Search Results - "Dearing, M. D."
Experience matters: prior exposure to plant toxins enhances diversity of gut microbes in herbivores
Published in Ecology letters (01-09-2012)“…For decades, ecologists have hypothesised that exposure to plant secondary compounds (PSCs) modifies herbivore‐associated microbial community composition. This…”
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Ambient temperature influences tolerance to plant secondary compounds in a mammalian herbivore
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (13-01-2016)“…Growing evidence suggests that plant secondary compounds (PSCs) ingested by mammals become more toxic at elevated ambient temperatures, a phenomenon known as…”
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Turnover of Carbon Isotopes in Tail Hair and Breath CO₂ of Horses Fed an Isotopically Varied Diet
Published in Oecologia (01-03-2004)“…Temporal stable isotope records derived from animal tissues are increasingly studied to determine dietary and climatic histories. Despite this, the turnover…”
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Transcriptome sequencing and microarray development for the woodrat (Neotoma spp.): custom genetic tools for exploring herbivore ecology
Published in Molecular ecology resources (01-07-2013)“…Massively parallel sequencing has enabled the creation of novel, in‐depth genetic tools for nonmodel, ecologically important organisms. We present the de novo…”
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Turnover of stable carbon isotopes in the muscle, liver, and breath CO2 of alpacas (Lama pacos)
Published in Rapid communications in mass spectrometry (01-01-2006)“…Stable carbon isotope analysis of animal liver and muscle has become a widespread tool for investigating dietary ecology. Nonetheless, stable carbon isotope…”
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Testing the diet-breadth trade-off hypothesis: differential regulation of novel plant secondary compounds by a specialist and a generalist herbivore
Published in Oecologia (01-03-2012)“…Specialist herbivores are predicted to have evolved biotransformation pathways that can process large doses of secondary compounds from the plant species on…”
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Ambient Temperature Influences Diet Selection and Physiology of an Herbivorous Mammal,Neotoma albigula
Published in Physiological and biochemical zoology (01-11-2008)“…The whitethroat woodrat (Neotoma albigula) eats juniper (Ju niperus monosperma), but the amount of juniper in its diet varies seasonally. We tested whether…”
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Diet Breadth of Mammalian Herbivores: Nutrient versus Detoxification Constraints
Published in Oecologia (01-05-2000)“…Two hypotheses, nutrient constraints and detoxification limitation, have been proposed to explain the lack of specialists among mammalian herbivores. The…”
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Elimination of Plant Toxins by Herbivorous Woodrats: Revisiting an Explanation for Dietary Specialization in Mammalian Herbivores
Published in Oecologia (01-01-2003)“…Constraints on rates of detoxification and elimination of plant toxins are thought to be responsible for limiting dietary specialization in mammalian…”
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A Specialist Herbivore (Neotoma stephensi) Absorbs Fewer Plant Toxins than Does a Generalist (Neotoma albigula)
Published in Physiological and biochemical zoology (01-01-2004)“…Detoxification capacity of enzymes in the liver is thought to be the primary factor governing dietary toxin intake by mammalian herbivores. Recently, toxin…”
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Short-Term Diet Changes Revealed Using Stable Carbon Isotopes in Horse Tail-Hair
Published in Functional ecology (01-08-2004)“…1. We demonstrate the potential of extracting high-resolution dietary information from stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) in horse tail-hair, in response to…”
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Captivity results in disparate loss of gut microbial diversity in closely related hosts
Published in Conservation physiology (01-01-2014)“…We compared microbial community structure in two rodent species before and after captivity. One species lost a greater proportion of diversity in captivity,…”
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Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) Home-Range Size and Fidelity in Sage-Steppe Habitat
Published in Western North American naturalist (01-10-2010)“…Within a species, home-range size can vary due to factors such as sex, mass, age, and breeding condition of individuals as well as habitat type, food…”
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Ambient Temperature Influences Diet Selection and Physiology of an Herbivorous Mammal, Neotoma albigula
Published in Physiological and biochemical zoology (01-11-2008)Get full text
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Effects of Acomastylis rossii Tannins on a Mammalian Herbivore, the North American Pika, Ochotona princeps
Published in Oecologia (01-01-1997)“…I investigated the effects of tannin consumption, using plant tannins naturally occurring in the diet, on a herbivorous mammal, the North American pika,…”
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The Function of Haypiles of Pikas (Ochotona princeps)
Published in Journal of mammalogy (01-11-1997)“…The pika, Ochotona princeps, spends a considerable amount of time during summer caching vegetation. These caches (haypiles) have been suggested to function as…”
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Review: Using physiologically based models to predict population responses to phytochemicals by wild vertebrate herbivores
Published in Animal (Cambridge, England) (01-12-2018)“…To understand how foraging decisions impact individual fitness of herbivores, nutritional ecologists must consider the complex in vivo dynamics of…”
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Expression of biotransformation genes in woodrat (Neotoma) herbivores on novel and ancestral diets: identification of candidate genes responsible for dietary shifts
Published in Molecular ecology (01-06-2009)“…The ability of herbivores to switch diets is thought to be governed by biotransformation enzymes. To identify potential biotransformation enzymes, we conducted…”
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High prevalence of Sin Nombre virus in rodent populations, central Utah: a consequence of human disturbance?
Published in Emerging infectious diseases (01-05-2001)Get full text
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Testing Models of Optimal Diet Assembly by the Generalist Herbivorous Lizard Cnemidophorus Murinus
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-06-1992)“…The diet of the predominantly herbivorous Bonaire Island whiptail lizard (Teiidae: Cnemidophorus murinus) was examined to assess three models of diet selection…”
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