Search Results - "Del Re, D."

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  1. 1

    The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004: observations in Sri Lanka and Thailand by ROSSETTO, T, PEIRIS, N, POMONIS, A, WILKINSON, S. M, DEL RE, D, KOO, R, GALLOCHER, S

    Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (01-07-2007)
    “…On December 26, 2004 a great earthquake (MW 9.3) occurred off the western coast of Sumatra triggering a series of tsunami waves that propagated across the…”
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    Field observations from the Aquila, Italy earthquake of April 6, 2009 by Rossetto, T., Peiris, N., Alarcon, J. E., So, E., Sargeant, S., Free, M., Sword-Daniels, V., Del Re, D., Libberton, C., Verrucci, E., Sammonds, P., Faure Walker, J.

    Published in Bulletin of earthquake engineering (01-02-2011)
    “…On April 6, 2009 an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 (M w ) struck the Abbruzzo region of Italy causing widespread damage to buildings in the city of L’Aquila and…”
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    An Artificial Intelligence approach to monitor infectious diseases: lessons learned from COVID-19 by Antinozzi, M, del Re, D, Palla, L, Meridiani, P, Soffi, L, Loiudice, M T, Cattaruzza, M S

    Published in European journal of public health (01-11-2024)
    “…Abstract Background The World Health Organization declared the start (March 11th 2020) and the end (May 5th 2023) of COVID19 pandemic, while in Italy it has…”
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    Searches for B 0 Decays to Combinations of Two Charmless Isoscalar Mesons by Aubert, B., Barate, R., Boutigny, D., Couderc, F., Gaillard, J.-M., Hicheur, A., Karyotakis, Y., Lees, J. P., Tisserand, V., Zghiche, A., Palano, A., Pompili, A., Chen, J. C., Qi, N. D., Rong, G., Wang, P., Zhu, Y. S., Eigen, G., Ofte, I., Stugu, B., Abrams, G. S., Borgland, A. W., Breon, A. B., Brown, D. N., Button-Shafer, J., Cahn, R. N., Charles, E., Day, C. T., Gill, M. S., Gritsan, A. V., Groysman, Y., Jacobsen, R. G., Kadel, R. W., Kadyk, J., Kerth, L. T., Kolomensky, Yu. G., Kukartsev, G., Lynch, G., Mir, L. M., Oddone, P. J., Orimoto, T. J., Pripstein, M., Roe, N. A., Ronan, M. T., Shelkov, V. G., Wenzel, W. A., Ford, K. E., Harrison, T. J., Hawkes, C. M., Morgan, S. E., Watson, A. T., Fritsch, M., Goetzen, K., Held, T., Koch, H., Lewandowski, B., Pelizaeus, M., Steinke, M., Boyd, J. T., Chevalier, N., Cottingham, W. N., Kelly, M. P., Latham, T. E., Wilson, F. F., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Hearty, C., Knecht, N. S., Mattison, T. S., McKenna, J. A., Thiessen, D., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Teodorescu, L., Blinov, V. E., Bukin, A. D., Druzhinin, V. P., Golubev, V. B., Ivanchenko, V. N., Kravchenko, E. A., Onuchin, A. P., Serednyakov, S. I., Skovpen, Yu. I., Solodov, E. P., Yushkov, A. N., Best, D., Bruinsma, M., Chao, M., Eschrich, I., Kirkby, D., Lankford, A. J., Mandelkern, M., Mommsen, R. K., Roethel, W., Stoker, D. P., Buchanan, C., Hartfiel, B. L., Gary, J. W., Shen, B. C., Wang, K., del Re, D.

    Published in Physical review letters (29-10-2004)
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    Measurements of t t ¯ \[ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} \] differential cross sections in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 \[ \sqrt{\mathrm{s}}=13 \] TeV using events containing two leptons by P Van Mechelen, C Vander Velde, Sanchez Rosas, L J, Padula, SandraS, Misheva, M, Liu, Z, Zhang, H, Ban, Y, Cabrera, A, Segura Delgado, M A, Courbon, B, Kovac, M, Järvinen, T, Gras, P, Laktineh, I B, Rauch, M P, Danilov, V, D Domínguez Damiani, Harb, A, Kleinwort, C, Pflitsch, S K, Wen, Y, Wichmann, K, Karavdina, A, Zoi, I, Plagge, M, Weiler, T, Major, P, Surányi, O, Veres, G I, Beni, N, Karancsi, J, Bhawandeep, U, Roy, A, Mazumdar, K, Iaselli, G, Cuffiani, M, Fanfani, A, Voevodina, E, Gasparini, U, Ronchese, P, Simonetto, F, Tiko, A, Mariani, V, Bianchini, L, Marzocchi, B, Biino, C, Costa, M, Hong, B, Hwang, C, W A T Wan Abdullah, Safronov, G, Spiridonov, A, Vischia, P, Fernandez, M, Kieseler, J, Moortgat, F, Rohe, T, Leontsinis, S, Cankocak, K, Davignon, O, Tomalin, I R, Bundock, A, Martelli, A, Nikitenko, A, Seez, C, Virdee, T, Winterbottom, D, Arcaro, D, Rohlf, J, Benelli, G, Holzner, A, Incandela, J, Wilkinson, R, Johnson, A, Quach, D, Bauerdick, L A T, Cheung, H W K, Z Hu, Kreis, B, Taylor, L, Weber, H A, Gleyzer, S V, Cavanaugh, R, Jung, K, Haytmyradov, M, Kellogg, R G, Stieger, B, Loukas, N, Wayne, M, Palmer, C, Das, S, Ecklund, K M, Huang, T, Safonov, A, Lamichhane, K, Greene, S, Thapa, P, Grothe, M, Hervé, A

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-02-2019)
    “…Measurements of differential top quark pair tt¯\[ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} \] cross sections using events produced in proton-proton collisions at a…”
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    Measurement of prompt and nonprompt charmonium suppression in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV by Sirunyan, A M, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Ambrogi, F, Asilar, E, Bergauer, T, Brandstetter, J, Brondolin, E, Dragicevic, M, Erö, J, Del Valle, A Escalante, Flechl, M, Friedl, M, Frühwirth, R, Ghete, V M, Grossmann, J, Hrubec, J, Jeitler, M, König, A, Krammer, N, Krätschmer, I, Liko, D, Madlener, T, Mikulec, I, Pree, E, Rad, N, Rohringer, H, Schieck, J, Schöfbeck, R, Spanring, M, Spitzbart, D, Waltenberger, W, Wittmann, J, Wulz, C-E, Zarucki, M, Chekhovsky, V, Mossolov, V, Gonzalez, J Suarez, De Wolf, E A, Di Croce, D, Janssen, X, Lauwers, J, Van De Klundert, M, Van Haevermaet, H, Van Mechelen, P, Van Remortel, N, Abu Zeid, S, Blekman, F, D'Hondt, J, De Bruyn, I, De Clercq, J, Deroover, K, Flouris, G, Lontkovskyi, D, Lowette, S, Marchesini, I, Moortgat, S, Moreels, L, Python, Q, Skovpen, K, Tavernier, S, Van Doninck, W, Van Mulders, P, Van Parijs, I, Beghin, D, Bilin, B, Brun, H, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Delannoy, H, Dorney, B, Fasanella, G, Favart, L, Goldouzian, R, Grebenyuk, A, Kalsi, A K, Lenzi, T, Luetic, J, Maerschalk, T, Marinov, A, Seva, T, Starling, E, Vander Velde, C, Vanlaer, P, Vannerom, D, Yonamine, R, Zenoni, F, Cornelis, T, Dobur, D, Fagot, A, Gul, M, Khvastunov, I, Poyraz, D, Roskas, C, Salva, S, Tytgat, M, Verbeke, W, Zaganidis, N, Bakhshiansohi, H, Bondu, O

    “…The nuclear modification factors of and mesons are measured in collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of . The analysis is based on and data…”
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    The Icehearts Europe Implementation Guide to promote a mentoring programme for youth mental health by Valli, M, Luzi, I, Gigantesco, A, Del Re, D, Cascavilla, I, Faella, P, Iannaccone, A, Ponchon, C, Conti, D, Capelli, G

    Published in European journal of public health (01-11-2024)
    “…Abstract Issue/problem In Europe, 9 million young people (10-19) suffer from mental disorders and 70% of children and adolescents with mental health problems…”
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    Search for t t ¯ H \[ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}\mathrm{H} \] production in the H → b b ¯ \[ \mathrm{H}\to \mathrm{b}\overline{\mathrm{b}} \] decay channel with leptonic t t ¯ \[ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} \] decays in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 \[ \sqrt{s}=13 \] TeV by N Van Remortel, S Abu Zeid, Gul, M, Verbeke, W, Giammanco, A, Calligaris, L, Nguyen, M, Ochando, C, Chierici, R, Viret, S, Mukherjee, S, Künsken, A, Martin, M Aldaya, Schütze, P, Lange, J, Chwalek, T, De Boer, W, Ulrich, R, Beri, S B, Lohan, M, Sandeep, K, S My, Selvaggi, G, Rossi, A M, Potenza, R, Paoletti, S, Benaglia, A, Brianza, L, Azzi, P, Dorigo, T, Gozzelino, A, Zotto, P, Zumerle, G, Magnani, A, Ratti, S P, Boccali, T, Borrello, L, Tonelli, G, Venturi, A, Daci, N, Murillo Quijada, J A, Gavrilenko, M, Murzin, V, Vorobyev, A, Golubev, N, Brochero Cifuentes, J A, de Trocóniz, J F, Vizan Garcia, J M, Calderon, A, Cucciati, G, Elliott-Peisert, A, Everaerts, P, Gill, K, Mulders, M, R Del Burgo, Schweiger, K, Jain, Sh, Cankocak, K, Davignon, O, Tomalin, I R, Hall, G, Virdee, T, Winterbottom, D, Arcaro, D, Rohlf, J, Benelli, G, Piperov, S, Bachtis, M, Rinkevicius, A, Apresyan, A, Canepa, A, Harris, R M, Jayatilaka, B, Taylor, L, Weber, H A, Carnes, A, Gleyzer, S V, Penzo, A, Snyder, C, Wetzel, J, Swartz, M, Khalil, S, Modak, A, Kunkle, J, Wolf, M, Woodard, A, Francis, B, W Ji, Barnes, V E, Gutay, L, Qiu, H, Chen, Z, Fallon, C, Hindrichs, O, Safonov, A, Lamichhane, K, Greene, S, Thapa, P, Grothe, M, Hervé, A

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-03-2019)
    “…A search is presented for the associated production of a standard model Higgs boson with a top quark-antiquark pair (tt¯H\[…”
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    Search for resonant t t ¯ \[ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} \] production in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 \[ \sqrt{s}=13 \] TeV by P Van Mechelen, C Vander Velde, Romeo, F, Zhang, S, Kolosova, M, Rykaczewski, H, Bhowmik, S, Lehti, S, Gras, P, G Hamel de Monchenault, Stahl Leiton, A G, Bernet, C, Klein, K, Teroerde, M, Esch, T, Hebbeker, T, Campbell, A, Danilov, V, D Domínguez Damiani, Knolle, J, I-A Melzer-Pellmann, Karavdina, A, Zoi, I, Rabbertz, K, Simonis, H J, Tiwari, P C, Lohan, M, Bhowmik, D, Dutta, D, Chenarani, S, Khakzad, M, Creanza, D, Masetti, G, Tosi, N, Tuve, C, Latino, G, De Iorio, A, Hoh, S Y, Braghieri, A, Cipriani, M, Paramatti, R, Preiato, F, Sacchi, R, Goh, J, S Ha, Lee, H, Seo, S h, Hwang, C, Ibrahim, Z A, W A T Wan Abdullah, A Castaneda Hernandez, Pineda, A Morelos, Shah, M A, Moisenz, P, Safronov, G, Spiridonov, A, Vischia, P, Fernandez, M, Kieseler, J, Moortgat, F, Rohe, T, Leontsinis, S, Ball, F, Laner, C, Palladino, V, Liu, H, Buccilli, A, Zhang, F, Wimpenny, S, Klein, D, Richman, J, d, W T, Quach, D, Bauerdick, L A T, Gray, L, Carver, M, Askew, A, Cavanaugh, R, Jung, K, Haytmyradov, M, Kellogg, R G, Kharchilava, A, Trovato, M, Jessop, C, Lannon, K, W Li, Smith, G, Ling, T Y, Palmer, C, Das, S, Sun, J, Ecklund, K M, Kilpatrick, M, De Mattia, M, De Guio, F, Greene, S, Janjam, R, Thapa, P, Carlsmith, D, Dasu, S

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-04-2019)
    “…A search for a heavy resonance decaying into a top quark and antiquark tt¯\[ \left(\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}\right) \] pair is performed using…”
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    Search for beyond the standard model Higgs bosons decaying into a b b ¯ pair in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV by Flechl, M, Jeitler, M, Liko, D, Blekman, F, Magitteri, A, Godinovic, N, Mäenpää, T, Jarry, P, Amendola, C, Bernet, C, Mirabito, L, Rauch, M P, Schmidt, A, Pistone, C, Botta, V, Gallo, E, Keaveney, J, Meyer, A B, Myronenko, V, Raspereza, A, Weber, M, Papadopoulos, I, Bhawandeep, U, Dutta, D, Creanza, D, Benaglia, A, Manzoni, R A, Lacaprara, S, Ciangottini, D, Fanò, L, Boccali, T, Borrello, L, Ligabue, F, Rizzi, A, Barone, L, Rovelli, C, Covarelli, R, Romero, A, Sekmen, S, Yang, Y C, Castilla-Valdez, H, Oreshkin, V, Uvarov, L, Aushev, T, Bayshev, I, Mandrik, P, Devetak, D, Flix, J, A García Alonso, Ball, A H, Jafari, A, Merlin, J A, Klijnsma, T, Dumanoglu, I, Isildak, B, Yalvac, M, Burns, D, Sakuma, T, Harder, K, Breeze, S, Laner, C, Morton, A, Buccilli, A, Henderson, C, Conway, R, Dasgupta, A, Schnaible, C, S M A Ghiasi Shirazi, Klein, D, Wood, J, Amin, N, M Franco Sevilla, Heller, R, Richman, J, Xie, S, Weinberg, M, Quach, D, Bauerdick, L A T, Cheung, H W K, Vidal, R, Penzo, A, Snyder, C, Maravin, Y, Mendis, D R, Saini, L K, Wright, D, Jeng, G Y, Roland, G, Snow, G R, Teixeira De Lima, R, Odell, N, Elmer, P, Barnes, V E, Chou, J P, Thomas, S, Thomassen, P, Bouhali, O, Gilmore, J, Volobouev, I, Gomber, B

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-08-2018)
    “…A search for Higgs bosons that decay into a bottom quark-antiquark pair and are accompanied by at least one additional bottom quark is performed with the CMS…”
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    Measurement of normalized differential t t ¯ cross sections in the dilepton channel from pp collisions at s = 13 TeV by Waltenberger, W, Chekhovsky, V, Karapostoli, G, Randle-conde, A, Seva, T, Roskas, C, Mertens, A, Huertas Guativa, L M, Cabrera, A, Kovac, M, Talvitie, J, Dejardin, M, Rosowsky, A, Finco, L, Lagarde, F, Nehrkorn, A, I-A Melzer-Pellmann, Walsh, R, Zenaiev, O, Tholen, H, Usai, E, Weber, M, Kyriakis, A, Strologas, J, Csanad, M, Veszpremi, V, Topkar, A, Abbrescia, M, Radogna, R, Barbagli, G, Gasparini, U, Simonetto, F, Braghieri, A, Spiga, D, Daci, N, Rovelli, C, Lee, S, Yu, G B, Sanchez-Hernandez, A, Calpas, B, Klyukhin, V, Korneeva, N, Uzunian, A, Colino, N, Garcia-Abia, P, I Gonzalez Caballero, Garcia-Ferrero, J, Botta, C, Dobson, M, Dorney, B, Elliott-Peisert, A, Glege, F, Pfeiffer, A, Tosi, M, Hinzmann, A, Chao, Y, Chen, P H, Zorbakir, I S, De Wit, A, M Della Negra, Buccilli, A, Henderson, C, Zou, D, Mao, Z, Kennedy, E, M Olmedo Negrete, Paneva, M I, Klein, D, Amin, N, Bhandari, R, M Franco Sevilla, Alexander, J, Mirman, N, Rinkevicius, A, Bauerdick, L A T, Gray, L, Z Hu, Strait, J, Wang, S, Baden, A, Jabeen, S, R Bi, Kovalskyi, D, Niu, X, Evans, A, Avdeeva, E, Snow, G R, Kellams, N, Olsen, J, Ferbel, T, Montalvo, R, Osherson, M, Thomas, S, Thomassen, P, Foerster, M, Bouhali, O, Gilmore, J, Hussain, U, Lanaro, A, Woods, N

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-04-2018)
    “…Normalized differential cross sections for top quark pair production are measured in the dilepton (e+e−, μ+μ−, and μ∓e±) decay channels in proton-proton…”
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    Measurement of the t t ¯ production cross section using events in the e μ final state in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV by Goldouzian, R, C Vander Velde, Mundim, L, Jiang, C H, Ruiz Alvarez, J D, Lindén, T, Davignon, O, Nguyen, M, Ochando, C, Zabi, A, Chabert, E C, Conte, E, Coubez, X, Contardo, D, H El Mamouni, Gouzevitch, M, Preuten, M, Schulz, J, Flügge, G, J Garay Garcia, Hauk, J, Keaveney, J, Raspereza, A, Seitz, C, Kovalchuk, N, Freund, B, Müller, Th, Anagnostou, G, Kyriakis, A, Bhawandeep, U, Naimuddin, M, Dey, S, Sarkar, S, Braibant-Giacomelli, S, Cuffiani, M, Fasanella, D, Masetti, G, Tosi, N, Monge, M R, Robutti, E, Tosi, S, Brianza, L, Menasce, D, Ragazzi, S, Castaldi, R, Verdini, P G, Diemoz, M, Sola, V, W A T Wan Abdullah, Misiura, M, Gninenko, S, Azhgirey, I, Devetak, D, Flix, J, Marco, J, Dabrowski, A, Gundacker, S, Hammer, J, Merlin, J A, Milenovic, P, Petrucciani, G, Racz, A, Ruan, M, Steggemann, J, Stoye, M, Wardle, N, Dittmar, M, Kangal, E E, Baber, M, R Di Maria, Dunne, P, Nikitenko, A, Wright, J, Garabedian, A, Breto, G, Lacroix, F, Olivito, D, Apresyan, A, Bendavid, J, Vogel, H, G Nicolas Kaufman, Thom, J, Brinkerhoff, A, Cavanaugh, R, Bean, A, Baron, O, Ferraioli, C, Luckey, P D, Sumorok, K, Chatterjee, R M, Evans, A, Kaisen, J, Schmitt, M H, Dev, N, Piroué, P, Akgun, B, Dudero, P R, Goodell, J, H Li, Caillol, C

    “…The cross section of top quark–antiquark pair production in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV is measured by the CMS experiment at the LHC, using data…”
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    Search for new physics in events with a leptonically decaying Z boson and a large transverse momentum imbalance in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV by Sirunyan, A M, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Ambrogi, F, Asilar, E, Bergauer, T, Brandstetter, J, Brondolin, E, Dragicevic, M, Erö, J, Del Valle, A Escalante, Flechl, M, Friedl, M, Frühwirth, R, Ghete, V M, Grossmann, J, Hrubec, J, Jeitler, M, König, A, Krammer, N, Krätschmer, I, Liko, D, Madlener, T, Mikulec, I, Pree, E, Rad, N, Rohringer, H, Schieck, J, Schöfbeck, R, Spanring, M, Spitzbart, D, Waltenberger, W, Wittmann, J, Wulz, C-E, Zarucki, M, Chekhovsky, V, Mossolov, V, Gonzalez, J Suarez, De Wolf, E A, Di Croce, D, Janssen, X, Lauwers, J, Van De Klundert, M, Van Haevermaet, H, Van Mechelen, P, Van Remortel, N, Abu Zeid, S, Blekman, F, D'Hondt, J, De Bruyn, I, De Clercq, J, Deroover, K, Flouris, G, Lontkovskyi, D, Lowette, S, Marchesini, I, Moortgat, S, Moreels, L, Python, Q, Skovpen, K, Tavernier, S, Van Doninck, W, Van Mulders, P, Van Parijs, I, Beghin, D, Bilin, B, Brun, H, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Delannoy, H, Dorney, B, Fasanella, G, Favart, L, Goldouzian, R, Grebenyuk, A, Kalsi, A K, Lenzi, T, Luetic, J, Maerschalk, T, Marinov, A, Seva, T, Starling, E, Vander Velde, C, Vanlaer, P, Vannerom, D, Yonamine, R, Zenoni, F, Cornelis, T, Dobur, D, Fagot, A, Gul, M, Khvastunov, I, Poyraz, D, Roskas, C, Salva, S, Tytgat, M, Verbeke, W, Zaganidis, N, Bakhshiansohi, H, Bondu, O

    “…A search for new physics in events with a Z boson produced in association with large missing transverse momentum at the LHC is presented. The search is based…”
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    Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in the b b ¯ b b ¯ \[ \mathrm{b}\overline{\mathrm{b}}\mathrm{b}\overline{\mathrm{b}} \] final state at s \[ \sqrt{s} \] = 13 TeV by P Van Mechelen, Vanlaer, P, Brochet, S, Mercadante, P G, Carrillo Montoya, C A, Lelas, D, Mavromanolakis, G, Kadastik, M, Rosowsky, A, Albert, A, A Bermúdez Martínez, Sonneveld, J, Chwalek, T, Musich, M, Karathanasis, G, Kousouris, K, Foudas, C, Gupta, R, Sarkar, S, Das, P, Rastogi, A, Naseri, M, F Rezaei Hosseinabadi, Pompili, A, Borgonovi, L, Montanari, A, Malberti, M, Paolucci, P, Azzi, P, Bacchetta, N, Boccali, T, Borrello, L, Meridiani, P, Organtini, G, Cometti, S, Y Jo, Oh, S B, Rabadan-Trejo, R I, S Carrillo Moreno, Olszewski, M, Araujo, M, Hollar, J, Smirnov, V, Tyurin, N, Milosevic, J, Fernández Ramos, J P, Josa, M I, Moran, D, J Fernandez Menendez, Cabrillo, I J, J Duarte Campderros, Fulcher, J, Glege, F, Hegeman, J, Malgeri, L, Mersi, S, Theofilatos, K, Demiroglu, Z S, Gurpinar, E, Onengut, G, Tekten, S, Cakir, A, Sen, S, Grynyov, B, Olaiya, E, Seez, C, Virdee, T, Winterbottom, D, Simon, S, M Franco Sevilla, Heller, R, Richman, J, Xie, S, Zhang, Z, Weinberg, M, Quach, D, Bauerdick, L A T, Penzo, A, Snyder, C, Castle, J, Khalil, S, Modak, A, Rebassoo, F, Feng, Y, Jabeen, S, Jeng, G Y, Busza, W, Roland, G, Stephans, G S F, Avdeeva, E, Kellams, N, Reinsvold, A, J Salfeld-Nebgen, Bouhali, O, De Guio, F, Dudero, P R, Janjam, R, Carlsmith, D, Klabbers, P, Long, K

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-04-2019)
    “…Results of a search for nonresonant production of Higgs boson pairs, with each Higgs boson decaying to a bb¯\[ \mathrm{b}\overline{\mathrm{b}} \] pair, are…”
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  19. 19

    Measurement of the inclusive t t ¯ cross section in pp collisions at s = 5.02 TeV using final states with at least one charged lepton by I Van Parijs, Mertens, A, Huertas Guativa, L M, Courbon, B, Eerola, P, Härkönen, J, Rander, J, Abdulsalam, A, Antropov, I, Stahl Leiton, A G, Chierici, R, Olschewski, M, Pistone, C, Eren, E, Lange, W, Vignali, M Centis, Gonzalez, D, Hinzmann, A, Chwalek, T, Mildner, H, Wolf, R, Saoulidou, N, Pasztor, G, Hajdu, C, Trocsanyi, Z L, Bahinipati, S, Nandan, S, Dutta, D, Mahakud, B, Maity, M, Cristella, L, Guiducci, L, Giordano, F, Ciriolo, V, Ghezzi, A, Pauwels, K, Boletti, A, Mandorli, G, Monteil, E, Ruspa, M, Lim, J, M A B Md Ali, Ahmad, A, Kashunin, I, Murzin, V, Pozdnyakov, I, Popova, E, Kirakosyan, M, Shtol, D, Rekovic, V, Flix, J, Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A, Cabrillo, I J, Everaerts, P, Lange, C, Lecoq, P, Bertl, W, Lustermann, W, Canelli, M F, Chen, P H, Demiroglu, Z S, Clement, E, Cockerill, D J A, De Wit, A, Kyberd, P, Band, R, W Ko, Shi, M, Bouvier, E, Holzner, A, Padhi, S, Cumalat, J P, Rinkevicius, A, Canepa, A, Cremonesi, M, Sexton-Kennedy, E, Tkaczyk, S, Vidal, R, Wang, M, Mitselmakher, G, Wang, S, Adams, T, Perry, T, Berry, D, Bowen, J, Maier, B, Wyslouch, B, Alverson, G, Loukas, N, Meng, F, Smith, G, Palmer, C, Z Tu, Zabel, J, Garcia-Bellido, A, Kaplan, S, Pakhotin, Y, Ledovskoy, A, Karchin, P E, Smith, W H

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-03-2018)
    “…The top quark pair production cross section σtt¯ is measured for the first time in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The data were…”
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  20. 20

    Search for resonances decaying to a pair of Higgs bosons in the b b ¯ \[ \overline{\mathrm{b}} \] q q ¯ \[ \overline{\mathrm{q}} \] ’ℓν final state in proton-proton collisions at s \[ \sqrt{s} \] = 13 TeV by Frühwirth, R, Mikulec, I, Beghin, D, Starling, E, Vit, M, D De Jesus Damiao, Santoro, A, Calligaris, L, Sultanov, G, Petkov, P, Zhang, S, Ban, Y, Tomsa, J, Salama, E, Tuominiemi, J, Denegri, D, Locci, E, Rander, J, Beaudette, F, Busson, P, Sirois, Y, J-M Brom, H El Mamouni, Ille, B, Lattaud, H, Kiesel, M K, Schomakers, C, Contreras-Campana, C, D Pérez Adán, Sonneveld, J, Müller, Th, Quast, G, Asenov, P, Major, P, Sharan, M, Bhat, M A, Hegde, V, De Filippis, N, Ince, M, Codispoti, G, Navarria, F L, Benussi, L, De Castro Manzano, P, D Del Re, Diemoz, M, Cometti, S, Sola, V, Son, D C, Nam, K, Yang, U K, Zarubin, A, Ershov, A, Petrov, V, Cirkovic, P, A Álvarez Fernández, Bachiller, I, J Puerta Pelayo, E Palencia Cortezon, Gulhan, D, Sakulin, H, Zeuner, W D, Micheli, F, Yu, S S, Asavapibhop, B, Srimanobhas, N, Atakisi, I O, Taylor, J, Olaiya, E, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C H, Komm, M, Pinna, D, Heintz, U, Usai, E, M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Florent, A, Saltzberg, D, Krutelyov, V, Amin, N, Nguyen, T Q, Zhang, Z, MacDonald, E, Patterson, J R, Hirschauer, J, Joshi, B M, Konigsberg, J, Isidori, T, Kellogg, R G, Tonwar, S C, G Gomez Ceballos, Shi, Z, Schmitt, M H, Planer, M, Ojalvo, I, Parashar, N, Heideman, J, Dalchenko, M, Maguire, C, Tannenwald, B, Sturdy, J, Ruggles, T

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-10-2019)
    “…A search for new massive particles decaying into a pair of Higgs bosons in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is presented. Data…”
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