Search Results - "DeWald, Laura E."
Will “Tall Oaks from Little Acorns Grow”? White Oak (Quercus alba) Biology in the Anthropocene
Published in Forests (01-02-2024)“…Quercus alba L., also known as white oak, eastern white oak, or American white oak, is a quintessential North American species within the white oak section…”
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Conserving genetic diversity in ecological restoration: a case study with ponderosa pine in northern Arizona, USA
Published in New forests (01-03-2017)“…Our study used allozyme analyses to evaluate potential impacts of ecological restoration treatments on genetic diversity of ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa…”
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The germination ecology of Helonias bullata L. (swamp pink) with respect to dry, saturated, and flooded conditions
Published in Aquatic botany (01-08-2016)“…•Germination significantly decreased with longer exposure to dry conditions.•Helonias seeds germinated within 10–30days in saturated and flooded…”
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Mycorrhizae and soil phosphorus affect growth of Celastrus orbiculatus
Published in Biological invasions (01-10-2011)“…Celastrus orbiculatus is an exotic liana that exploits disturbed areas in the eastern United States and once established, can invade into relatively…”
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Comparisons of arthropod and avian assemblages in insecticide-treated and untreated eastern hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis [L.] Carr) stands in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA
Published in Forest ecology and management (30-07-2010)“…Great Smoky Mountains National Park is using systemic imidacloprid to treat eastern hemlocks ( Tsuga canadensis [L.] Carr.) infested with the exotic insect,…”
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Physiological and Growth Responses of Riparian Sedge Transplants to Groundwater Depth
Published in International journal of plant sciences (01-11-2002)“…Understanding of the influence of groundwater depth on the physiology and growth of transplanted sedges is needed to improve revegetation efforts in degraded…”
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Relationships between Pinus ponderosa forest structure, light characteristics, and understory graminoid species presence and abundance
Published in Forest ecology and management (06-12-1999)“…Productivity of graminoid species is known to vary in response to different Pinus ponderosa densities. Specific forest structural characteristics related to…”
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Genetic Variation in Ecophysiological and Survival Responses to Drought in Two Native Grasses: Koeleria macrantha and Elymus elymoides
Published in Western North American naturalist (01-04-2011)“…Genetic variation in ecophysiological and survival responses to drought was studied in 2 northern Arizona native grass species, Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.)…”
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Changes in whole-tree water relations during ontogeny of Pinus flexilis and Pinus ponderosa in a high-elevation meadow
Published in Tree physiology (01-07-2002)“…We measured sap flux in Pinus ponderosa Laws. and Pinus flexilis James trees in a high-elevation meadow in northern Arizona that has been invaded by conifers…”
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Transplanting Sedges (Carex spp.) in Southwestern Riparian Meadows
Published in Restoration ecology (01-06-2003)“…The success of revegetation efforts in southwestern U.S. riparian meadows has been limited because natural recolonization is often poor and little is known…”
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Using differences in abiotic factors between seed origin and common garden sites to predict performance of Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii Pursh)
Published in Forest ecology and management (01-10-2021)“…•Transfer distance and frost-free period correlate to madrone growth and mortality.•Summer precipitation is only in best models of mortality at driest or…”
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Vegetation diversity in an interconnected ephemeral riparian system of north-central Arizona, USA
Published in Biological conservation (01-10-1999)“…A vegetation survey was conducted in the Pumphouse Wash canyon system, south of Flagstaff, Arizona. Plant species distribution, abundance, and diversity were…”
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The role of forest genetics in managing ecosystems
Published in Journal of forestry (01-04-1997)“…Genetic considerations, once considered important in the management of forests for production, are given less attention under ecosystem management. Genetics…”
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Paving the Way from School to Work: Core Graduate Education at Northern Arizona University
Published in Journal of forestry (01-09-2001)“…The School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University requires three courses that provide all graduate students with a core education. The research development…”
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