Search Results - "De Koeijer, Aline A."
Spatial transmission risk during the 2007-2010 Q fever epidemic in The Netherlands: Analysis of the farm-to-farm and farm-to-resident transmission
Published in PloS one (04-02-2020)“…Between 2007 and 2010 a Q fever epidemic in Dutch dairy goat farms caused a large Q fever outbreak in human residents in the southern part of the Netherlands…”
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Assessing the introduction risk of vector-borne animal diseases for the Netherlands using MINTRISK: A Model for INTegrated RISK assessment
Published in PloS one (02-11-2021)“…To evaluate and compare the risk of emerging vector-borne diseases (VBDs), a Model for INTegrated RISK assessment, MINTRISK, was developed to assess the…”
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A systematic knowledge synthesis on the spatial dimensions of Q fever epidemics
Published in Zoonoses and public health (01-02-2019)“…From 2007 through 2010, the Netherlands experienced the largest Q fever epidemic ever reported. This study integrates the outcomes of a multidisciplinary…”
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Effectiveness and Efficiency of Controlling Campylobacter on Broiler Chicken Meat
Published in Risk analysis (01-08-2007)“…Campylobacter bacteria are an important cause of foodborne infections. We estimated the potential costs and benefits of a large number of possible…”
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Cross-Validation of Generic Risk Assessment Tools for Animal Disease Incursion Based on a Case Study for African Swine Fever
Published in Frontiers in veterinary science (18-02-2020)“…In recent years, several generic risk assessment (RA) tools have been developed that can be applied to assess the incursion risk of multiple infectious animal…”
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Quantitative analysis of transmission parameters for bluetongue virus serotype 8 in Western Europe in 2006
Published in Veterinary research (Paris) (24-03-2011)“…The recent bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) epidemic in Western Europe struck hard. Controlling the infection was difficult and a good and safe vaccine was…”
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Financial Evaluation of Different Vaccination Strategies for Controlling the Bluetongue Virus Serotype 8 Epidemic in the Netherlands in 2008
Published in PloS one (04-05-2011)“…Bluetongue (BT) is a vector-borne disease of ruminants caused by bluetongue virus that is transmitted by biting midges (Culicoides spp.). In 2006, the…”
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transmission potential of Rift Valley fever virus among livestock in the Netherlands: a modelling study
Published in Veterinary research (Paris) (22-07-2013)“…Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a zoonotic vector-borne infection and causes a potentially severe disease. Many mammals are susceptible to infection…”
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Confirmation of spatial patterns and temperature effects in Bluetongue virus serotype-8 transmission in NW-Europe from the 2007 reported case data
Published in Veterinary research (Paris) (09-08-2014)“…Two separate analyses were carried out to understand the epidemiology of Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) in 2007 in North West Europe: First, the temporal…”
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Analyzing BSE Transmission to Quantify Regional Risk
Published in Risk analysis (01-10-2007)“…As a result of consumer fears and political concerns related to BSE as a risk to human health, a need has arisen recently for more sensitive methods to detect…”
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Assessing Interventions to Reduce the Risk of Campylobacter Prevalence in Broilers
Published in Risk analysis (01-08-2007)“…As part of a comprehensive risk assessment on the Campylobacter prevalence in the chicken production chain (from young born chicken till chicken fillet) in the…”
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Quantitative Risk Assessment for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in Low- or Zero-Prevalence Countries: The Example of Norway
Published in Risk analysis (01-10-2007)“…A predictive case‐cohort model is applied to Norwegian data to analyze the interaction between challenge and stability factors for bovine spongiform…”
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Assessing the introduction risk of vector-borne animal diseases for the Netherlands using MINTRISK: A Model for INTegrated RISK assessment
Published in PloS one (01-01-2021)“…To evaluate and compare the risk of emerging vector-borne diseases (VBDs), a Model for INTegrated RISK assessment, MINTRISK, was developed to assess the…”
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The Future of BSE Risk Assessments
Published in Risk analysis (01-10-2007)Get full text
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Cost-Utility Analysis to Control Campylobacter on Chicken Meat--Dealing with Data Limitations
Published in Risk analysis (01-08-2007)“…The current article describes the economic evaluation of interventions to control Campylobacter on chicken meat by means of a cost-utility analysis. Apart from…”
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Special Issue on Campylobacter Risk Management and Assessment (CARMA): Assessing Interventions to Reduce the Risk of Campylobacter Prevalence in Broilers
Published in Risk analysis (01-08-2007)“…As part of a comprehensive risk assessment on the Campylobacter prevalence in the chicken production chain (from young born chicken till chicken fillet) in the…”
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Special Issue on Campylobacter Risk Management and Assessment (CARMA): Effectiveness and Efficiency of Controlling Campylobacter on Broiler Chicken Meat
Published in Risk analysis (01-08-2007)“…Campylobacter bacteria are an important cause of foodborne infections. We estimated the potential costs and benefits of a large number of possible…”
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Effectiveness and Efficiency of Controlling Campylobacter on Broiler Chicken Meat
Published in Risk analysis (10-11-2006)Get full text
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