Search Results - "DePaoli, F"
Cytoreductive surgery plus HIPEC in the management of peritoneal carcinomatosis: Personal experience
Published in European journal of surgical oncology (01-10-2012)Get full text
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Dependability in peer-to-peer systems
Published in IEEE internet computing (01-07-2004)“…Server-centric architectures such as the Web's suffer from well-known problems related to application size and increasing user requests. Peer-to-peer systems…”
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“No ink on Ductal Carcinoma in situ? ” A single Center experience
Published in European journal of surgical oncology (01-02-2019)Get full text
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Mechanisms to support situated agent systems
Published in Proceedings ISCC 2002 Seventh International Symposium on Computers and Communications (2002)“…To address the development of complex systems, the definition of novel models that capture their nature and provide developers with abstractions and…”
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Toward an open and collaborative Internet
Published in Proceedings Eighth IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems. FTDCS 2001 (2001)“…The diffusion of Internet has opened a new era in the development of distributed systems. Today almost every application is developed on the Web. These…”
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Cooperative systems configuration in CSDL
Published in 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (1994)“…The aim of a cooperative system is to coordinate and support group activities. CSDL (Cooperative Systems Design Language) is an experimental language designed…”
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Development of a collaborative application in CSDL
Published in [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (1993)“…Cooperative system programming deals with four topics: multiuser interfaces, coordination, shared workspace, and networking control. The goal of CSDL…”
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Analysis of mandibular dose distribution in radiotherapy for oropharyngeal cancer: dosimetric and clinical results in 18 patients
Published in Radiotherapy and oncology (01-01-2003)“…The relationship between the radiation dose and the risk of the osteoradionecrosis is well known. However, the dose to the mandible is not routinely assessed…”
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Surgical treatment of laryngeal carcinoma with subglottis involvement
Published in Oncology reports (01-01-2001)“…Primary cancers arising in the subglottic region are rare and are characterized by a long asymptomatic phase. More frequently the subglottis is reached by…”
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On the complementary nature of event-driven and time-driven models
Published in Control engineering practice (01-06-1996)“…Event-driven and time-driven models exhibit a complementary nature, in the sense that they reflect the nature of the contrasting requirements that any…”
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Learning Curve for Translaryngeal Tracheotomy in Head and Neck Surgery
Published in The Laryngoscope (01-04-2001)“…Objectives Translaryngeal tracheotomy (TLT) is a widely accepted procedure in intensive‐care units for its simplicity of execution, low morbidity, rapid wound…”
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Papillary carcinoma in thyroglossal duct remnants: presentation of four cases and decision procedure for prophylactic thyroid gland dissection
Published in Oncology reports (01-11-2000)“…Papillary carcinoma in thyroglossal duct remnants is a rare and usually unexpected finding. It is controversial whether or not prophylactic thyroid gland…”
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CSDL: a language for cooperative systems design
Published in IEEE transactions on software engineering (01-08-1994)“…The aim of a cooperative system is to coordinate and support group activities. Cooperative Systems Design Language (CSDL) is an experimental language designed…”
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HyperReal: A modular control architecture for HRT systems
Published in Journal of systems architecture (15-12-1996)“…This paper describes the basic ideas of the HyperReal project. It is centered on the definition of architectural abstractions to design modular RT systems…”
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Software specialization via symbolic execution
Published in IEEE transactions on software engineering (01-09-1991)“…A technique and an environment-supporting specialization of generalized software components are described. The technique is based on symbolic execution. It…”
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Requirements for a layered software architecture supporting cooperative multi-user interaction
Published in Proceedings of IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Engineering (1996)“…Layered interactive systems lend themselves to be adapted for cooperation if inter-layer communication is charged to separated connectors. Point-to-point…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Coordinator: a basic building block for multimedia conferencing systems
Published in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM '91: Countdown to the New Millennium. Conference Record (1991)“…An architectural model that allows the construction of multimedia conferencing environments on the basis of a set of basic building blocks is defined. A…”
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Genetic heterogeneity in uveitis
Published in Disease markers (01-10-1986)“…Eighty-nine unrelated patients with ocular inflammation (uveitis) were investigated for the HLA class I and class II genetic markers, We subdivided our…”
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Extending software complexity metrics to concurrent programs
Published in Proceedings., Fourteenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (1990)“…A metric for concurrent software is proposed based on an abstract model (Petri nets) as an extension of T.J. McCabe's (1976) cyclomatic number. As such, its…”
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Immunogenetic heterogeneity of uveal melanoma
Published in Cancer detection and prevention (1988)“…Investigations have been performed to identify genetic markers in uveal melanoma (UM) patients. The immunogenetic heterogeneity of the histologically different…”
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