Search Results - "De Pablo Valenciano, Jaime"
A bibliometric review of cryptocurrencies: how have they grown?
Published in Financial innovation (Heidelberg) (01-01-2022)“…With the development of new technologies, some concepts become relevant in the economic area, as is the case with cryptocurrencies, in general, or Bitcoin and…”
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Local government efficiency: reviewing determinants and setting new trends
Published in International transactions in operational research (01-09-2022)“…This paper has reviewed the international literature on the explaining factors of efficiency of local governments from 1990 to June 2019. The main objective of…”
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Worldwide trends in the scientific production on rural depopulation, a bibliometric analysis using bibliometrix R-tool
Published in Land use policy (01-09-2020)“…•There is evidence that rural depopulation could be an emerging field of research.•One of the major areas of investigation is related to ecological issues.•The…”
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Worldwide Research on Circular Economy and Environment: A Bibliometric Analysis
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (29-11-2018)“…The relevance of circular economy to environmental science has led to a notable increase of research works during the last few years. It is very important to…”
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Mapping green infrastructure and socioeconomic indicators as a public management tool: the case of the municipalities of Andalusia (Spain)
Published in Environmental sciences Europe (2020)“…Background Green Infrastructure (GI) is defined as a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural spaces that provide society, in both rural and…”
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Analysis and Trends of Global Research on Nautical, Maritime and Marine Tourism
Published in Journal of marine science and engineering (01-01-2021)“…Tourism related to the sea and boating activities is becoming increasingly popular and revolves around a range of leisure, water sports, nautical or other…”
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Renewable Energies and Blue Economy: New Trends in Global Research
Published in Energies (Basel) (01-05-2023)“…In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the blue economy and its economic and environmental benefits. Renewable energies are an alternative to…”
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Forests’ First Decade: A Bibliometric Analysis Overview
Published in Forests (01-01-2019)“…Forests is a Swiss open access journal in the field of forestry and forest ecology founded in 2010. Currently, the journal celebrates its 10th anniversary…”
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A Look at the Past, Present and Future Research Trends of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
Published in Agronomy (Basel) (01-11-2020)“…Technification in agriculture has resulted in the inclusion of more efficient companies that have evolved into a more complex sector focused on production and…”
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Auxiliary Companies of the Horticultural Sector as a Competitiveness Element: The Case of Almeria (Spain)
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (18-07-2019)“…The horticultural model of Almeria (Spain) based on the operation of greenhouses is an international reference and has been considered as an economic miracle…”
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The Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Andalusia (Spain): Key in Terms of Linkages and the Effect of Economic Multipliers?
Published in SAGE open (01-07-2023)“…The agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishing sectors are very important in Andalusia (Spain), being strongly focused on foreign markets, which has…”
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Impact of blue economy sectors using causality, correlation and panel data models
Published in Frontiers in Marine Science (27-01-2023)“…IntroductionBlue economics research is a research field that is achieving more and more interest among international scientists. This study adds more knowledge…”
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The Circular Economy as an Axis of Agricultural and Rural Development: The Case of the Municipality of Almócita (Almería, Spain)
Published in Agronomy (Basel) (01-07-2022)“…In recent years, the concept of the circular economy has been gaining relevance and its importance has grown both in academia and in rural municipalities in…”
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Rural Development from a Gender Perspective: The Case of Women Farmers in Southern Spain
Published in Land (Basel) (01-01-2021)“…This article analyses the contribution to local development by women workers in the fruit- and vegetable-handling sector in Almería (Spain) over the last five…”
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The Misericórdias as Social Economy Entities in Portugal and Spain
Published in Religions (Basel, Switzerland ) (01-04-2020)“…Las Santas Casas de Misericórdias (The Holy Houses of Mercy) are institutions of Portuguese origin that emerged in the late fifteenth century and that, over…”
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Las Ciencias Sociales, ese gran abanico
Published in Revista de ciencias sociales (Maracaibo, Venezuela) (01-01-2023)Get full text
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Determination of the price in the fresh fruit market: case of pears
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (01-06-2020)“…This document aims to evaluate the determinants of the price of pears in the international fresh fruit market, from an innovative vision in a complex world…”
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Analysis of Spain´s competitiveness in the European tomato market: An application of the Constant Market Share method
Published in Spanish journal of agricultural research : SJAR (21-12-2017)“…This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the competitiveness of Spanish tomato export compared with its major competitors in the European Union market…”
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Ibero-American Research on Local Development. An Analysis of Its Evolution and New Trends
Published in Resources (Basel) (01-09-2019)“…Local development is a subject that arouses significant interest in the international scientific community in general, and in the Ibero-American one, in…”
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