Search Results - "De Pollak, C"
Tissue-engineered bone regeneration
Published in Nature biotechnology (01-09-2000)“…Bone lesions above a critical size become scarred rather than regenerated, leading to nonunion. We have attempted to obtain a greater degree of regeneration by…”
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Increased proliferation of osteoblastic cells expressing the activating Gs alpha mutation in monostotic and polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Published in The American journal of pathology (01-03-1997)“…We studied the osteoblastic abnormalities resulting from activating mutation of the Gs alpha gene in two patients with McCune-Albright syndrome and one patient…”
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Osteogenesis with coral is increased by BMP and BMC in a rat cranioplasty
Published in Biomaterials (01-10-1999)“…Autologous bone marrow cells (BMC), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and natural coral exoskeleton (CC) were used to enhance the repair of large skull bone…”
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An uncoupling agent containing strontium prevents bone loss by depressing bone resorption and maintaining bone formation in estrogen‐deficient rats
Published in Journal of bone and mineral research (01-05-1993)“…Trabecular bone loss in estrogen deficiency is associated with enhanced bone resorption with a smaller increase in bone formation. We previously reported that…”
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An Uncoupling Agent Containing Strontium Prevents Bone Loss by Depressing Bone Resorption and Maintaining Bone Formation in Estrogen‐Deficient Rats
Published in Journal of bone and mineral research (01-06-2005)“…Trabecular bone loss in estrogen deficiency is associated with enhanced bone resorption with a smaller increase in bone formation. We previously reported that…”
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Age-related changes in bone formation, osteoblastic cell proliferation, and differentiation during postnatal osteogenesis in human calvaria
Published in Journal of cellular biochemistry (01-01-1997)“…We have determined the age‐related changes in the growth characteristics and expression of the osteoblast phenotype in human calvaria osteoblastic cells in…”
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Short-term effects of organic silicon on trabecular bone in mature ovariectomized rats
Published in Calcified tissue international (01-09-1993)“…Silicon is known to ensure an essential role in the formation of cross-links between collagen and proteoglycans during bone growth. In this study, we have…”
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Secretory Products of Breast Cancer Cells Specifically Affect Human Osteoblastic Cells: Partial Characterization of Active Factors
Published in Journal of bone and mineral research (01-04-1997)“…The pathogenesis of tumor‐induced osteolysis (TIO) following breast cancer metastases in bone remains unclear. We postulated that osteoblasts could be target…”
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Expression of parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) and PTH/PTHrP receptor in newborn human calvaria osteoblastic cells
Published in European journal of endocrinology (01-06-1997)“…Abstract We examined the expression of parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) and its receptor in normal newborn human calvaria osteoblastic (NHCO) cells…”
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Osteopontin is associated with bioprosthetic heart valve calcification in humans
Published in Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, Série III, Sciences de la vie (01-01-1997)“…Calcification of non-osseous tissues such as heart valves or vessels is a major concern in clinical practice. The exact mechanism is still unknown. Numerous…”
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