Search Results - "Debenedetti, C"

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  1. 1

    Boosted objects and jet substructure at the LHC. Report of BOOST2012, held at IFIC Valencia, 23rd–27th of July 2012 by Altheimer, A., Arce, A., Asquith, L., Backus Mayes, J., Kuutmann, E. Bergeaas, Berger, J., Bjergaard, D., Bryngemark, L., Buckley, A., Butterworth, J., Cacciari, M., Campanelli, M., Carli, T., Chala, M., Chapleau, B., Chen, C., Chou, J. P., Cornelissen, Th, Curtin, D., Dasgupta, M., Davison, A., de Almeida Dias, F., de Cosa, A., de Roeck, A., Debenedetti, C., Doglioni, C., Ellis, S. D., Fassi, F., Ferrando, J., Fleischmann, S., Freytsis, M., Gonzalez Silva, M. L., de la Hoz, S. Gonzalez, Guescini, F., Han, Z., Hook, A., Hornig, A., Izaguirre, E., Jankowiak, M., Juknevich, J., Kaci, M., Kar, D., Kasieczka, G., Kogler, R., Larkoski, A., Loch, P., Lopez Mateos, D., Marzani, S., Masetti, L., Mateu, V., Miller, D. W., Mishra, K., Nef, P., Nordstrom, K., Oliver Garcia, E., Penwell, J., Pilot, J., Plehn, T., Rappoccio, S., Rizzi, A., Rodrigo, G., Safonov, A., Salam, G. P., Salt, J., Schaetzel, S., Schioppa, M., Schmidt, A., Scholtz, J., Schwartzman, A., Schwartz, M. D., Segala, M., Son, M., Soyez, G., Spannowsky, M., Stewart, I., Strom, D., Swiatlowski, M., Sanchez Martinez, V., Takeuchi, M., Thaler, J., Thompson, E. N., Tran, N. V., Vermilion, C., Villaplana, M., Vos, M., Wacker, J., Walsh, J.

    “…This report of the BOOST2012 workshop presents the results of four working groups that studied key aspects of jet substructure. We discuss the potential of…”
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    Towards an understanding of the correlations in jet substructure by Adams, D, Arce, A, Asquith, L, Backovic, M, Barillari, T, Berta, P, Bertolini, D

    “…Over the past decade, a large number of jet substructure observables have been proposed in the literature, and explored at the LHC experiments. Such…”
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    Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction with the ATLAS detector using proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV by Onofre, A., Castro, Nuno Filipe, ATLAS Collaboration

    “…The performance of the missing transverse momentum (EmissT) reconstruction with the ATLAS detector is evaluated using data collected in proton–proton…”
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    Evidence for the H→bb¯ decay with the ATLAS detector by Afik, Y., Amoroso, S., Armitage, L. J., Backes, M., Baldin, E. M., Bauer, F., Benekos, N., Berger, N., Besjes, G. J., Besson, N., Black, J. E., Blue, A., Bruckman de Renstrom, P. A., Bruschi, M., Buzykaev, A. R., Carbone, R. M., Caudron, J., Celebi, E., Che, S., Cheng, H. J., Chizhov, M. V., Chuinard, A. J., Ciftci, A. K., Citron, Z. H., Derendarz, D., Di Simone, A., Diaconu, C., Dimitrievska, A., Duarte-Campderros, J., Ducourthial, A., Ferrari, A., Fracchia, S., Fraternali, M., Godlewski, J., Gonski, J. L., Goujdami, D., Grummer, A., Gul, U., Gwenlan, C., Hariri, F., Hellman, S., Hladik, O., Hughes, E. W., Ikegami, Y., Istin, S., Iuppa, R., Kahn, S. J., Kasahara, K., Keyes, R. A., Khramov, E., Khubua, J., Kitali, V., Korn, A., Kroll, J., Kuehn, S., Ladygin, E., Laporte, J. F., Lefebvre, B., Leone, R., Levinson, L. J., Li, Q., Liu, B., Loesle, A., Lu, H., Mullen, P., Neubauer, M. S., Nooney, T., O’Rourke, A. A., Oberlack, H., Ohman, H., Peschke, R., Piacquadio, G., Pleskot, V., Poggioli, L., Przybycien, M., Sakurai, Y., Seiden, A., Sherafati, N., Sherwood, P., Sivoklokov, S. Yu, Slavicek, T., Smirnova, L. N., Soloshenko, A., Stramaglia, M. E., Sun, X., Tavares Delgado, A., Thais, S. J., Thomas, J. P., Tompkins, L., Trzupek, A., Tudorache, V., Unno, Y., Varni, C., Varvell, K. E., Verducci, M., Vickey Boeriu, O. E., Walder, J., Weingarten, J., Wiedenmann, W., Winter, B. T.

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (01-12-2017)
    “…A bstract A search for the decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson into a b b ¯ pair when produced in association with a W or Z boson is performed with the…”
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    Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and coupling strengths using pp collision data at s=7 and 8 TeV in the ATLAS experiment by Arguin, J-F., Ashkenazi, A., Balli, F., Behr, J. K., Beresford, L., Bianchini, L., Boldea, V., Brandt, G., Buanes, T., Buttinger, W., Buzatu, A., Camarri, P., Capua, M., Casado, M. P., Cherkaoui El Moursli, R., Cobal, M., Corso-Radu, A., Cox, B. E., Dallaire, F., Dao, V., Delitzsch, C. M., Di Ciaccio, L., Di Domenico, A., Diaconu, C., Duguid, L., Fakhrutdinov, R. M., Fiascaris, M., Fletcher, G. T., Gagnon, P., Giacobbe, B., Hall, D., Halladjian, G., Horton, A. J., Hristova, I., Jackson, M., Jorge, P. M., Karnevskiy, M., Kobayashi, A., Kohout, Z., Korolkov, I., Kouskoura, V., Kozhin, A. S., Kruchonak, U., Kukhtin, V., Lacey, J., LeBlanc, M., Lehan, A., Leonidopoulos, C., Lewis, A., Liu, L., Lou, X., Malon, D., Maneira, J., Massa, I., Maurer, J., Meirose, B., Mudd, R. D., Nelson, A., O’Neil, D. C., Ochoa, I., Olariu, A., Ouchrif, M., Ozcan, V. E., Paredes Hernandez, D., Pásztor, G., Pérez García-Estañ, M. T., Peshekhonov, V. D., Peters, R. F. Y., Polifka, R., Poppleton, A., Ptacek, E., Rizatdinova, F., Roth, I., Rubbo, F., Sandstroem, R., Sasaki, Y., Savage, G., Serfon, C., Shehu, C. Y., Soldatov, E. Yu, Sood, A., Sopko, B., South, D., Spighi, R., Stamen, R., Stern, S., Suk, M., Talby, M., Tas, P., Terada, S., Thompson, E. N., Trischuk, W., Unal, G., Vossebeld, J. H., Vuillermet, R., Wermes, N., Woudstra, M. J., Xu, L., Ye, J., Ženiš, T.

    “…Combined analyses of the Higgs boson production and decay rates as well as its coupling strengths to vector bosons and fermions are presented. The combinations…”
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    Measurement of the Z/γ boson transverse momentum distribution in pp collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Abbott, B., Alexander, G., Alonso, A., Anastopoulos, C., Angelidakis, S., Antos, J., Araque, J. P., Arguin, J-F., Bertsche, D., Besana, M. I., Binet, S., Bingul, A., Bogaerts, J. A., Brendlinger, K., Burghgrave, B., Cabrera Urbán, S., Carter, J. R., Ciubancan, M., Cummings, J., Daniells, A. C., Davies, E., De Salvo, A., Delitzsch, C. M., Dudarev, A., Duflot, L., Dunford, M., Düren, M., Ernst, M., Ferrere, D., Gabaldon, C., Gabrielli, A., Garonne, V., Gee, C. N. P., Goujdami, D., Grahn, K-J., Grohs, J. P., Gul, U., Guo, J., Haas, A., Hawkes, C. M., Herrberg-Schubert, R., Hughes, E. W., Iliadis, D., Johansson, P., Kagan, M., Kapliy, A., Kazanin, V. F., Krasnopevtsev, D., Kraus, J. K., Kreutzfeldt, K., Ledroit-Guillon, F., Lenzi, B., Li, S., Limosani, A., Lipeles, E., Lombardo, V. P., Lopes, L., Lubatti, H. J., Maddocks, H. J., Mader, W. F., Maltezos, S., Martin, B., Mc Goldrick, G., McCubbin, N. A., Morii, M., Nadal, J., Neal, H. A., Newman, P. R., Nikiforov, A., Ogren, H., Paolozzi, L., Papageorgiou, K., Picazio, A., Read, A. L., Rutherfoord, J. P., Schwoerer, M., Shapiro, M., Sobie, R., Solfaroli Camillocci, E., Solovyanov, O. V., Sorin, V., Spreitzer, T., Strandberg, S., Su, J., Sulin, V. V., Tackmann, K., Tanaka, R., Tremblet, L., Tsiskaridze, V., Turecek, D., Turk Cakir, I., Undrus, A., Vacavant, L., Wendland, D., White, R., Will, J. Z., Wollstadt, S. J., Yamamura, T., Yamauchi, K., Yao, W-M.

    “…A bstract This paper describes a measurement of the Z / γ * boson transverse momentum spectrum using ATLAS proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass…”
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    Search for high-mass dilepton resonances in pp collisions at [radical]s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Aad, G

    “…The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is used to search for high-mass resonances decaying to dielectron or dimuon final states. Results are presented…”
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    Search for dark matter at s=13TeV in final states containing an energetic photon and large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector by Aaboud, M., Abbott, B., Adamczyk, L., Akerstedt, H., Alexa, C., Alexander, G., Astalos, R., Bachas, K., Bahrasemani, H., Battaglia, M., Bawa, H. S., Bellagamba, L., Benoit, M., Bernius, C., Biesuz, N. V., Black, J. E., Blazek, T., Bortoletto, D., Boyd, J., Brandt, A., Brosamer, J., Buttar, C. M., Carbone, R. M., Castelijn, R., Caudron, J., Che, S., Deliot, F., Dobre, M., Doria, A., Duarte-Campderros, J., Dudarev, A., Ellis, N., Emeliyanov, D., Fassnacht, P., Ferrando, J., Freund, B., Gabaldon, C., Gaudiello, A., Gee, C. N. P., Glatzer, J., Gross, E., Hasegawa, M., Havener, L. B., Hawkes, C. M., Hayakawa, D., Higashino, S., Honda, S., Iengo, P., Kobayashi, D., Navarro, J. L. La Rosa, Le Guirriec, E., Li, B., Li, S., Lin, T. H., Lubatti, H. J., Lukas, W., Maccarrone, G., Maiani, C., Mchedlidze, G., Mehlhase, S., Mikenberg, G., Mistry, K. P., Miyagawa, P. S., Neubauer, M. S., Nielsen, J., Nilsson, P., Okumura, Y., Oren, Y., Parker, K. A., Popeneciu, G. A., Poulsen, T., Puri, A., Rauscher, F., Ridel, M., Rodriguez Rodriguez, D., Russell, H. L., Salek, D., Salvatore, D., Sbrizzi, A., Schegelsky, V. A., Schioppa, M., Scuri, F., Sfiligoj, T., Shope, D. R., Simak, V., Snyder, S., Solans Sanchez, C. A., Spangenberg, M., Straessner, A., Tartarelli, G. F., Tripiana, M. F., Tsipolitis, G., Tsybychev, D., Ueda, I., Veatch, J., Vermeulen, A. T., Wallangen, V., Wozniak, K. W., Zinser, M., Zobernig, G.

    “…Results of a search for physics beyond the Standard Model in events containing an energetic photon and large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS…”
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    Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s=8 TeV by Abbott, B., Adelman, J., Alexander, G., Alonso, A., Amor Dos Santos, S. P., Anastopoulos, C., Angelidakis, S., Besson, N., Blair, R. E., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Borisov, A., Brandt, O., Bressler, S., Brost, E., Bugge, L., Busato, E., Cabrera Urbán, S., Cerv, M., Chapleau, B., Cheng, H. C., Cochran, J., Corso-Radu, A., Cox, B. E., Dallaire, F., Davey, W., Davidek, T., Delitzsch, C. M., Di Ciaccio, L., Di Domenico, A., Diaconu, C., Düren, M., Fassi, F., Ferreira de Lima, D. E., Gallas, E. J., García, C., Graber, L., Grassi, V., Grillo, A. A., Hall, D., Hamilton, S., Ikegami, Y., Ishitsuka, M., Kahn, S. J., Kanaya, N., Keeler, R., King, S. B., Kluth, S., Kreiss, S., Kroseberg, J., Kruskal, M., Kugel, A., Lançon, E., Lassnig, M., Lehmann Miotto, G., Lipeles, E., Liu, M., Lleres, A., Lopez Paredes, B., Marti, L. F., Marx, M., Mashimo, T., Meyer, C., Moore, R. W., Moritz, S., Nepomuceno, A. A., Nickerson, R. B., Nilsson, P., Oide, H., Palma, A., Pataraia, S., Pluth, D., Polesello, G., Pozdnyakov, V., Rieck, P., Riegel, C. J., Ritsch, E., Rosten, R., Salamon, A., Salnikov, A., Sanchez, A., Savage, G., Schaepe, S., Scharf, V., Schiavi, C., Schultz-Coulon, H.-C., Schulz, H., Seidel, S. C., Sekhniaidze, G., Sotiropoulou, C. L., Stanecka, E., Usanova, A., Wang, H., Wang, R., Warburton, A., Weber, M. S., Wienemann, P., Wilson, J. A., Yabsley, B., Ye, J., Zambito, S.

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (29-07-2015)
    “…A bstract A search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in events containing a pair of high- p T leptons of the same charge and high- p T jets is presented. The search…”
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    Search for light resonances decaying to boosted quark pairs and produced in association with a photon or a jet in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector by Adye, T., Alimonti, G., Antel, C., Antrim, D.J.A., Banerjee, S., Bates, R.L., Bellerive, A., Benary, O., Bergsten, L.J., Bindi, M., Bock, C., Bogdanchikov, A.G., Boldyrev, A.S., Boutle, S.K., Brennan, A.J., Bristow, T.M., Calafiura, P., Caron, S., Carrillo-Montoya, G.D., Chen, S.J., Chizhov, M.V., Chwastowski, J.J., Clark, A., Clark, M.R., Cree, G., Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa, M.J., Dado, T., Davidek, T., De Lorenzi, F., Duran Yildiz, H., Durglishvili, A., Ezhilov, A., Fabbri, L., Fedin, O.L., Frost, J.A., Giugliarelli, G., Gottardo, C.A., Govender, N., Gregersen, K., Grenier, P., Guo, W., Halladjian, G., Hanke, P., Heinrich, L., Ito, F., Iturbe Ponce, J.M., Keoshkerian, H., Kitali, V., Klitzner, F.F., Kneringer, E., Kourlitis, E., Kyriazopoulos, D., LeBlanc, M., Lee, L., Leggett, C., Li, L., Lin, S.C., Lokajicek, M., Lund-Jensen, B., Marzin, A., Mergelmeyer, S., Metcalfe, J., Meyer, J-P., Minaenko, A.A., Oleiro Seabra, L.F., Onyisi, P.U.E., Panagiotopoulou, E.St, Pauly, T., Peleganchuk, S.V., Penwell, J., Pezoa, R., Pinfold, J.L., Pontecorvo, L., Radloff, P., Readioff, N.P., Riegel, C.J., Rompotis, N., Rutherfoord, J.P., Schlenker, S., Schwartzman, A., Schwarz, T.A., Schweiger, H., Semprini-Cesari, N., Shi, L., Shiyakova, M., Skinner, M.B., Solans Sanchez, C.A., Sommer, P., Sopczak, A., Spagnolo, S., Strauss, M., Takeshita, T., Tanaka, M., Tisserant, S., Wang, C., Wang, R.-J., Wenig, S., Wobisch, M., Xu, W., Zhukov, K.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-01-2019)
    “…This Letter presents a search for new light resonances decaying to pairs of quarks and produced in association with a high-pT photon or jet. The dataset…”
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    Measurement of inclusive jet charged-particle fragmentation functions in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Abdallah, J., Adye, T., Altheimer, A., Bannoura, A.A.E., Barnett, R.M., Bartsch, V., Bierwagen, K., Bogdanchikov, A.G., Bortolotto, V., Bryngemark, L., Capeans Garrido, M.D.M., Chelstowska, M.A., Chen, X., Cleland, W., Dano Hoffmann, M., De Lorenzi, F., Debbe, R., Dell'Orso, M., Dewhurst, A., Di Simone, A., Di Sipio, R., Ebke, J., Favareto, A., Formica, A., Fortin, D., Fullana Torregrosa, E., Gallus, P., Gavrilenko, I.L., Gibbard, B., Gilles, G., Giordano, R., Giorgi, F.M., Gkialas, I., Goldfarb, S., Goussiou, A.G., Gross, E., Guillemin, T., Guttman, N., Gwilliam, C.B., Haber, C., Haleem, M., Hawkins, A.D., Heelan, L., Howard, J., Hrivnac, J., Huffman, T.B., Ikeno, M., Iwanski, W., Jin, S., Kagan, H., Kaneda, M., Khodinov, A., Koi, T., Kramberger, G., Kruchonak, U., Kulchitsky, Y., Lee, S.C., Li, Y., Loch, P., Lucotte, A., Mandelli, L., Morris, J.D., Neubauer, M.S., Nevski, P., Olszewski, A., Palacino, G., Pantea, D., Pater, J.R., Piacquadio, G., Pitt, M., Pollard, C.S., Prokoshin, F., Ren, H., Resconi, S., Roe, S., Ruschke, A., Schaetzel, S., Schamberger, R.D., Schmidt, E., Seuster, R., Siegert, F., Sjursen, T.B., Solovyev, V., Stanecka, E., Swedish, S., Tafirout, R., Teuscher, R.J., Tsionou, D., Tsuno, S., Valery, L., van der Graaf, H., Vazeille, F., Veneziano, S., Ventura, A., Walkowiak, W., Wang, F., Weinert, B., Yabsley, B., Yatsenko, E., Zerwas, D.

    Published in Physics letters. B (12-12-2014)
    “…Measurements of charged-particle fragmentation functions of jets produced in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions can provide insight into the modification of…”
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    Towards an understanding of the correlations in jet substructure: Report of BOOST2013, hosted by the University of Arizona, 12th–16th of August 2013 by Adams, D., Arce, A., Asquith, L., Backovic, M., Barillari, T., Berta, P., Bertolini, D., Buckley, A., Butterworth, J., Camacho Toro, R. C., Caudron, J., Chien, Y.-T., Cogan, J., Cooper, B., Curtin, D., Debenedetti, C., Dolen, J., Eklund, M., El Hedri, S., Ellis, S. D., Embry, T., Ferencek, D., Ferrando, J., Fleischmann, S., Freytsis, M., Giulini, M., Han, Z., Hare, D., Harris, P., Hinzmann, A., Hoing, R., Hornig, A., Jankowiak, M., Johns, K., Kasieczka, G., Kogler, R., Lampl, W., Larkoski, A. J., Lee, C., Leone, R., Loch, P., Lopez Mateos, D., Lou, H. K., Low, M., Maksimovic, P., Marchesini, I., Marzani, S., Masetti, L., McCarthy, R., Menke, S., Miller, D. W., Mishra, K., Nachman, B., Nef, P., O’Grady, F. T., Ovcharova, A., Picazio, A., Pollard, C., Potter-Landua, B., Potter, C., Rappoccio, S., Rojo, J., Rutherfoord, J., Salam, G. P., Schabinger, R. M., Schwartzman, A., Schwartz, M. D., Shuve, B., Sinervo, P., Soper, D., Sosa Corral, D. E., Spannowsky, M., Strauss, E., Swiatlowski, M., Thaler, J., Thomas, C., Thompson, E., Tran, N. V., Tseng, J., Usai, E., Valery, L., Veatch, J., Vos, M., Waalewijn, W., Wacker, J., Young, C.

    “…Over the past decade, a large number of jet substructure observables have been proposed in the literature, and explored at the LHC experiments. Such…”
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    Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum using s=8 TeV proton-proton collision data by Abbott, B., Verzini, M. J. Alconada, Alexander, G., Alonso, A., Anastopoulos, C., Angelidakis, S., Antos, J., Araque, J. P., Bernlochner, F. U., Besson, N., Bogdanchikov, A. G., Bousson, N., Brosamer, J., Bruni, A., Buat, Q., Campana, S., Carlino, G., Catastini, P., Cattani, G., Chakraborty, D., Charlton, D. G., Chau, C. C., Cindro, V., Cogan, J. G., Conventi, F., Cristinziani, M., Cummings, J., Davidek, T., De Vivie De Regie, J. B., Dearnaley, W. J., Deliot, F., Doan, T. K. O., Doherty, T., Ducu, O. A., Düren, M., Errede, S., Faltova, J., Fox, H., Gabrielli, A., Galea, C., Gaur, B., Gkialas, I., Glasman, C., Gratchev, V., van Huysduynen, L. Hooft, Hryn’ova, T., Jenni, P., Jeske, C., Jones, G., Katre, A., Khoriauli, G., Kohlmann, S., Koperny, S., Köpke, L., Korol, A. A., Li, S., Liebal, J., Livan, M., Mahboubi, K., Mansoulie, B., Marroquim, F., Massol, N., Meyer, C., Milstein, D., Mindur, B., Nakamura, T., Okuyama, T., Palacino, G., Hernandez, D. Paredes, Reale, V. Perez, Petrolo, E., Polifka, R., Puzo, P., Quarrie, D. R., Quilty, D., Rudolph, C., Sasaki, Y., Schwegler, Ph, Shabalina, E., Smakhtin, V., Smart, B. H., Soueid, P., Spousta, M., Stamen, R., Staszewski, R., Straessner, A., Tas, P., Castanheira, M. Teixeira Dias, Terada, S., Thompson, E. N., Pastor, E. Torró, Tykhonov, A., Vichou, I., Wakabayashi, J., Wall, R., Wang, H., Wang, S. M., Wang, T., Wienemann, P., Xu, D.

    “…A bstract A search for squarks and gluinos in final states containing high- p T jets, missing transverse momentum and no electrons or muons is presented. The…”
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    Search for a Structure in the Bs0 π± Invariant Mass Spectrum with the ATLAS Experiment by Onofre, A., Castro, Nuno Filipe, ATLAS Collaboration

    Published in Physical review letters (18-05-2018)
    “…A search for the narrow structure, X(5568), reported by the D0 Collaboration in the decay sequence X→B0sπ±, B0s→J/ψϕ, is presented. The analysis is based on a…”
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    Angular analysis of Bd0 → K∗μ+μ− decays in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Alonso, A., Antrim, D. J. A., Astalos, R., Bahrasemani, H., Benekos, N., Blue, A., Brandt, A., Brost, E., Buat, Q., Burgard, C. D., Butti, P., Calvente Lopez, S., Carvalho, J., Caudron, J., Cervelli, A., Chuinard, A. J., Ciftci, A. K., Dattagupta, A., Del Peso, J., Di Ciaccio, A., Donadelli, M., Elles, S., Etienvre, A. I., Fabiani, V., Ferrari, A., Formica, A., Fracchia, S., Fraternali, M., Giacobbe, B., Goujdami, D., Gwenlan, C., Hamal, P., Hansen, P. H., Hellman, S., Hertenberger, R., Huth, J., Ilchenko, Y., Ilic, N., Ito, F., Kajomovitz, E., Kehoe, R., Kersten, S., Kleinknecht, K., Koffeman, E., Kondrashova, N., Lai, S., Le Dortz, O., Leonidopoulos, C., Lester, C. G., Levin, D., Li, S., Liebal, J., Lin, T. H., Liu, J. K. K., Lobodzinska, E. M., Long, B. A., Luedtke, C., Maccarrone, G., Maleev, V. P., Martyniuk, A. C., Mastrandrea, P., Melzer, A., Meng, X. T., Miller, D. W., Moa, T., Morgenstern, S., Muškinja, M., Navarro, G., Nomura, M. A., Novgorodova, O., Ntekas, K., Ouchrif, M., Pacheco Rodriguez, L., Pearson, B., Peri, F., Phillips, F. H., Pitt, M., Polesello, G., Poley, A., Primavera, M., Raddum, S., Radhakrishnan, S. K., Readioff, N. P., Rezvani, R., Sarrazin, B., Shiyakova, M., Smirnov, Y., Sperlich, D., Stanek, R. W., Stradling, A. R., Tsybychev, D., Tu, Y., Turra, R., Van Gemmeren, P., Varouchas, D., Wang, W. X., Webb, A. F., White, M. J., Wolff, R., Wu, Y.

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (08-10-2018)
    “…A bstract An angular analysis of the decay B d 0  →  K ∗ μ + μ − is presented, based on proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the…”
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    A search for tt¯ resonances using lepton-plus-jets events in proton-proton collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Abbott, B., Anders, C. F., Bannoura, A. A. E., Barnett, R. M., Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, J., Battaglia, M., Brandt, A., Bristow, T. M., Bruni, G., Bugge, M. K., Carvalho, J., Caudron, J., Ceradini, F., Chernyatin, V., Clark, B. L., Connell, S. H., Consonni, S. M., Croft, V., Czodrowski, P., Dopke, J., Düren, M., Elles, S., Endner, O. C., Fassi, F., Feng, E. J., Fenyuk, A. B., Ferreira de Lima, D. E., Gallas, E. J., Gutschow, C., Gwenlan, C., Haleem, M., Heng, Y., Hoecker, A., Hong, T. M., Hostachy, J-Y., Iodice, M., Iturbe Ponce, J. M., Javadov, N., Jones, T. J., Kalderon, C. W., Katzy, J., Kharlamov, A. G., Kim, H., Kortner, S., Koutsman, A., Kupco, A., Lassnig, M., Law, A. T., Liss, T. M., Lohwasser, K., Maleev, V. P., Marx, M., Masik, J., Massa, I., Mc Goldrick, G., Mengarelli, A., Meyer, C., Mohr, W., Morettini, P., Muenstermann, D., Nagasaka, Y., Nozaki, M., Nurse, E., Oide, H., Poveda, J., Pranko, A., Reznicek, P., Rimoldi, A., Rud, V. I., Rühr, F., Sadykov, R., Savard, P., Schaarschmidt, J., Schaefer, D., Schneider, B., Schoeffel, L., Schopf, E., Sedykh, E., Serfon, C., Shehu, C. Y., Soldatov, E. Yu, Sopko, B., South, D., Spighi, R., Stamen, R., Staszewski, R., Suk, M., Sykora, I., Tas, P., Terada, S., Thompson, E. N., Toth, J., Trischuk, W., Trzebinski, M., Vossebeld, J. H., Vuillermet, R., Wermes, N., Woudstra, M. J., Ye, J., Ženiš, T.

    Published in The journal of high energy physics (14-08-2015)
    “…A bstract A search for new particles that decay into top quark pairs is reported. The search is performed with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC using an…”
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    Search for heavy resonances decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the qq¯(′)bb¯ final state in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Adye, T., Affolder, A.A., Ahlen, S.P., Akatsuka, S., Alconada Verzini, M.J., Alexopoulos, T., Alonso, A., Beddall, A.J., Bedognetti, M., Bingul, A., Bloch, I., Boutle, S.K., Bracinik, J., Butler, J.M., Campana, S., Carlson, B.T., Cheremushkina, E., Chisholm, A.S., Colijn, A.P., David, C., De Salvo, A., Della Pietra, M., Dias, F.A., Ennis, J.S., Falciano, S., Farrell, S., Fenyuk, A.B., Fiolhais, M.C.N., Franchini, M., Freund, B., Gabrielli, A., Genest, M.H., Gordon, H.A., Gumpert, C., Gwenlan, C., Hagihara, M., Hamacher, K., Hassani, S., Hawkings, R.J., Horton, A.J., Johns, K.A., Kagan, H., Karakostas, K., Katzy, J., Kepka, O., Klein, U., Komori, Y., Kurchaninov, L.L., Lacasta, C., Legger, F., Lin, S.C., Liss, T.M., Litke, A.M., Ma, L.L., Mamuzic, J., Mc Goldrick, G., Meideck, T., Mikestikova, M., Mizukami, A., Mlynarikova, M., Mohapatra, S., Moss, J., Naumann, T., Nellist, C., Nelson, A., Ochi, A., Ohm, C.C., Olszewski, A., Owen, M., Paige, F., Passaggio, S., Petridou, C., Petrucci, F., Piegaia, R., Protopopescu, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rodriguez Bosca, S., Sato, K., Shimmin, C.O., Shochet, M.J., Snesarev, A.A., Sosa, D., Spalla, M., Staszewski, R., Stroynowski, R., Takeshita, T., Tayalati, Y., Toth, J., Trigger, I.M., Ungaro, F.C., Valderanis, C., Vanadia, M., Vickey Boeriu, O.E., Volpi, G., Wang, T., Wharton, A.M., Yamanaka, T., Yang, H., Zimine, N.I., Zou, R.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-11-2017)
    “…A search for heavy resonances decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the qq¯(′)bb¯ final state is described. The search uses 36.1 fb−1 of…”
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