Search Results - "Del Llano, Juan"
n-3 Fatty acids, cancer and cachexia: a systematic review of the literature
Published in British journal of nutrition (01-05-2007)“…Use of n-3 fatty acids (FA) has been reported to be beneficial for cancer patients. We performed a systematic review of the literature in order to issue…”
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Analysis of economic evaluations of pharmacological cancer treatments in Spain between 1990 and 2010
Published in Clinical & translational oncology (2013)“…Economic evaluation of pharmacological cancer treatment is a critical clinical problem currently under consideration worldwide. We have analysed their main…”
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The indirect costs of tension type headache. A systematic literature review
Published in Atención primaria (01-03-2022)“…The objective of this work was to systematically review the published literature in relation to the estimated indirect costs associated with TTH. This…”
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Expert-based collaborative analysis of the situation and prospects of biomarker test implementation in oncology in Spain
Published in Clinical & translational oncology (01-04-2024)“…Purpose Biomarkers as screening for precision medicine is a fundamental step. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, to highlight the existing barriers…”
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Trends and factors associated with analgesics use in Spain from 1993 to 2006
Published in Medicina clinica (11-06-2011)“…To analyze trends in the use of analgesics in adults in Spain from 1993 to 2006, and to identify the associated lifestyle and socio-demographic factors. The…”
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Treatment of disease-related malnutrition: status of regulation in the Spanish National Health System. An exploratory study through focus groups
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (16-12-2020)“…Background: the legislation currently regulating the inclusion of Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP) among the benefits of the National Health System…”
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Tratamiento de la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad: situación de la regulación en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Un estudio exploratorio mediante grupos focales
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (01-12-2020)“…Resumen Antecedentes y objetivos: la normativa que regula la inclusión de alimentos para usos médicos especiales (ADUME) entre las prestaciones del Sistema…”
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Analysis of Productivity Costs in Cancer: A Systematic Review
Published in Global & regional health technology assessment (Online) (01-01-2017)“…ABSTRACT Introduction The concept of indirect costs – or productivity losses to both patients and their informal caregivers arising from an illness – started…”
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Relational coordination and healthcare management in lung cancer
Published in World journal of clinical cases (16-12-2014)“…In the current socio-economic scenario characterized by a growing shortage of resources and progressive budget constraints, the need to better coordinate…”
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Los costes indirectos de la cefalea tensional. Una revisión sistemática de la literatura
Published in Atención primaria (01-03-2022)“…El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar sistemáticamente la literatura publicada con relación a los costes indirectos estimados asociados al TTH. Esta revisión…”
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Los determinantes sociales de la salud en España (2010-2021): una revisión exploratoria de la literatura
Published in Revista española de salud pública (2022)“…BACKGROUND // Social determinants of health (SDH) are the axes of social inequalities in health. Studying these differences between social groups is essential…”
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Systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis of the treatment of post-stroke spasticity with abobotulinumtoxinA compared to physiotherapy
Published in Farmacia hospitalaria (01-09-2023)“…Post-stroke spasticity (PSS) is a common complication in stroke survivors, causing severe burden to patients living with it. The aim of this review was to…”
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VIH en España 2017: políticas para una nueva gestión de la cronicidad más allá del control virológico
Published in Revista española de salud pública (2018)“…El análisis de las bases de datos disponibles relacionadas con VIH/SIDA confirma un cambio de paradigma en la esperanza de vida del paciente: ahora el VIH se…”
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Los valores relacionados con la formación de profesionales sanitarios en un entorno COVID-19
Published in Educación médica (01-05-2021)“…Resumen: La pandemia del coronavirus ha sometido a nuestros servicios de salud a una prueba de estrés como nunca se había vivido. Ha supuesto un momento álgido…”
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The association of chronic neck pain, low back pain, and migraine with absenteeism due to health problems in Spanish workers
Published in Spine (Philadelphia, Pa. 1976) (01-07-2014)“…Cross-sectional. To examine whether 3 types of chronic pain are associated with absenteeism and with the number of days absent from work in the general…”
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[Artículo traducido] Revisión sistemática y coste-efectividad del tratamiento con abobotulinumtoxinA para la espasticidad postictus en comparación con la fisioterapia
Published in Farmacia hospitalaria (01-09-2023)“…la espasticidad postictus es una enfermedad común que afecta a los adultos y causa una carga grave a los pacientes que la padecen. El objetivo de la revisión…”
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Revisión de análisis económicos sobre tecnologías emergentes en oncología
Published in PharmacoEconomics. Spanish research articles (2009)“…Resumen Introducción: Se realiza una revisión sistemática de estudios de evaluación económica sobre la aplicación de la genómica y proteómica en el área…”
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Prospective one-year cost-of-illness study in a cohort of patients with dementia of Alzheimer's disease type in Spain: the ECO study
Published in Journal of Alzheimer's disease (01-01-2010)“…In this study, we analyzed the economic impact of one-year healthcare and non-healthcare resources utilization by patients with dementia of Alzheimer's disease…”
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Systematic review of economic evaluation analyses of available vaccines in Spain from 1990 to 2012
Published in Vaccine (02-08-2013)“…Highlights • The cost-effectiveness analysis was used more frequently during the study period. • In active population, vaccination provides a great benefit. •…”
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