Search Results - "Davisson, M"
Stable isotope signatures of hydration water in secondary mineralization on UO2
Published in Talanta (Oxford) (01-05-2021)“…Hydrated secondary mineralization readily forms on the surface of UO2 particles exposed to humidity in an oxidizing environment. The oxygen stable isotope…”
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Water vapor exposure chamber for constant humidity and hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope composition
Published in Rapid communications in mass spectrometry (15-01-2019)“…Rationale Water vapor exposure experiments have applications for studying water physisorption and chemisorption hydration and hydroxylation reactions on a wide…”
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Two mouse retinal degenerations caused by missense mutations in the β-subunit of rod cGMP phosphodiesterase gene
Published in Vision research (Oxford) (01-03-2007)“…We report the chromosomal localization, mutant gene identification, ophthalmic appearance, histology, and functional analysis of two new hereditary mouse…”
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Retinal degeneration mutants in the mouse
Published in Vision research (Oxford) (01-02-2002)“…The Jackson Laboratory, having the world's largest collection of mouse mutant stocks and genetically diverse inbred strains, is an ideal place to look for…”
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Identifying sources of dissolved organic carbon in agriculturally dominated rivers using radiocarbon age dating: Sacramento-San Joaquín River Basin, California
Published in Biogeochemistry (01-07-2010)“…We used radiocarbon measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to resolve sources of riverine carbon within agriculturally dominated landscapes in…”
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Relative impact of H2O and O2 in the oxidation of UO2 powders from 50 to 300 °C
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-12-2017)“…The reaction of water and molecular oxygen with stoichiometric uranium dioxide (i.e. UO2) powder at elevated temperature was studied by high-resolution x-ray…”
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Understanding the source of water for selected springs within Mojave Trails National Monument, California
Published in Environmental forensics (03-04-2018)“…While water sources that sustain many of the springs in the Mojave Desert have been poorly understood, the desert ecosystem can be highly dependent on such…”
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Correlated SEM, FIB-SEM, TEM, and NanoSIMS imaging of microbes from the hindgut of a lower termite: methods for in situ functional and ecological studies of uncultivable microbes
Published in Microscopy and microanalysis (01-12-2013)“…The hindguts of lower termites harbor highly diverse, endemic communities of symbiotic protists, bacteria, and archaea essential to the termite's ability to…”
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Testing the Established Hydrogeologic Model of Source Water to the Amargosa River Basin, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
Published in Environmental forensics (02-10-2015)“…The current conceptual hydrogeologic model established for source water to the Amargosa River was tested in order to help inform management decisions regarding…”
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Motor dysfunction in a mouse model for Down syndrome
Published in Physiology & behavior (01-12-1999)“…Motor deficits are among the most frequently occurring features of Down syndrome (DS). Individuals with DS exhibit disturbances in the dynamics of movement…”
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A multi-isotope (B, Sr, O, H, and C) and age dating (3H–3He and 14C) study of groundwater from Salinas Valley, California: Hydrochemistry, dynamics, and contamination processes
Published in Water resources research (01-01-2002)“…The chemical and isotope (11B/10B, 87Sr/86Sr, 18O/16O, 2H/H, 13C/12C, 14C, and 3He/3H) compositions of groundwater from the upper aquifer system of the Salinas…”
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Genetic variation among 129 substrains and its importance for targeted mutagenesis in mice
Published in Nature genetics (01-05-1997)“…Targeted mutagenesis in mice, a powerful tool for the analysis of gene function and human disease, makes extensive use of 129 mouse substrains. Although all…”
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Detailed HCCI Exhaust Speciation and the Sources of Hydrocarbon and Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Emissions
Published in SAE International journal of fuels and lubricants (01-01-2009)“…Detailed exhaust speciation measurements were made on an HCCI engine fueled with iso-octane over a range of fueling rates, and over a range of…”
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Recharge and Flow in the Medicine Lake Volcano-Fall River Springs Groundwater Basin, California
Published in Environmental forensics (02-01-2014)“…Isotopic measurements of the 34 m 3 /s discharge from the Fall River Springs of northern California indicate recharge from 50 km upgradient in high elevation…”
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A mouse model for Down syndrome exhibits learning and behaviour deficits
Published in Nature genetics (01-10-1995)“…Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome (DS) is the most frequent genetic cause of mental retardation, affecting one in 800 live born human beings. Mice with segmental…”
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NaCaCl relations in basinal fluids
Published in Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (01-08-1996)“…A new mathematical transformation of Na, Ca, and Cl concentrations in numerous basinal fluids around the world produces a linear slope of unity between the…”
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Mouse models of ocular diseases
Published in Visual neuroscience (01-09-2005)“…The Jackson Laboratory, having the world's largest collection of mouse mutant stocks and genetically diverse inbred strains, is an ideal place to discover…”
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Investigating the affinities and persistence of VX nerve agent in environmental matrices
Published in Chemosphere (Oxford) (01-12-2004)“…Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine environmental variables that affect the affinities and persistence of the nerve agent O-ethyl…”
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Geochemical imaging of flow near an artificial recharge facility, Orange County, California
Published in Ground water (01-03-2004)“…Critical for the management of artificial recharge operations is detailed knowledge of ground water dynamics near spreading areas. Geochemical tracer…”
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Interacting loci cause severe iris atrophy and glaucoma in DBA/2J mice
Published in Nature genetics (01-04-1999)“…Glaucomas are a major cause of blindness. Visual loss typically involves retinal ganglion cell death and optic nerve atrophy subsequent to a pathologic…”
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