase forecasted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on…”
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Rice yield estimation based on weather conditions and on technological level of production systems in Brazil
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-02-2013)“…The objective of this work was to evaluate an estimation system for rice yield in Brazil, based on simple agrometeorological models and on the technological…”
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Interpoladores geoestatísticos na análise da distribuição espacial da precipitação anual e de sua relação com altitude
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-09-2012)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a contribuição da variável auxiliar altitude, na estimativa da distribuição espacial da precipitação anual média no…”
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Identificação de impurezas e misturas em pó de café por meio de comportamento espectral e análise de imagens digitais
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-02-2002)“…Para eliminar divergências na interpretação dos resultados e agilizar os atuais métodos de detecção de fraudes em café torrado e moído, foi estabelecido um…”
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Avaliação de métodos geoestatísticos na espacialização de índices agrometeorológicos para definir riscos climáticos
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (2003)“…A definição das melhores datas para plantio de milho, adotadas no Zoneamento de Riscos Climáticos do Estado de São Paulo, é baseada nas variações…”
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Impacto das mudanças climáticas no zoneamento agroclimático do café no Brasil
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (2004)“…A partir das indicações do último relatório do IPCC (International Pannel of Climatic Change), foram feitas várias simulações e avaliados os impactos que um…”
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Potential of no-till agriculture as a nature-based solution for climate-change mitigation in Brazil
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-06-2022)“…Despite increasing efforts to combat climate change, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continued to grow. In this context, conservationist agricultural systems…”
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The economic impacts of the diffusion of agroforestry in Brazil
Published in Land use policy (01-09-2021)“…The diffusion of agroforestry systems is among the priority actions to reduce carbon emissions in Brazil. However, the economic impacts of agroforestry are…”
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Regiões pluviometricamente homogêneas no Brasil
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (2005)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar, no Brasil, regiões homogêneas quanto à distribuição de probabilidades de chuva e assim contribuir para estudos de…”
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Land use policy as a driver for climate change adaptation: A case in the domain of the Brazilian Atlantic forest
Published in Land use policy (01-03-2018)“…Brazil has a great potential for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change and to disaster risk reduction, leveraged by the commitment of restoring 12…”
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Sistema de previsão da safra de soja para o Brasil
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (2007)“…Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar um sistema de previsão de safra de soja para o Brasil, baseado em modelos empíricos regionalizados para estimativa da…”
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Comparação de dados dos satélites Ikonos-II e Landsat/ETM+ no estudo de áreas cafeeiras
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (2006)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto do aumento da resolução espacial e radiométrica da imagem pancromática do Ikonos-II na identificação de…”
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