Search Results - "Delgadillo, C"
Antibody-mediated phagocytosis in cancer immunotherapy
Published in Immunological reviews (01-10-2023)“…Unconjugated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have revolutionized the treatment of many types of cancer. Some of these mAbs promote the clearance of malignant…”
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Contrasting nutrient distributions during dry and rainy seasons in coastal waters of the southern Gulf of Mexico driven by the Grijalva-Usumacinta River discharges
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-05-2022)“…Globally, nutrient river discharges drive water quality of coastal ecosystems, and excess nutrients can cause eutrophication impacts. The Grijalva-Usumacinta…”
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DeepGCNs: Making GCNs Go as Deep as CNNs
Published in IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (01-06-2023)“…Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been very successful at solving a variety of computer vision tasks such as object classification and detection,…”
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SGAS: Sequential Greedy Architecture Search
Published in 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (01-06-2020)“…Architecture design has become a crucial component of successful deep learning. Recent progress in automatic neural architecture search (NAS) shows a lot of…”
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Epidemiology of burn injuries: 2 years' experience in a specialized hospital in Mexico City
Published in Annals of burns and fire disasters (31-12-2019)“…Burn lesions are one of the most devastating forms of trauma. Taking care of this type of lesion generates high costs and may lead to irreversible consequences…”
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Reduciendo la incertidumbre en la ejecución de un piloto de combustión in situ en un campo de crudo extra pesado colombiano mediante la realización de una prueba de conectividad con nitrógeno
Published in Revista fuentes, el reventón energético (En linea) (20-12-2018)“…Antes de comenzar cualquier proceso de recuperación mejorada de petróleo (EOR), es deseable caracterizar el patrón de flujo dentro del volumen del yacimiento…”
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S12-03 Cultural bias in psychiatric and psychological testing
Published in European psychiatry (2009)“…Psychiatric and psychological testing are used extensively in both clinical and research contexts, with the goal of providing an objective indication of the…”
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Nuevas tecnologías de recobro químico y su aplicabilidad en yacimientos colombianos
Published in Revista fuentes, el reventón energético (En linea) (2020)“…En la última década se ha avanzado en la implementación de procesos de recobro químico en Colombia, incluyendo pilotos de inyección de geles obturantes para…”
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Absence of hypoxia events in the adjacent coastal waters of Grijalva-Usumacinta river, Southern Gulf of Mexico
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-07-2020)“…Globally, oxygen concentration in many coastal areas is depleting. River nutrient discharges may produce hypoxia events. The Southern Gulf of Mexico receives…”
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P02-272 The catalan healthcare intercultural mediation training project of “la Caixa” social and cultural outreach projects
Published in European psychiatry (2009)“…Known by many different names-culture broker, community interpreter, medical interpreter, and communication facilitator-the intercultural mediator has as a…”
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Feasibility of converting agrosilvopastoral systems of dairy cattle to the organic production model in southeastern Mexico
Published in Journal of cleaner production (01-03-2013)“…In the municipality of Tecpatan, Chiapas, in southeastern Mexico, it is highly feasible to convert traditional agrosilvopastoral systems of dairy production to…”
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The Distinction between Grimmia mexicana and G. ochyriana
Published in The Bryologist (01-12-2000)“…Grimmia mexicana Greven is characterized by obtuse to rounded or subcucullate leaf apices and by the outer plates of the peristome teeth that are smooth and…”
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Endemism in the Neotropical Moss Flora
Published in Biotropica (01-03-1994)“…Values for percent endemism, the index of endemicity (Ie) and a "geographical" index (Ig) suggest that endemism of mosses is higher in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and…”
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The neotropical-African moss disjunction
Published in The Bryologist (1993)“…The neotropical flora shares with Africa about 334 specific and infraspecific moss taxa. Their disjunct range may be explained by an ancient land connection or…”
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Observations on Moss Succession on Paricutín Volcano, Mexico
Published in The Bryologist (1995)“…Thirteen moss species were found on lava flows on Paricutín Volcano and 34 in the surrounding forest near Angahuán. The latter is within the area of partial…”
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Observations on flocking behavior of Worthen's Sparrows (Spizella wortheni) and occurrence in mixed-species flocks
Published in The Wilson journal of ornithology (01-09-2008)“…Worthen's Sparrow (Spizella wortheni) is one of the most endangered species in Mexico. Its survival depends on appropriate conservation strategies and reliable…”
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Moss distribution and the phytogeographical significance of the Neovolcanic Belt of Mexico
Published in Journal of biogeography (1987)“…Moss distribution suggests that there has been extensive floristic exchange among the major alpine areas of the Neovolcanic Belt of Mexico. Although the large…”
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Moss interchange: bryofloristic similarities between Mexico and Colombia and the phytogeographical role of the Central American bridge
Published in The Bryologist (1992)“…Mexico and Colombia share about 371 moss species; 25 of them have a disjunct distribution and may have arrived at either country by long distance dispersal…”
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Rhizoautoicous Aloina bifrons in the Mojave Desert, a Possible Adaptation to Increase Spore Production
Published in The Bryologist (01-03-2001)“…A re-examination of populations of Aloina bifrons from the Mojave Desert of Nevada was prompted by observations of frequent sporophytic populations…”
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