Search Results - "Daudo, F"

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    The fluorescence detector prototype for the Auger project: optical system by Borreani, G., Cartiglia, N., Cester, R., Daudo, F., de Capoa, A., Marchetto, F., Maurizio, D., Menichetti, E., Pastrone, N.

    “…We present the characteristics and performance of the optical system for the fluorescence detector prototype of the Pierre Auger Project. The system adopts a…”
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    The fluorescence detector prototype for the Auger project: mechanical structure, optical system, and filter by Borreani, G., Cartiglia, N., Cester, R., Daudo, F., de Capoa, A., de Oliveira, M.A.L., Marchetto, F., Maurizio, D., Pastrone, N.

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-06-2001)
    “…The Pierre Auger Observatory will study cosmic rays with energy exceeding 10/sup 19/ eV. The experiment will measure properties of extensive air showers with a…”
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  4. 4

    The threshold gas Cherenkov counter of charmonium experiment 835 at Fermilab by Bagnasco, S., Borreani, G., Bertini, F., Ceccucci, A., Cester, R., Dughera, G., Daudo, F., Giraudo, G., Marchetto, F., Pastrone, N., Roccuzzo, B.

    “…A threshold gas Cherenkov counter is used in Fermilab experiment 835 to tag electrons from the decay of charmonium states. It is an improved version of the…”
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    The design and construction of the BaBar silicon vertex tracker by Bozzi, C., Carassiti, V., Ramusino, A.Cotta, Dittongo, S., Piemontese, L., Abbott, B.K., Clark, A.R., Dow, S., Goozen, F., Hernikl, C., Karcher, A., Kerth, L.T., Lynch, G., Levi, M., Pedrali-Noy, M., Zizka, G., Roberts, D., Barni, D., Brenna, E., Defendi, I., Forti, A., Giugni, D., Lanni, F., Palombo, F., Leona, A., Mandelli, E., Manfredi, P.F., Perazzo, A., Re, V., Angelini, C., Batignani, G., Bettarini, S., Bondioli, M., Bosi, F., Calderini, G., Carpinelli, M., Dutra, F., Forti, F., Giorgi, M.A., Lusiani, A., Mammini, P., Morganti, M., Morsani, F., Paoloni, E., Profeti, A., Rama, M., Rampino, G., Rizzo, G., Sandrelli, F., Simi, G., Triggiani, G., Vitale, R., Burchat, P., Cheng, C., Meyer, T., Roat, C., Bona, M., Bianchi, F., Girolamo, B.Di, Gamba, D., Giraudo, G., Trapani, P., Bosisio, L., Ricca, G.Della, Lanceri, L., Pompili, A., Poropat, P., Rastelli, C., Vallazza, E., Vuagnin, G., Potter, E.P., Burke, S., Callahan, D., Campagnari, C., Hall, K., Hart, P., Kyre, S., Levy, S., Long, O., May, J., Witherell, M., Frey, A., Grothe, M., Johnson, R., Kroeger, W., Lockman, W., Pulliam, T., Rowe, W., Schmitz, R., Seiden, A., Spencer, E., Turri, M., Wilder, M., Charles, E., Elmer, P., Nielsen, J., Orejudos, W., Scott, I., Walsh, J., Zobernig, H.

    “…The Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) of the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric B factory consists of five layers of double-sided, AC-coupled silicon strip…”
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  7. 7

    The BaBar silicon vertex tracker by Bozzi, C, Carassiti, V, Ramusino, A.Cotta, Dittongo, S, Folegani, M, Piemontese, L, Breon, A.B, Clark, A.R, Dow, S, Fan, Q, Hernikl, C, Karcher, A, Kerth, L.T, Kipnis, I, Kluth, S, Lynch, G, Levi, M, Luft, P, Zizka, G, Roberts, D, Brenna, E, Defendi, I, Giugni, D, Vaniev, V, Mandelli, E, Manfredi, P.F, Perazzo, A, Re, V, Batignani, G, Bettarini, S, Bosi, F, Calderini, G, Carpinelli, M, Forti, F, Gagliardi, D, Giorgi, M.A, Lusiani, A, Morganti, M, Morsani, F, Paoloni, E, Rama, M, Rizzo, G, Simi, G, Triggiani, G, Tritto, S, Vitale, R, Burchat, P, Cheng, C, Kirkby, D, Meyer, T, Bona, M, Bianchi, F, Daudo, F, Girolamo, B.Di, Giraudo, G, Grosso, P, Romero, A, Smol, A, Trapani, P, Zanin, D, Bosisio, L, Ricca, G.Della, Lanceri, L, Pompili, A, Poropat, P, Vallazza, E, Vuagnin, G, Potter, E.P, Sharma, V, Callahan, D, Campagnari, C, Dahmes, B, Eppich, A, Hale, D, Hart, P, Kyre, S, Levy, S, Long, O, May, J, Richman, J, Verkerke, W, Witherell, M, Beringer, J, Eisner, A.M, Frey, A, Grothe, M, Kroeger, W, Lockman, W, Pulliam, T, Rowe, W, Schmitz, R, Seiden, A, Spencer, E, Turri, M, Wilder, M, Elmer, P, Nielsen, J, Orejudos, W, Scott, I, Zobernig, H

    “…The BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) is designed to provide the high-precision vertexing necessary for making measurements of CP violation at the SLAC…”
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  8. 8

    First-year experience with the BaBar silicon vertex tracker by Bozzi, C, Carassiti, V, Cotta Ramusino, A, Dittongo, S, Folegani, M, Piemontese, L, Breon, A.B, Clark, A.R, Dow, S, Fan, Q, Hernikl, C, Karcher, A, Kerth, L.T, Kipnis, I, Kluth, S, Lynch, G, Levi, M, Luft, P, Pedrali-Noy, M, Zizka, G, Roberts, D, Barni, D, Brenna, E, Defendi, I, Forti, A, Giugni, D, Lanni, F, Vaniev, V, Leona, A, Mandelli, E, Manfredi, P.F, Perazzo, A, Re, V, Batignani, G, Bondioli, M, Bosi, F, Calderini, G, Carpinelli, M, Forti, F, Gagliardi, D, Giorgi, M.A, Lusiani, A, Morganti, M, Morsani, F, Neri, N, Paoloni, E, Profeti, A, Rama, M, Rampino, G, Rizzo, G, Sandrelli, F, Simi, G, Triggiani, G, Tritto, S, Vitale, R, Burchat, P, Cheng, C, Kirkby, D, Daudo, F, Di Girolamo, B, Gamba, D, Giraudo, G, Trapani, P, Bosisio, L, Rashevskaia, I, Pompili, A, Prest, M, Rastelli, C, Vallazza, E, Vuagnin, G, Potter, E.P, Sharma, V, Burke, S, Campagnari, C, Dahmes, B, Hall, K, Hart, P, Kuznetsova, N, Kyre, S, Levy, S, Richman, J, Verkerke, W, Witherell, M, Beringer, J, Eisner, A.M, Frey, A, Grillo, A, Grothe, M, Kroeger, W, Pulliam, T, Schmitz, R, Seiden, A, Spencer, E, Walkowiak, W, Wilder, M, Charles, E, Elmer, P, Nielsen, J, Orejudos, W, Scott, I

    “…Within its first year of operation, the BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) has accomplished its primary design goal, measuring the z vertex coordinate with…”
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  9. 9

    The BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker by Bozzi, C., Ramusino, A.Cotta, Dittongo, S., Folegani, M., Piemontese, L., Breon, A.B., Clark, A.R., Dow, S., Fan, Q., Goozen, F., Hernikl, C., Kerth, L.T., Kipnis, I., Kluth, S., Lynch, G., Levi, M., Luft, P., Pedrali-Noy, M., Roe, N.A., Zizka, G., Roberts, D., Schieck, J., Barni, D., Forti, A., Giugni, D., Lanni, F., Palombo, F., Leona, A., Mandelli, E., Manfredi, P.F., Perazzo, A., Re, V., Angelini, C., Bettarini, S., Bondioli, M., Bosi, F., Calderini, G., Carpinelli, M., Forti, F., Gagliardi, D., Giorgi, M.A., Lusiani, A., Mammini, P., Morganti, M., Paoloni, E., Profeti, A., Rama, M., Rampino, G., Rizzo, G., Sandrelli, F., Triggiani, G., Tritto, S., Vitale, R., Burchat, P., Kirkby, D., Meyer, T., Roat, C., Bianchi, F., Daudo, F., Girolamo, B.Di, Romero, A., Smol, A., Trapani, P., Bosisio, L., Ricca, G.Della, Lanceri, L., Pompili, A., Prest, M., Vallazza, E., Vuagnin, G., Sharma, V., Campagnari, C., Eppich, A., Hale, D., Hall, K., Hart, P., Kuznetsova, N., Kyre, S., Long, O., Richman, J., Verkerke, W., Witherell, M., Beringer, J., Eisner, A.M., Grillo, A., Grothe, M., Johnson, R., Kroeger, W., Lockman, W., Pulliam, T., Schmitz, R., Seiden, A., Spencer, E., Turri, M., Wilder, M., Charles, E., Elmer, P., Orejudos, W., Scott, I., Zobernig, H.

    “…The BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) is a five layer device, made from double-sided silicon strip detectors and read out via a custom time-over-threshold…”
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  10. 10

    The BaBar silicon vertex tracker by Bozzi, C., Carassiti, V., Ramusino, A.Cotta, Dittongo, S., Folegani, M., Piemontese, L., Abbott, B.K., Breon, A.B., Dow, S., Goozen, F., Hernikl, C., Karcher, A., Kerth, L.T., Luft, P., Luo, L., Nyman, M., Pedrali-Noy, M., Roe, N.A., Zizka, G., Forti, A., Giugni, D., Lanni, F., Vaniev, V., Mandelli, E., Manfredi, P., Perazzo, A., Re, V., Angelini, C., Batignani, G., Bettarini, S., Bondioli, M., Bosi, F., Calderini, G., Carpinelli, M., Dutra, F., Giorgi, M., Lusiani, A., Morganti, M., Morsani, F., Rama, M., Rizzo, G., Triggiani, G., Vitale, R., Burchat, P., Meyer, T., Roat, C., Bianchi, F., Daudo, F., Gamba, D., Giraudo, G., Grosso, P., Romero, A., Smol, A., Trapani, P., Zanin, D., Bosisio, L., Ricca, G.Della, Lanceri, L., Pompili, A., Poropat, P., Prest, M., Rastelli, C., Vallazza, E., Vuagnin, G., Hast, C., Potter, E.P., Sharma, V., Burke, S., Callahan, D., Campagnari, C., Dahmes, B., Eppich, A., Hall, K., Hart, P., Kuznetsova, N., Kyre, S., Levy, S., Long, O., May, J., Richman, J., Roberts, D., Witherell, M., Beringer, J., Eisner, A., Frey, A., Grillo, A., Grothe, M., Kroeger, W., Lockman, W., Rowe, W., Seiden, A., Spencer, E., Turri, M., Wilder, M., Charles, E., Elmer, P., Orejudos, W., Scott, I., Walsh, J., Zobernig, H.

    “…The Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) for the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric B factory is a 5-layer device based on double-sided, AC-coupled silicon…”
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  11. 11

    The Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory by Abreu, P, Allekotte, I, Anchordoqui, L, Aramo, C, Argirò, S, Asch, T, Asorey, H, Barber, K. B, Barenthien, N, Bauleo, P, BenZvi, S, Berat, C, Blümer, H, Brack, J, Castellina, A, Castro, J, Chinellato, J. A, Clay, R. W, Cotti, U, Coutu, S, Covault, C. E, Cronin, J. W, de Almeida, R. M, De Donato, C, Neto, J. R. T. de Mello, de Souza, V, Fratte, C. Delle, Dutan, I, Engel, R, Fazzini, N, Filipčič, A, Fleck, I, García, B, Garcia-Pinto, D, Glass, H, Goggin, L. M, Guerard, C, Gumbsheimer, R, Healy, M. D, Hebbeker, T, Holmes, V. C, Homola, P, Hofman, G, Hörandel, J. R, Hussain, M, Jiraskova, S, Kaducak, M, Karova, T, Kemp, E, Krieger, A, Kunka, N, Kusenko, A, Lachaud, C, Lebrun, P, Letessier-Selvon, A, Lhenry-Yvon, I, Agüera, A. Lopez, Macolino, C, Maris, I. C, Martineau, O, Mathes, H. J, Matthiae, G, Mazur, P. O, McNeil, R. R, Navarro, J. L, Nellen, L, Nierstenhoefer, N, Olinto, A, Petermann, E, Petrov, Y, Pinto, T, Ponce, V. H, Pouryamout, J, Privitera, P, Ridky, J, Rodríguez-Frías, M. D, Rosado, J, Rossler, T, Santander, M, Sato, R, Schieler, H, Schoorlemmer, H, Sequieros, G, Shellard, R. C, Snow, G. R, Stutz, A, Suarez, F, Szadkowski, Z, Tarutina, T, Tridapalli, D. B, Trovato, E, Tuci, V, Tueros, M, Videla, M, Warner, D, Whelan, B. J, Wild, N, Wiencke, L, Wu, H, Ziolkowski, M

    Published 24-07-2009
    “…Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A620:227-251,2010 The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It combines a surface array to measure…”
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  12. 12

    The fluorescence detector prototype for the Auger project: mechanical structure, optical system and filter by Borreani, G., Cartiglia, N., Cester, R., Daudo, F., de Capoa, A., de Oliveira, M.A.L., Marchetto, F., Maurizio, D., Pastrone, N.

    “…The Pierre Auger Observatory will study cosmic rays with energy exceeding 10/sup 19/ eV. The experiment will measure properties of Extensive Air Showers with a…”
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    Conference Proceeding