Search Results - "De Oliveira, André Luis"
Durability of Concrete After Fire Through Accelerated Carbonation Tests
Published in Materials research (São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil) (01-01-2019)“…Degradation of mechanical properties and durability of reinforced concrete structures occur when they are subjected to fire situations, depending on the…”
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Optimization of mechanical properties in concrete reinforced with fibers from solid urban wastes (PET bottles) for the production of ecological concrete
Published in Construction & building materials (15-09-2017)“…•The volume of fibers in the concrete affects its compression resistance while the fiber length does not affect this property.•The fiber volume factor and the…”
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Rubber tree early selection for yield stability in time and among locations
Published in Euphytica (01-06-2013)“…Rubber production in the rubber tree [ Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg.] can be expressed differently in different environments. Thus…”
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Chest Radiography as a Method of Screening for Occult Cancer in Patients With Idiopathic Deep Vein Thrombosis
Published in Angiology (01-07-2012)“…The occurrence of neoplasms in patients with idiopathic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) may result in a significant reduction in survival rates. The aim of our…”
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Energy efficiency in industrial environments: an updated review and a new research agenda
Published in GeSec : Revista de Gestão e Secretariado (01-09-2023)“…Nowadays, discussions about the use of energy efficiency in industries have intensified due to the need to optimize the resources used, especially the high…”
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Bone marrow aspirate concentrate and platelet-rich fibrin in fresh extraction sockets: A histomorphometric and immunohistochemical study in humans
Published in Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery (01-02-2021)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of mineralized tissue and expression of bone markers in sockets grafted with platelet-rich fibrin and bone…”
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Methodology to Evaluate the Coastal Susceptibility to Oil Spills Originated in Large Marine Areas – Costa Norte Project
Published in Journal of coastal research (26-05-2020)“…Carvalho, G.V.; Cabral, M.M.; de Oliveira, A.L.S.C.; Garção, H.F., and Pellegrini, J.A.C., 2020. Methodology to evaluate the coastal susceptibility to oil…”
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Identidades docentes no contexto do Pibid em Biologia
Published in Ciência & educação (2021)“…Resumo: Diante da importância e necessidade de aprimoramento dos programas voltados à formação inicial de professores, esta investigação teve como objetivo…”
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Waste of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to Biodiesel Production by Enzymatic CatalysisOptimization Using Factorial Experimental Design
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (10-03-2021)“…Lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL) and immobilized in Immobead was utilized in the transesterification of Nile tilapia’s oil. The oil was obtained using…”
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Combining ability and potential of s1 popcorn progenies for early selection
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (2022)“…Evaluation of combined ability can eliminate lines that are inefficient and enable the subsequent program steps to be more successful. The objective of this…”
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Spoilage potential of spore-forming bacteria from refrigerated raw milk
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (20-09-2018)“…Aerobic bacterial spores are an important group of microorganisms in raw milk. These microbes are thermoduric, whereas the vegetative forms are thermophilic,…”
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Utilização da trilogia “Homem-Aranha” como recurso didático para o Ensino de Biologia
Published in Vitruvian Cogitationes (28-02-2024)“…O processo de alfabetização científica é de extrema importância para a formação cidadã dos estudantes que cursam o Ensino Médio. Este processo depende do…”
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Left main coronary artery aneurysm associated with anterior wall myocardial infarction
Published in Journal of cardiology cases (01-08-2011)“…Summary We report the unusual case of a 59-year-old patient who presented with ST elevation myocardial infarction associated with a left main coronary artery…”
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As concepções e os desafios dos licenciandos em ciências biológicas participantes do PIBID sobre a etapa de problematização no ensino de ciências por investigação
Published in Contexto & Educação (Impresso) (24-08-2023)“…O pensar e constituir os problemas num plano de trabalho docente ou em uma Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI) é considerado um momento essencial, pois…”
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Associations among rubber yield and secondary traits in juvenile rubber trees progeny
Published in Euphytica (01-02-2017)“…The reduction in the selection cycle for new rubber tree clones ( Hevea brasiliensis ) and the increase of rubber yield are sought continuously for crop…”
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Damage Detection in Fiber-Reinforced Foamed Urethane Composite Railway Bearers Using Acoustic Emissions
Published in Infrastructures (Basel) (21-06-2020)“…To a certain degree, composite railway sleepers and bearers have been recently employed as a replacement for conventional timber sleepers. Importantly,…”
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Published in Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (2022)“…RESUMO: No âmbito de uma dissertação de Mestrado, buscou-se estruturar compreensões sobre a Astrobiologia no contexto do ensino de ciências no Brasil, diante a…”
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Genetic variability and predicted genetic gains for yield and laticifer system traits of rubber tree families
Published in Euphytica (01-05-2015)“…The present study aimed to estimate genetic parameters in order to assess heritability, predict genetic gains, and establish genetic and phenotypic…”
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Futebol e a construção da imagem de treinadores pela mídia: um estudo a partir das notícias de um site de grande visitação na web
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (01-07-2014)“…A relação entre esporte e mídia é indissociável nos dias de hoje. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar o número de notícias sobre o futebol…”
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“Segundo as leis da beleza”: evolução e elevação em um soneto de Antero de Quental
Published in Inter litteras : revista de la Sección de Literatura en Lenguas Extranjeras (01-10-2021)“…Neste artigo, analisamos o soneto “Evolução” (1886), do poeta português Antero de Quental, considerando o momento de sua produção, quando o tema da evolução…”
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